The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 362 Guangzhou Base

Chapter 362 Guangzhou Base

Zhang Xishu is a survivor of the Guangzhou Base. Device: No GG, Full Text, More

As early as the outbreak of the apocalypse, he fled Guangzhou as soon as possible. After hiding in the countryside for a week, he was discovered by the hunting team of the newly established Guangzhou Base, and has survived until now.

Zhang Xishu's luck is undoubtedly very good to survive for more than a year in the apocalypse. However, luck alone obviously cannot keep him alive. Because the food in the Guangzhou Base is not abundant, and the senior management in charge of logistics is not generous. If you want to eat enough, you always have to do some s-jobs to earn extra food. Zhang Xishu saved a lot of food in the middle of the apocalypse because he can repair cars and understand radio. He has been able to survive until now.

However, with the emergence of high-level zombies, fewer and fewer survivors dare to go out hunting, and Zhang Xishu's income has also dropped sharply. Doomsday Control Plant Master 362

Up to now, he has not received any sound for more than two months, and the food he had accumulated before has almost been consumed. Next, he can only rely on the little food provided by the Guangzhou Base every day. Although people won't starve to death for a while, it's impossible to eat enough.

This damn apocalypse

Zhang Xishu looked at the empty food bag and complained. He has been hungry for several days. The food provided by the Guangzhou base has more and more things mixed in it, and it's hard to eat seven-tenths full. Hungry, Zhang Xishu threw away the food bag and rummaged through the boxes in his house to see if there was any leftover food. Although he didn't have any hope, he still wanted to try his luck. After all, he was idle anyway.

After a search, there was really no grain in the house. However, he unexpectedly found the radio station that he used to treasure.

This was the car radio that he removed from a military vehicle when he was modifying it for someone.

Before the solar flare broke out, Zhang Xishu often sat in the yard and turned on the radio to listen to some news. Although there were not many options and the broadcasts on the radio were mostly monotonous and boring, he also got a lot of news from the outside world, which was also the only means of entertainment in the apocalypse. However, after the flare broke out, the communication was severely disrupted. Although Zhang Xishu's radio was not broken, he could not receive any signal anyway. The previous fixed stations all turned into noise.

Since then, Zhang Xishu's entertainment was forced to stop.

A few months after the communication was interrupted, Zhang Xishu still held hope and turned on the radio every once in a while. Unfortunately, every time he heard only a crackling noise, he never received any signal. A few months later, he realized that human communication might be completely finished after occasional attempts. By now, he had completely lost hope of restoring communication, and the car radio was casually thrown into the corner by him.

Or, take it out and try again?

Although he was very hungry at this moment, Zhang Xishu patted his stomach and picked up the radio. Then, he took out a battery with a little power from the house. This was a storage battery he had stored when the Guangzhou base was still supplying power to the outside world a long time ago.


As soon as the radio was turned on, a familiar electronic noise came immediately.

Zhang Xishu's heart sank immediately. Sure enough, there was still no signal. However, with an inexplicable mentality, he continued to mechanically tune the channel.

"…This is the Shanghai base. Please respond to the radio station that received the signal."

The channels jumped over one by one, but there was still a lot of noise. But just when Zhang Xishu was about to give up, he suddenly heard a pleasant male voice. However, because he had no hope, he continued to skip this channel without hesitation. It was not until three or four seconds later that he realized something and his body trembled violently.

There was a sound, it was a broadcast.

Zhang Xishu was excited in ecstasy, and his body was shaking constantly. He rushed over and began to quickly tune back. Two seconds later, he got his wish and tuned back to the only channel.

At this moment, the initial call had passed, and the anchor was introducing the current situation of the Shanghai base.

"... Shanghai Base has killed more than ten fourth-level zombies so far, and there are still more than 100,000 troops. As the largest survivor base in the south, we have more than three million survivors, and have successively accepted survivor bases such as Nanchang and Wenzhou. Moreover, with the concerted efforts of the base, we have conquered the entire city of Shanghai two months ago. Here, on behalf of the Shanghai base, I welcome any survivors and bases to join Shanghai." Doomsday Control Master 362

"According to our newly launched satellite, more than three million Indian zombies are about to attack the Guangzhou base. In the back, there are more zombie follow-up troops. In addition, there are nearly 10 million zombie troops in Nanxiang Province..."

A shocking message came, leaving Zhang Xishu stunned there.

It turned out that not only the Guangzhou base was there, but also the Shanghai base was still there. Moreover, they also launched a satellite and miraculously recovered the entire city of Shanghai. For Zhang Xishu and any survivor, this is inspiring good news

After a long time, he came back to his senses in a daze, turned off the radio and ran towards the Guangzhou military.

If he wanted to contact the Shanghai base, he had to borrow a radio with a higher power. The radio in his hand could only receive the other party's signal, and could not send it back.


Defense circle around Xishan Island

As soon as this plan was proposed, it was approved by everyone present. The more they discussed, the better they thought this plan was.

Before that, all they thought about was how to center on the Shanghai base. However, it is obviously impossible for a Shanghai base alone to accommodate tens of millions of survivors. Lin Chen's proposal was to place the strategic center on Xishan Island and create a defensive circle with the towns around Taihu Lake as the main sphere of influence.

Compared with Shanghai and Haihai, the area in the circle is undoubtedly larger, and there are more available resources. However, with the waters of Taihu Lake and Xishan Island sitting in the middle, they can attack from all sides at any time, but the defensive pressure they face has not increased. Although the status of the Shanghai Base will change from the center to an ordinary link of the entire defense circle, as the center of the defense circle and an important base for plant control divisions, Xishan Island has been accentuated to highlight its important status.

The people here are all plant control masters, and they are also happy to see this change.

"Contacted with the Guangzhou base"

While Lin Chen was still discussing the specific implementation with them, the visitor interrupted their discussion with cheerful words. After hearing the news, Lin Chen stood up with great joy and decided to go and have a look in person.

A major general seemed to have an old relationship with the people at the Guangzhou base. Before Lin Chen arrived in person, he started chatting with the people at the Guangzhou base on behalf of the Shanghai base. Since there had been no communication for a year, the two parties were quite disappointed when they contacted each other again, and it took them a while to get to the point.

"We have been reminded by the military at the base in southern Yunnan, but there is nothing we can do. In the previous battle against the zombies, we have consumed all the ammunition. Our peripheral defense forces have already fought with the zombies from India in advance. , after investigation, we found that there are a large number of third-level and fourth-level zombies hidden in it. With our strength, we can hold on for another day at most."

The military at the Guangzhou base is obviously complaining and hopes to get help from the Shanghai base. Through Zhang Xishu, who heard the broadcast first, they also learned that Shanghai had killed level four zombies many times and successfully regained the city of Shanghai. With such a record, they couldn't help but place all their hopes on the assistance of friendly forces.

"Talk to them"

Lin Chen nodded to the major general and motioned for him to continue.

The major general was obviously a smart man, and immediately said, "For our compatriots, the Shanghai-Hai base will certainly not leave it alone. But the problem is, with the snowy road conditions, the Shanghai-Hai base cannot reach Guangzhou in one day. What do you mean?"

The people at the radio station had obviously already considered this, and immediately said, "We will temporarily hold back the zombies at the defense line outside the base, and then evacuate towards the Shanghai Sea. Because we have prepared in advance, the survivors can evacuate at any time. Our troops will persist for a long time." The queen of heaven follows, hoping that the Shanghai base can send troops to respond."

This requirement is roughly the same as the requirements of the Wenzhou and Nanchang bases. www.zhaoshスa.c

Lin Chen actually had no choice. He thought about it and quickly agreed to the request for reinforcements. Doomsday Plant Controller 362

Soon, the Shanghai base dispatched all the cars it could collect, and also dispatched many plant control divisions, and began to go south to meet the survivors of the Guangzhou base. In order to ensure that the survivors of the Guangzhou base could evacuate smoothly, Lin Chen also took two other senior officers with him. The level control planters also took action.

Under the desperate sniper fire of the Guangzhou military, the zombies were delayed for a day. The remaining survivors, together with the survivors from the base in southern Yunnan, braved the severe cold and quickly evacuated north. Although a small group of zombies reacted quickly enough and followed them immediately, they were unable to cause much damage due to the counterattack of the plant control masters. However, the cold, ice and snow along the way still caused many people to suffer from frostbite and colds.

When they arrived in Shanghai after traveling thousands of miles, less than 50% of them could still stay healthy.

The Shanghai Logistics Office, which had already made preparations for the response, began to operate at full speed, temporarily arranging these people to the Shanghai urban area, and materials such as coal and excess winter clothes were also quickly distributed. In order to ensure their safety, the pseudo-plant control group had to personally go out and cooperate with the Shanghai Navy to guard this place to prevent zombies from accidentally sneaking in.

However, although the people in the Guangzhou base successfully evacuated to Shanghai, the millions of zombies were not really thrown away.

A few days later, these zombies followed the evacuation route one after another and came towards Shanghai to kill them.

A group of more than two million zombies is a big test for Shanghai. However, if it is handled properly, it is not something that really worries Lin Chen. Judging from the satellite photos, the subsequent zombies from India have also crossed the national border and entered the south of the mainland.

The threat of zombies is rapidly approaching_mbg

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