The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 54: The Power of the Bomb

“...The central government recommends that citizens temporarily evacuate from camps built by survivors and bases below the municipal level, and then move back after the central government gradually clears out the second-level zombies. In addition, given that the progress of clearing zombies from bases in Andu Province is too fast Slow down, the central government urges base leaders to increase their efforts and not to neglect their duties..."

This is the central temporary broadcast channel, which is replaying the latest bulletin over and over again.

In the passenger seat, Lin Chen was playing with the radio while looking at the countless zombies in the distance. It was a huge wave of zombies with tens of thousands of people coming from Yuxi City. They could form a long queue of more than a mile from a distance.

In contrast, Shi Xuanxuan, who was concentrating on driving, was not so leisurely.

The road conditions on this section of the road were not good to begin with, and there were many zombies wandering off the road and wandering onto the road. Even if she was a skilled driver, she had to be more careful.

"It's a bit strange. Is this the first time that the central government has criticized a certain base by name?"

Lin Chen spit out the chewing gum he had been chewing for a long time out of the window in a very ungraceful manner and said to Shi Xuanxuan curiously.


When Lin Chen mentioned this, Shi Xuanxuan also realized something was wrong. The central government's broadcasts have always talked about positive content such as how many survivors the central government has rescued and how many thousands of zombies have been eliminated at the XX base. Today, this is the first time that they have been named and criticized without mercy.

"I guess the leaders of the Andu base made some mistakes, and the result was not to their liking."

Lin Chen made a casual guess. He didn't know that his guess was actually very close to the truth.

Shi Xuanxuan originally thought so. She was about to agree when she accidentally glanced at the rear mirror and said seriously: "Maybe you can tune to the radio station at Andu Base, maybe you can get some news. But before that , I suggest you get rid of the zombies following the car first."

Are there zombies following you?

When Lin Chen heard this, he turned around and saw seven or eight agile zombies hanging far behind the car.

It's a second-level agility zombie!

The zombie wave has passed, but there are still zombies following behind. Obviously only those who can reach 70 kilometers per hour can do it.

"These zombies are really annoying."

Lin Chen complained and signaled Shi Xuanxuan to slow down slightly. Two minutes later, the distance between the second-level agility zombies and him was reduced to twenty meters. As if they saw their prey right in front of them, these zombies, which had become less human-like, began to howl in excitement, but the hoarse voice was really not flattering.

"Cherry bomb!"

Lin Chen, who originally wanted to use the pea rifle, suddenly remembered his new weapon, so he raised his hand and summoned the third plant.

Because the medal had not been used to change the form, the red fruit that appeared in Lin Chen's hand was the original appearance of the cherry bomb. Even though it is small in size and weighs only as much as a pine cone, summoning it consumes a lot of power. Lin Chen only felt that the moment he was close to the full value, he was half empty, which was a full 50% more than an ordinary pea rifle!

With his current ability, even at his peak, he could only summon three in a row.

I hope this cherry bomb can be worth the expense!

Thinking like this, Lin Chen opened the window, used his superpower to trigger the cherry bomb and threw it behind him. When those sensitive zombies saw a red thing flying towards them, they subconsciously pounced on it and scratched their paws. Moreover, under the influence of inertia, they couldn't avoid it even if they wanted to.


The cherry bomb sent the first two sensitive zombies into the sky with a huge explosion, and their entire bodies were turned into pieces. Two zombies that were close to each other were affected. Half of one's body disappeared, and the other's right claw was blown off.

"What a powerful force!"

Lin Chen couldn't help but be moved when he saw two pieces of blackened flesh and blood being thrown heavily against the back window.

Shi Xuanxuan also whispered in surprise. They fired dozens of shots when they killed the sensitive zombie. Good thing now, a bomb easily eliminated nearly half of the pursuers. The second-level agility zombies behind seemed to be frightened by the power of this thing. They all slowed down in unison and hesitated for a while before catching up again!

How about another one?

Looking at these unyielding zombies, Lin Chen summoned another cherry bomb.

Perhaps these second-level zombies were a little more intelligent. When they saw another red thing thrown out of the car window, the zombies who had suffered a big loss actually started to make evasive movements. This time the bomb only killed one sensitive zombie and seriously injured another one. Compared with the previous battle, the result was far inferior.

"It's a pity that the range of the cherry bomb is not large enough!"

After using it twice in succession, Lin Chen quickly discovered the shortcomings of the cherry bomb.

In terms of advantages, Cherry Bomb definitely has them, and they are outstanding. Firstly, it is so powerful that even the second-level zombies in the central area cannot withstand it; secondly, it does not rely on flying shrapnel to damage the enemy like ordinary bombs, but purely on the energy of the explosion. The former is very useful against humans, and can easily kill and maim targets, but it is greatly ineffective against zombies that don't know pain. The cherry bomb uses the energy impact of sunlight to tear apart zombies. As long as it explodes, you will basically die!

But similarly, its disadvantages are that it consumes a lot of energy and has a small range.

Judging from the two results just now, the effective diameter of the cherry bomb is only six or seven meters. Within the range, the zombies are either dead or alive, but if they are slightly off, there is almost no harm at all.

"You're greedy."

Shi Xuanxuan glared at Lin Chen. It was fine that she could summon a gun before, but now she can even summon grenades. She is still not satisfied! How can ordinary humans feel about this?

"Haha, I just said that. Don't you want it to be more powerful?"

Although he was dissatisfied, Lin Chen was actually very satisfied in his heart. He chuckled and began to think about how to better exert its power.

The two explosions also attracted Qian Xu's attention. He slowed down the car and asked Lin Chen loudly. When Qian Xu learned that this was also Lin Chen's ability, he was even more shocked. Of course, the few sensitive zombies that were still chasing behind also took a round of bullets. This time, it was a real bullet!

Probably because they were beaten hard, the remaining zombies slowed down and were gradually thrown away until only a black dot was left.

"They won't chase!"

Seeing the zombies disappear, Lin Chen couldn't help but feel a little proud. After all, not everyone can let the second-level zombies escape. But he became depressed again. The zombies knew to retreat, which meant that they had regained some wisdom. For humans, there is nothing worse than this.

Shi Xuanxuan also realized this, and her pretty face also showed some worry.

In such a depressing atmosphere, the two cars drove out of Songyang City one after another. When they were still two hundred kilometers away from the Archbishop of Longqi Mountain Area, the sky gradually darkened. The villages and scattered buildings on the roadside were also dead silent, and no light could be seen.

"Let's find a place to rest for a night."

Qian Xu knew that they should not rush into the mountains overnight, so he suggested finding a place to rest for a night.

Lin Chen nodded. He was not such an impatient person. It was nothing to wait for one more night for safety.

"There is a two-story building not far ahead."

Under the leadership of Qian Xu, the two cars quickly stopped in front of the small building. Because they didn't know if there were zombies inside, the three of them took out their guns very cautiously. This seemed to be a house built by nearby villagers outside the village, and there was a not-so-high wall outside. Behind the wall are several acres of vegetable gardens, but the vegetables inside have turned yellow because no one has watered them. At this moment, the gate of the small building is locked, and there is probably no one inside.

"Let's go in."

Qian Xu broke the door lock with a shot, and then pushed the gate open.

As for trespassing?

What is the crime? Can it be eaten?

After completely ignoring the owner of this place, Qian Xu and Lin Chen walked in one after another. The building was quiet, and there was no sound. If there were zombies, they would have jumped out by now. However, the three of them still did not dare to be careless. They drove the car in and checked it carefully again before they felt relieved.

"The first floor is for you two. I'll go to the second floor. It's cool up there."

After walking around the two floors in the dark, Qian Xu quickly made some arrangements. Of course, he had the idea of ​​looking down from a high place for vigilance, but there was no moonlight outside today, and it was pitch dark. Even if he wanted to look out, it was useless. He couldn't see the scene ten meters away at all!

After lighting the candle, the room became much brighter.

Shi Xuanxuan found the kitchen and was pleasantly surprised to find grain, oil and half a can of liquefied gas. She began to prepare dinner for the two.

Since there was hot food to eat, everyone naturally didn't want to eat instant noodles and ham sausage.

Lin Chen wanted to help, but Shi Xuanxuan thought he was clumsy and finally drove him out - of course, although Lin Chen was not very good at cooking, he was not to the point of being a hindrance. Shi Xuanxuan just wanted to show her value more, that's all. Lin Chen vaguely felt this, and naturally he was happy to save trouble and sat in the house waiting for dinner. Fortunately, Shi Xuanxuan didn't spend too much effort, and soon a plate of scrambled eggs and a plate of ham and potato shreds were served. With the hot rice, the three of them ate happily.

No one knew that while they were eating, a group of zombie animals of various shapes had slowly surrounded the place.

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