The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 84: Eliminate the Zombies

"I'm pregnant..."

Liu Yi choked hard at this answer, and it took him a long time to catch his breath.

Seeing his expression, everyone laughed, but Zhao Gang frowned: "Not many of us have scopes here, how about you?"

The distance is so far, if you don't have a scope, you will be confused every time you want to hit the head.

Qian Xu patted his gun: "I have one!"

"That won't be easy. He and I are the only ones here!" As he said that, Zhao Gang pointed at Wei Ping.

If there are only three people, the efficiency will undoubtedly be much slower. After all, the second-level zombies are not so easy to kill.

"It just so happens that you guys are good at marksmanship, so take your time! Don't we still have four days to complete this commission? On average, it's nothing."

There is no other way but to fight like this.

Soon, everyone carefully parked their cars less than 400 meters away from the grain and oil purchasing station! Being so close, everything on the opposite side is in full view. Correspondingly, it only takes 20 seconds for those second-level agility zombies to rush over!

"Be careful."

Although it has been confirmed before that the zombies will not leave the acquisition station too far, no one dares to say that the zombies will not change.

Lin Chen also said: "Turn the front of the car over first. You should also get closer to the car, so that you can escape easily if zombies rush over."

After everything was ready, Zhao Gang, Weiping and Qian Xu got out of the car with guns in hand.

Compared with ordinary zombies and first-level zombies, second-level zombies have changed a lot and are easy to distinguish. However, when shooting at a target four hundred meters away, even if the three of them had good marksmanship and had scopes, they still had to aim again and again. After each selected a target, they quickly pulled the trigger one after another!


Intermittent gunfire sounded, and the zombies on the opposite side became restless.

Several second-level agility zombies that were hit by gunshots moved, pushing other zombies and rushing towards them. In just a few seconds, they rushed over a hundred meters.

The people responsible for driving were all on alert, and the engines were roaring, ready to speed up at any time. However, the other zombies had no intention of leaving, which made them feel a lot less stressed. Qian Xu and the other three continued to fire calmly, but under such high-speed movement, their accuracy was greatly reduced. Fortunately, every few bullets can still hit their heads - the three of them have good shooting skills, and the second-level zombies don't know how to dodge, so they basically charge straight forward!

In this case, the hit rate can still be guaranteed!

Three seconds later, the zombies rushed fifty meters again!

Even Qian Xu couldn't handle this distance. He kept a close eye on the zombies' movements and was ready to retreat to the car at any time.

Rushed forward fifty meters again!

By now, the three second-level agility zombies have crossed the 200-meter limit.

When Liu Yuhu lured them away before, none of the zombies would break through this distance. At this time, everyone in the car was a little disappointed and prepared to drive back. But at this moment, the zombie at the front suddenly slowed down and stopped hesitantly. The other two sensitive zombies seemed to hesitate, and one even turned around and ran back!

"Very good!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and cheered in lowered voices.

Seeing that the items inside the grain and oil station were more attractive to zombies than bullets, Qian Xu, Zhao Gang and Wei Ping also relaxed and began to concentrate on shooting.

The zombies who were attacked again became a lot more crazy, but when they rushed across a distance of two hundred meters, they still hesitated and did not cross the line. After going back and forth like this twice, the three of them had seized the opportunity to kill them one after another!


After the first time, the rest was much smoother.

Lin Chen and others with average marksmanship and no scopes were watching from the side. Qian Xu and the other three fired shots one after another as if they were shooting at a moving target at a sports meeting. Two hours later, the number of second-level zombies visible outside has been reduced by one-third.

"No, I'm almost exhausted!"

Maintaining high concentration for a long time made all three of them pale from exhaustion. After Weiping was the first to complain, all three of them put down their guns and came back to rest. At this time, most of the unobstructed second-level zombies outside the zombies have been wiped out, and the remaining ones are mostly those with poor shooting, which will take them longer to kill!

"It's okay, there's enough time."

Lin Chen comforted the three of them. It was useless to be impatient at this time.

"Let me try."

After watching the performances of the three of them for a long time, Gangzi was eager to give it a try. He took the gun from Wei Ping and tried to find a second-level agility zombie among the zombies. Unfortunately, the distance of four hundred meters was a bit difficult for him. Even with the help of a scope, it was still difficult for him to hit. After five shots in a row either missed or hit non-vital parts of the zombies, Wei Ping quickly grabbed the gun in distress to save him from wasting bullets.

"One more shot?"

Gangzi was still a little reluctant to let go, but seeing that Weiping refused to let go, he had no choice but to give up.

After resting for half an hour, the three started fighting again. Unfortunately, it got dark soon. In order to ensure safety, they had to temporarily evacuate here and continue fighting the next day.

Probably affected by the meteorite, there were more second-level zombies in this grain and oil purchasing station than they imagined. The three of them fought intermittently until the afternoon of the next day, and then they basically cleared away the second-level zombies. But through the telescope, Lin Chen clearly saw that the strongest second-level zombies in the circle on the edge of the crater had not yet moved!

"They won't come out, what should we do?"

The three of them couldn't hit them through the wall. In desperation, the three tried to climb up the tree with guns. However, it was too difficult to shoot from a tree, and even Qian Xu could not effectively attack the zombies on the edge of the pit. After trying repeatedly for a while, they decided to give up.

"Since they don't come out, it's fine. There are only a dozen second-level zombies. Let's kill the other zombies first."

Zhao Gang's proposal was agreed by everyone. Although there were nearly 2,000 ordinary zombies and first-level zombies left, they were not strong enough to be nothing to ten people. Later, they drove the car to a distance of 200 meters from the acquisition station. The ordinary zombies were only more than 10 meters away at the closest. The flying limbs and coagulated black blood sprinkled over a long road of more than 100 meters, but no one could rush over!

"It's disgusting."

Although she had fought zombies many times, it was the first time Shi Xuanxuan had seen such a shocking scene.

"I'm used to the disgusting feeling, but I feel like I've used too many bullets." Liu Yuhu still felt bad about the consumption this time. If the zombies weren't too close to the grain and oil purchasing station, he would even want to throw a barrel of gasoline over to burn them to ashes!

"Okay, stop talking, be careful of the second-level zombies that slip through the net!"

Zhao Gang's reminder was originally out of caution, but unfortunately, as soon as he finished speaking, a second-level force zombie appeared. It was a little shorter and was blocked by the zombies in front, so no one saw it. When they found out that something was wrong after several consecutive shots had no effect, this guy was already 30 meters away from them!

"Crow's mouth!"

Lin Chen cursed with a smile, raised his hand and threw out a cherry bomb.

Even a second-level force zombie had no ability to resist in front of such a bomb with super high range damage, and was instantly blown to pieces.

"Another such grenade, what a waste!" Zhao Gang felt very distressed.

In his opinion, a second-level force zombie could be killed with dozens of bullets. Such a powerful grenade should always be saved for the critical moment!

"If the old doesn't go, the new won't come."

Lin Chen was referring to his own sunshine ability. In his current position, his ability has become more active. In addition, he can feel the obvious increase in the total amount of his ability. Although he is not sure whether it is the effect of the meteorite, it is a good thing after all, so he doesn't mind using it more. Unfortunately, Zhao Gang and the others don't know, so they stare at Lin Chen with the eyes of a prodigal.

"Why are you looking at me like that? The commissions issued by the base often give grenades!"

This made Zhao Gang even more sad: "The ones given are not as good as yours! You usually treat them as treasures and don't even look at them. Now you use them without hesitation..."


Seeing that something was wrong, Lin Chen quickly changed the subject. Fortunately, the zombies were very powerful at this time, and they pressed forward for a time, diverting Zhao Gang and the others' attention in time.

Half an hour later, the gunshots became sparse.

There were no zombies outside the entire Wulijie Grain and Oil Purchasing Station, only blackened corpses everywhere. The five of them rested for a long time, and then drove into the grain and oil purchasing station. The dozen strongest second-level zombies still guarded the edge of the meteorite crater regardless of anything. As long as Lin Chen and his team did not get too close, they would remain indifferent.

"These guys are really possessed!"

This was the first time Zhao Gang saw zombies that did not actively attack people, and he couldn't help but become more curious about the meteorite in the pit. There must be some secrets in it!

"However, these zombies are really hard to deal with. Look at this head, tut tut, could it be that the meteorite can accelerate the evolution of these zombies?" Gangzi stared at the nearly three-meter-tall zombie and sighed.

Lin Chen smiled faintly and said, "If it were combined with the previous zombies, these dozen zombies would be really difficult to deal with. But now there are only them left, and they can be killed anyway!"

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