The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 373 The most important battle

Chapter 373 The most important battle

ps: The final battle has begun, and there will be another chapter in the evening!

According to the declaration issued by Lin Chen when the new regime was established, the survivors living in Xishan Island, which is now the Sunshine City, will migrate out after the winter of the second year of the apocalypse. (!. Win Q coins)

After that, this place will become a holy place for plant controllers.

But now, with Lin Chen's plan to catalyze the Tree of Wisdom and turn the Sunshine City into a water battle fortress, this migration plan has been brought forward. On the eve of the second Spring Festival since the apocalypse, the survivors in the Sunshine City were asked to move quickly and temporarily leave the island. Because, even Lin Chen, who was thoughtful, could not be sure what would happen in the process of the Tree of Wisdom pushing Xishan Island!

The new regime was still very fast. It only took one day for all the survivors in Sunshine City to evacuate to the shore through the Taihu Xishan Bridge. At this time, Lin Chen had also boarded the island and began to exchange the special fertilizer of the Tree of Wisdom as much as he could to accelerate its growth!

This is using money to exchange time!

Before this, Lin Chen had gradually raised the height of the Tree of Wisdom to 700 meters. Of course, this height is still far from the requirement of 1,000 meters. At normal speed, even with the magical catalytic acceleration of fertilizer, it is difficult for the Tree of Wisdom to grow to 1,000 meters before the arrival of the Indian zombie group. In desperation, Lin Chen could only use fertilizer without hesitation and use double the special fertilizer to speed up the process!

Even so, when the height of the Tree of Wisdom roughly reached the requirement, the Indian zombie group also only had one day left to reach the territory of the new regime!

It seems that the action needs to be accelerated.

Thinking of this, Lin Chen looked up at the Tree of Wisdom that had already penetrated into the sky. Because the height is infinitely close to 1,000 meters, from the bottom of the tree, this towering tree is almost immortal, and its luxuriant branches and leaves are beyond the limit of human imagination. For a moment, Lin Chen even thought he was standing at the foot of Mount Tai!

Even though Lin Chen knew it was an illusion, he was still shocked.

At this moment, the height of the Tree of Wisdom just reached 1,000 meters.

Under Lin Chen's surprised gaze, the Tree of Wisdom underwent a series of changes that were either hidden or visible. Although its height temporarily stabilized, the color of the trunk became darker, and the bark also had some mysterious brown runes, giving people a mysterious feeling.

In addition, the bonus effect and coverage range of the Tree of Wisdom's aura were greatly increased. The latter's range expanded to the entire island, and even slightly exceeded a part. As for the former, the specific bonus effect was further increased to 80%.

Counting some other increases, it is not an exaggeration to say that the effect has doubled!

Fighting in such a home court, Lin Chen has full confidence to fight against the subsequent zombie groups from India! Of course, the premise is that he can transform Xishan Island from a fixed island into a floating island that can be controlled by the Tree of Wisdom and can drift freely on the waters of Taihu Lake!

"Success or failure depends on this one move!"

After muttering in his heart, Lin Chen's spirit contacted the Tree of Wisdom.

Under his control, the originally extremely stable Tree of Wisdom suddenly shook violently. The countless vines hanging on its tree seemed to have living tentacles, ready to attack. At the same time, its huge root system buried deep under the island also shook, and began to silently shake the foundation of Xishan Island according to Lin Chen's will!

Affected by it, the calm lake water began to shake violently.

At this moment, the waters of Taihu Lake seemed to have a major earthquake. Not only was the water surface turbulent, but Xishan Island itself was shaking violently, making Lin Chen a little unstable. Some buildings in Sunshine City that did not meet the quality standards began to drop dust and bricks and tiles in such a vibration, and the walls also had dense cracks like spider webs. As for the former Taihu Xishan Bridge on the lakeshore, the part on the west side of the broken bridge had already collapsed completely, and the whole section sank into the lake!

For a moment, Lin Chen even wondered if this big island in Taihu Lake would sink like this!

If that happened, Lin Chen would undoubtedly lose a lot.

Fortunately, the height of the Tree of Wisdom is high enough. Even the deepest part of the Taihu Lake cannot exceed one thousand meters, and it may not even be half of it. As for Lin Chen himself, he is also fearless because of the flying ability of the clover. He calmly watched the changes of Xishan Island and the Tree of Wisdom!

With the movement of the roots of the Tree of Wisdom under the ground, the changes of the island are intensifying! .

A dull rumble came from underground, as if an engineering team was mining and blasting. The lush branches and leaves of the Tree of Wisdom were also swaying back and forth, making waves of pine waves. Fortunately, the Tree of Wisdom is still maintaining the climate in the space. Even if the survivors from the outside feel that Xishan Island is undergoing earth-shaking changes, the whole tree is still peaceful and spring-like all year round!

In such a change, the roots of the Tree of Wisdom finally completely broke the connection between Xishan Island and the waters of Taihu Lake!

At this point, Lin Chen's plan was perfectly executed!

After confirming that the thing that bound Xishan Island no longer existed, Lin Chen couldn't help but sigh at his good luck in excitement. Although he had repeatedly considered it before executing it, and felt that the possibility of success was very high, that was not the real result after all. Until now, Lin Chen was completely relieved!

The next thing was to control the Tree of Wisdom to make Xishan Island, which had become a floating island, approach the lake in the southeast direction!

A distance of less than 15 kilometers is not a big deal for a floating island with a thousand-meter-high tree of wisdom.

Although the entire island moved very slowly, after a few hours, Xishan Island gradually approached the shallows of the lake shore and then ran aground! After a violent shake, Xishan Island stabilized, but the huge impact force caused the buildings on the island to suffer again. Fortunately, there will be no more survivors living here in the future. As for the plant controllers, they only live in trees, so even if there are more dangerous buildings on the island, it doesn’t matter.

The place where the island is temporarily stranded is more than 100 meters away from the lake shore.

According to the judgment of the Satellite Intelligence Department, the zombie army will pass by a few kilometers away from here. Although the initial growth period has passed, the attraction of the thousand-meter-high tree of wisdom is enough to make those zombies turn around and pounce.

If you can’t find a way to get the zombies to the island, it’s not impossible to fight with the Indian zombie group here. Although it’s still a hundred meters away from the shore, the halo of the tree of wisdom is enough to affect here. However, in that case, many of the plant positions on the Tree of Wisdom would be wasted.

Lin Chen thought about it, contacted Lieutenant General Luo of the military, and gave him a few instructions.

Not long after, a division of troops came over, bringing with them a large number of engineering machinery. Lin Chen's order was to fill the lake so that these zombies could rush over the distance of more than 100 meters, and then fight the final decisive battle within the firepower coverage of the plant positions of the Tree of Wisdom!

The quiet lakeside instantly turned into a noisy construction site.

The soldiers who rushed over knew that this would become the decisive battlefield between the plant control division and the Indian zombie group, so although it seemed a bit of a waste of talent for the elite troops to dig soil and fill the lake, they were not dissatisfied at all. Find a way, many officers were shouting loudly to encourage their men. Truckloads of soil were thrown into the lake, which made the progress of the project progress rapidly! Fortunately, the waves on the shore of Taihu Lake were not big, and the operation was not difficult.

Soon, a road filled by manpower was paved only 20 meters away from Xishan Island!

The water here is already very deep. If we want to fill the water, we need a lot of soil. Lin Chen watched for a while and was very satisfied with the enthusiasm of the soldiers, so he nodded to signal to finish the work.

It’s not that Lin Chen gave up the original plan because of a little consideration, but reserving 20 meters of water will be more beneficial for them to defend against the zombie attack! Originally, more than 100 meters away, Lin Chen’s firepower would be severely limited, and the zombies might not come over. Now at a distance of 20 meters, not only can they use the terrain to make a sniper attack in advance, but the zombies will definitely fill it with corpses in order to rush over!

A lot of zombies can be consumed in one go!

The previous soil was dug out from the lakeside. In this way, not only is there an extra trench, but the reserved 20-meter waterway can also become a natural moat, and it is also a very deep one. After two lines of defense, and finally a decisive battle in front of the Tree of Wisdom, Lin Chen is sure to win this most important battle so far at the lowest cost!

All preparations are ready, now we just have to wait for the Indian zombies to come!

The entire new regime system knows the importance of this battle, and they all look here. The people in the Satellite Intelligence Department keep tracking the direction of the Indian zombie group, and then predict the direction of advance every hour to prevent them from suddenly changing their route and bypassing the preset battlefield of Lin Chen and his team, which would be a big joke. ww.zhaoshyancLin Chen doesn't want the floating island battle fortress that he has invested a lot of money in to be useless in the end!

Fortunately, the zombies are still very cooperative.

After walking so far, their direction has been repeatedly estimated. And these monsters don't have any idea of ​​changing direction suddenly, and they pass by the southeast edge of the Taihu Lake waters according to the established route.

If there were no drifting Xishan Island and the Tree of Wisdom on it, these zombies would most likely pass by here calmly and finally go straight to several large areas of the new regime-that would undoubtedly be a disaster. However, when Xishan Island approached the shore from the waters of Taihu Lake, everything was different. The sudden increase in attraction was enough to drag them into this super home field of the plant controllers!

All the plant controllers were full of confidence in this battle!

Even a large island with a total area of ​​120,000 acres of land could be moved, what else could they not do? Even if the total number of zombies from India reached 6 million, they still firmly believed that they could win the final victory!



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