The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 364: Fierce Fighting and Active Retreat

Five hundred thousand zombies rushed into a minefield with two hundred thousand potato mines!

Before seeing it with their own eyes, no one could have imagined what the shocking scene would look like. The plant controllers hiding at the back of the minefield might not be able to see it for the time being, but Lin Chen and the other two who were leading the zombies to run were able to witness this moment with their own eyes.

"Boom boom boom!"

When Lin Chen and his team stepped into the narrow passage reserved in the minefield, a large group of gray zombies behind them rushed into the minefield. As usual, the fastest third-level agile zombies were in the front, and they didn't know where they could go and where they couldn't in the minefield. So, after a short two or three seconds, the explosions started!

Most of the potato mines on the outer periphery were summoned by junior plant controllers, and their potato mines were the least effective. Even when facing third-level agile zombies with not too high defense, it was difficult to eliminate them in one fell swoop, and at most they could only injure them a little. However, as more potato mines were detonated one after another, these zombies could not withstand it and were crushed by the huge impact force. As for the ordinary zombies that followed, let alone, rushing in means death!

However, the zombies are completely fearless monsters. After the thousands of zombies in the front died, more zombies rushed up!

At this moment, Lin Chen felt that he was at midnight of the Spring Festival before the end of the world!

Countless potato mines were detonated one after another, just like the most intensive firecrackers were blasting, and a large number of potato mines exploded every second. After fighting with zombies for so long, it was the first time that Lin Chen was dizzy and tinnitus was caused by such intensive explosions. After rushing out a few hundred meters again, he stopped for a while, looked back at the continuous explosions, and couldn't help but plug his ears!

Imagine the scene of twenty hangings and ten thousand firecrackers being set off not far away. It is estimated that few people can tolerate that kind of noise! ​​

The number of zombies is decreasing rapidly!

Except for a few highly evolved third-level zombies who are still rampaging, most of the remaining zombies can't withstand the impact of the continuous explosions. After all, the more in, the more damage the potato mines will cause. Especially when it comes to the level of the sixth or seventh stage of the intermediate plant controller, the potato mines summoned can definitely threaten the safety of the third-level zombies!

In less than ten minutes, the number of nearly 500,000 zombies shrunk by one third!

Next, it was time for the plant controllers to take action!

Because they were worried that the nearly two million zombies that had already gone away would turn back, Lin Chen and his team took the zombies as far away as possible, and then pressed on with the whole army. The pseudo-plant controller troops of more than 2,000 people opened fire at full force, suppressing the zombies' attack to the maximum extent. Although there are still some zombies that can move forward against the firepower network, the two hundred real plant controllers are not vegetarians, and they will focus on taking care of these guys!

Everything seems to be going well!

Seeing victory in sight, many plant controllers showed a faint smile on their faces. However, Lin Chen was not so relaxed. He knew that the real tricky thing was the fourth-level zombies hidden among these zombies!

After careful observation by Lin Chen, he was shocked to find that among the zombie swarm of less than 500,000, there were more than ten fourth-level zombies. This extremely high ratio is absolutely terrifying. According to this calculation, there may be as many as 40 or 50 fourth-level zombies in the entire zombie swarm from India! No wonder the military at the Guangzhou base could not defend against their attacks and only held on for most of the day at all costs!

It was also thanks to the fourth-level zombies that they did not attack much, otherwise they could not even hold on for a few hours and were easily broken through by the fourth-level zombies!

Fortunately, the potato mines are not completely ineffective against the fourth-level zombies. Although each explosion may be like a mosquito bite to them, after hundreds or thousands of explosions, they are more or less injured. Afterwards, with the joint efforts of three high-level plant controllers, the assistance of more than 60 intermediate plant controllers, and the counterattack of hundreds of third-level zombie puppets regardless of life and death, the fourth-level zombies that appeared were also eliminated one by one!

It has to be said that the results of this operation are beyond expectations.

At first, Lin Chen and his team judged that all the zombies were attracted. Therefore, they planned to use the method of flying kites from a distance to eliminate some zombies, and then retreat in advance. However, perhaps Lin Chen and his three people could not attract the attention of all the zombies, and only a part of nearly 500,000 rushed over. After discovering this, Lin Chen decisively adjusted the plan and directly eliminated these zombies!

Finally, after a difficult battle, Lin Chen and his team still eliminated all the zombies!

Along with the war came rolling dividends! Nearly 500,000 zombies, although only a part of the zombies can drop soul crystals, but all the accumulated sums are also a very considerable number. In Lin Chen's imprint space, a large number of crystal coins suddenly increased!

With these, Lin Chen can recruit a new batch of pseudo-controllers.

However, this battle also made Lin Chen realize that these zombies from India are really terrifying, which made Lin Chen somewhat fortunate about their three-step plan. After hastily cleaning up the battlefield, Lin Chen and his team left the uneven land that had been bombed, and then came to the second battlefield!

Perhaps affected by the previous battle, the route of the zombie army was slightly off, and it was farther away from the second battlefield.

In desperation, Lin Chen and his team had to spend a lot of effort and it took a long time to attract another wave of zombies. After the fierce battle, the number of zombies decreased by another 300,000. It can be said that the number of remaining zombies is less than 1.5 million!

Honestly speaking, the number and strength of these zombies are still very terrifying. If possible, Lin Chen hopes to have another three-step plan and finally fight them. However, the battlefield of the decisive battle they preset is not far from the zombies, and the Shanghai base is behind. Lin Chen hesitated for a long time before deciding to follow the previous plan to launch a wave of sniping here, but if he really can't eliminate them, he can only drag the war to the front of the Shanghai base!

There is no other way.

Fortunately, the slope that Lin Chen and his team chose for the decisive battle is quite favorable for the plant controllers, and it is on the road that the zombies must pass. With this, the plant controllers don't need to lead the zombies away, and they can just fight here in the best state!

"They are coming!"

Someone shouted, and the plant controllers on the high slope saw the zombie group in the distance. After the other two roads were blown up and blocked by Lin Chen's men in advance, the more than one million zombies rushed around like headless flies, and finally took the "correct" road!

After seeing how powerful these Indian zombies were, the plant controllers did not dare to underestimate them at all, and all of them were on high alert.

The air seemed to be stagnant.

At this time, no amount of encouragement would be of any use. Lin Chen looked at the zombies in the distance, and finally waved to his subordinates, "Fight!" Not only for himself, but also for his family far away in Shanghai! No matter what, they must defeat these zombies in front of them!

The battle entered a tragic state from the beginning!

Due to the advantage of height, Lin Chen and his team were able to suppress the zombies steadily in the early stage. But as the zombies' limbs gradually piled up, the zombies' attacks were getting closer and closer to the plant controllers' positions. Under a wave of thousands of third-level zombies' cluster charge, they finally broke through the pseudo-plant controllers' firepower network and fought with two hundred real plant controllers at close range!

Nut walls appeared out of thin air, blocking the zombies' steps, but were pushed down by them in an instant.

Afterwards, the nut wall reappeared and was destroyed again, and so on and so forth...

Nearly two hundred level three zombies were turned into puppets by the plant control masters, and turned around and began to attack their companions. At the same time, various cherry bombs, corn pitchers, frozen mushrooms and other plants also appeared one after another. At this moment, Lin Chen was very depressed about why he had not been able to enter the realm of plant control masters in advance. If he had crossed this realm, he could use corn cannons to face these zombies without giving in. As long as he sealed dozens or hundreds of corn cannons with plant seal cards in advance, Lin Chen could easily flatten these monsters!

Unfortunately, there are no ifs on the battlefield!

He could not use the corn cannons for the time being, so he could only rely on the previous plant combination to fight the zombies that kept rushing over. Even when the front line was in crisis, Lin Chen had to take the risk to use the destruction mushrooms. When the level four zombies gradually participated in the attack, Lin Chen's frequency of using the destruction mushrooms increased a lot!

In just half an hour, more than ten large pits appeared in front of the high slope of Lin Chen and his team, and the entire slope was almost completely blown down!

However, such an attack could not stop these zombies. On the contrary, the number of fourth-level zombies participating in the battle was even greater!

Several times, the fourth-level zombies had already rushed to the position, causing chaos and killing in the camp of the controllers. aosyan. co Even though the three high-level controllers had tried their best, more than ten controllers were killed one after another, and 80% of them were junior controllers. Once the pumpkin combat uniforms that played a protective role were damaged, facing the attack of the fourth-level zombies, these junior rookies had no power to fight back and were knocked down in one blow!

Not to mention the pseudo-controllers next to them, nearly a hundred people died one after another!

Since the establishment of the controller team, this was the first time that Lin Chen experienced such a big loss, and he couldn't help but burn with anger. He saw with his own eyes that a controller with a strength of the sixth intermediate stage was killed by a fourth-level destroyer, and this was also the one with the highest strength to die in the battle! He has never been so eager to enter the realm of plant control masters as today!

Fortunately, under Lin Chen's encouragement and counterattack, the plant control masters were not frightened by the zombies, but instead launched a more fierce attack and beat the zombies back!

Taking advantage of the short gap, Lin Chen issued an order to retreat.

The battle here can no longer continue. If they fight again, even if they can fight to the death with the remaining 600,000 or 700,000 zombies, most of the plant control masters present will be wiped out. The best way is to withdraw to the Shanghai base, rely on the walls of the Shanghai base to fight another wave, and then eliminate all these zombies in one fell swoop, not giving them a chance to collapse!


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