The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 368: Flying Three-Leaf Clover

The ability to release and kill enemies from a distance with a thought is just one of the biggest improvements after Lin Chen entered the master of plant control.

After testing the vine, Lin Chen exchanged a few polite words with several confidants who were happy with him, and then flashed to the outside of the island. He wanted to change places, completely let go of the constraints, and understand his true combat power.

After entering the master of plant control, Lin Chen's speed has been qualitatively improved again. If it was just barely the same speed as the fourth-level predator before, it is now completely surpassed. Even without the help of the Frost Pea Shooter's deceleration, he is steadily faster than the fourth-level predator by more than 30%. In terms of speed, it is definitely more than 200 kilometers per hour. If it runs at a maximum speed, it may be able to increase it a little more!

Moreover, because the explosive power is much stronger, Lin Chen can instantly accelerate to this terrifying value in just one or two seconds!

Such a speed has completely surpassed the reaction of ordinary humans! Just think about the time you blink, the opponent appears in front of you from a distance of 100 meters. This can be completely called teleportation!

A few minutes later, Lin Chen appeared outside the waters of Taihu Lake.

After finding an abandoned building at random, Lin Chen used all his abilities to wreak havoc. With the addition of the sunlight ability, every time Lin Chen punched, golden energy condensed out, like a fist, breaking rocks more than ten meters away. If he kicked with all his strength, he could even kick through the scrap steel plate on the road ahead! The catharsis of that super-strong force made Lin Chen feel extremely refreshed, as if he had become a top general in ancient times, with the strength to take the enemy's head in a million-strong army!

Fighting one against ten thousand is no longer a problem!

Even without relying on powerful plants, Lin Chen can rely on his individual strength to eliminate a large number of zombies!

After being excited for a long time, Lin Chen calmed down. He looked at the land full of gullies and the abandoned buildings that he had directly demolished, and couldn't help laughing confidently. From now on, the threat of the fourth-level zombies to him will be greatly reduced. Lin Chen believed that even if another fourth-order destroyer appeared in front of him, he could rely on his external superpowers to penetrate its defense!

What's more, in addition to the improvement of superpowers, he also gained two new plants!

When he broke through from the seventh stage of the third stage to the eighth stage, he obtained the plant ground thorn. At that time, Lin Chen was concerned about continuing to break through, so he didn't look at the plant much. Now that he has time, he can't help but carefully examine this new plant.

Speaking of the energy required to summon it, it is actually not high, roughly the same as the pea shooter. However, its ability is much stronger than the pea shooter. This khaki plant looks like a large and narrow mass of soil. It will usually sneak into the ground half a meter above the surface. Once the target passes by, it will wriggle and send a large number of thorns out of the ground, causing continuous piercing damage to the opponent!

Moreover, except for the moment of attack, the ground thorns are usually hidden underground and will not be easily discovered by zombies!

It can be expected that once laid, this plant that can operate for a long time can firmly guard the passage, and it does not need the protection of pumpkin heads like ordinary persistent plants. Perhaps a piece of ground thorns is nothing, and even if the area is expanded to the maximum, it is only a few square meters, but if hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of ground thorns are connected together, it will be too terrifying!

Once the ground thorn belt is successfully laid, it will become a death restricted area for zombies!

From then on, the threat of the zombie army to the control plant masters will be greatly reduced. Lin Chen has already thought about laying ground thorns in some key positions. The only problem is that now only Lin Chen can summon it. Even though his superpowers seem to be endless, it is still difficult to lay ground thorn belts outside the Shanghai base with millions of survivors by himself!

In any case, the appearance of ground thorns means that Lin Chen has a new means and offensive method in his hands!

In addition to this new plant, when he entered the master of control plants, Lin Chen also gained the ability to summon clover!

This is a multifunctional plant. When it is put into free form, it can create a strong whirlwind and work with lettuce leaves to deal with zombie birds in the air. If it is switched to weapon form, it will become a lift prop similar to a helicopter propeller. As long as it is equipped, combined with the external supernatural power, Lin Chen can escape the attraction of the earth's core and fly freely in the sky!

In other words, this is a plant that allows people to fly!

Since ancient times, countless people have fantasized about flying into the sky. After the invention of airplanes in the 20th century, flying is no longer a problem. However, it is still impossible to fly into the sky without the help of those machines and relying on human ability alone! Now, although Lin Chen has a clover hanging on his body, it is summoned by supernatural power. It can be said that he flies into the sky with his personal strength!

Although the clover has various shortcomings such as instability, low safety factor, slow flight speed, and high consumption of supernatural power, it really makes people realize the dream of flying!

At the same time, this also provides a good prospect for Lin Chen to form an air strike force in the future!

Even now, as long as the zombies have no anti-air power, Lin Chen can rely on the clover to attack them recklessly from the air. Especially when the zombies are only the land overlords like the fourth-level destroyers, the role that the clover can play is beyond imagination!

After immediately summoning a clover, Lin Chen hung himself under the clover, and then slowly controlled it to take off.

Because it was the first time, it was inevitable that there would be problems of one kind or another, and I almost fell off several times. Fortunately, Lin Chen was cautious enough and kept circling at low altitude for a test flight. After going around in circles for more than a dozen times, he gradually became familiar with it. Coupled with the external superpower, Lin Chen can fly in style. It's just that the speed is several times slower than running on land!

When can we get rid of the clover and truly fly?

Feeling the airflow blowing from the air, Lin Chen couldn't help but think about this issue. Perhaps, he has to wait until he enters the fifth stage and becomes the King of Plant Controllers before he can truly get rid of the shackles of gravity and fly freely in the air!

However, being able to do this is enough to satisfy him!

After flying on the spot for a while, Lin Chen finally controlled Clover and flew all the way back to Xishan Island.

For a moment, the pseudo-plant control personnel patrolling the shore thought that the flying thing was some kind of zombie bird. Just when they were about to fire, they were extremely surprised to find that it was their commander flying in the air! Although the thing hanging on his head makes him look a bit like Doraemon in pre-apocalyptic comics, it is flying after all!

After witnessing this scene, they were filled with surprise and envy!

When will I become as powerful as the commander-in-chief?

Obviously, they are not the only ones who have such thoughts. As Lin Chen flew over Xishan Island, the survivors who witnessed all this could not help but have similar thoughts. The appearance of clover undoubtedly shocked the entire island!

However, Lin Chen successively brought more shocks than that!

After entering the realm of a plant control master, Lin Chen's corn cannon, which had been unable to be used, was finally unbanned. From this moment on, as long as two connected corn pitchers are sacrificed and enough energy is spent, Lin Chen can summon the most powerful plant known - the corn cannon!

This is a plant about six or seven meters long. It looks like an old-fashioned artillery piece, but its power is enough to eclipse anyone who has never seen it. With the injection of supernatural powers, every once in a while, the corn cannon can condense a huge high-explosive corn bomb. This interval depends on the strength of the plant controller who operates it. If it is short, it may only be one minute, if it is long, it may be five minutes. However, the power of this corn high-explosive bomb is comparable to the destruction mushroom!

In other words, it needs to be a little stronger!

The Corn Cannon has all the advantages of the Destruction Mushroom, but the biggest disadvantage of the Destruction Mushroom - the extremely short throw distance, the Corn Cannon does not. On the contrary, this expensive plant is more like a missile launcher. It can freely attack any point within a one kilometer range, and nearby targets with a radius of thirty meters are within the attack range! Even level four zombies will tremble under the bombardment of corn cannons!

Compared to the Destruction Mushroom, which is a suicide if not used properly, the Corn Cannon will bear the long-range strike firepower of the Plant Controllers. It is an enhanced version of the heavy artillery of the Plant Controllers!

Lin Chen felt excited when he thought of the plant heavy artillery force composed of dozens or hundreds of cannons in the future.

If this thing had been available for a long time, why would it be so difficult to deal with zombies in India? Not to mention sacrificing so many people!

"Commander, let's demonstrate the power of the corn cannon!"

Gao Ming and the others, who had already arrived, knew about the cannon, so they all asked Lin Chen to fire it in public. They were very curious about how powerful this plant that Lin Chen valued so much could be!


To be honest, www.zhaoshyaan.o Lin Chen is also quite curious. At the request of his men, Lin Chen selected a target, then recruited two corn pitchers nearby, sacrificed them and replaced them with corn cannons. Under the eager gaze of a group of plant control experts, the corn cannon shook violently, shooting high-explosive corn bombs into the sky with a huge impact!

After a brief lift-off and flight, the corn high-explosive bomb locked its target and roared towards the building that was deemed to be a dangerous building!


The moment the corn high-explosive bomb hit the ground, a huge explosion completely destroyed the house. At the same time, the land within a radius of sixty or seventy meters was affected, and the huge shock wave tore apart everything on the surface. The nut walls specially recruited by several plant control masters were all destroyed. Only a nut wall at the edge barely blocked the explosion! This is invincible destructive power!

When the explosion subsided and the plant controllers walked into the center and saw everything shattered by the shock wave, they couldn't help but cheer together.

With the corn cannon, plant control masters will be even more powerful and will no longer be afraid of any zombies! wx6

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