The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 354: The Aftermath of Victory

Chapter 354: The Aftermath of Victory

Shanghai and Hainan were restored

More than a year after it fell into a zombie-occupied area, the urban area of ​​Shanghai was finally successfully cleared thanks to the bloody battles of the plant control divisions.

The repercussions of this battle, which lasted for more than a week, were huge. This was the first large-scale city in the world that was conquered by humans. Moreover, due to the powerful strength displayed by the plant control masters, human losses during the conquest battle were minimal. If before, the survivors had doubts about whether humans could rebuild civilization, now most of them have firm confidence.

With an increasingly large team of plant controllers, humanity will surely win the final victory.

News of the victory quickly spread throughout the Shanghai base, and millions of survivors cheered earth-shakingly. Hundreds of thousands of survivors poured out of the base to prepare for a celebration ceremony. Tens of thousands of survivors even spontaneously organized and formed a long convoy to go to Shanghai, preparing to welcome the victorious return of the plant control divisions.

Shanghai's top executives also made arrangements urgently, preparing to welcome the victorious return of the chief executive and plant controllers.

After successfully regaining the Shanghai base, Lin Chen's personal reputation suddenly rose to an incredible level. If the impression of Lin Chen among the middle and high-level managers in Shanghai was still a bit vague before, then the recovery of the Shanghai base made Lin Chen's image suddenly become a myth. People who have been suppressed in darkness and despair for too long subconsciously put a savior template on Lin Chen. Even if Lin Chen wanted to deny it, he couldn't.

However, in addition to great pressure, this kind of recognition also has great benefits. Even at the level of Chief of Staff and Lieutenant General Luo, he still has a lot of awe and admiration for Lin Chen.

After all, it is too appalling to say that one can take down millions of zombies in Shanghai with his personal strength and more than a thousand pseudo-controlling masters.

If they hadn't witnessed it with their own eyes, they would never have done it.

"Long live the President of mankind, long live the Plant Controller"

In the end, Lin Chen's triumphant team and the convoy of survivors who spontaneously greeted them met halfway. After confirming the identity of the person in the car, the survivors burst into endless cheers and applause. Even if it's still raining lightly outside, it can't extinguish their fiery hearts.

Many plant control experts are a little embarrassed about such a welcome.

They have not yet adapted to the change of status. Before, they were fighting zombies, but in a blink of an eye, they became heroes in Shanghai and Haihai. Of course, there were also many shameless people who waved back to the survivors outside the car, which immediately triggered a burst of cheers. Because the tens of thousands of survivors were too excited, Lin Chen and the others had to temporarily stop the car to appease them. Almost a quarter of an hour later, the plant controllers, surrounded by them, headed towards the base.

However, what awaited them at the Shanghai base was a larger welcome ceremony

All the middle and high-level people in Shanghai came out of the base, and there were hundreds of thousands of survivors in the open space outside. Some ingenious people found ways to make some small flags and waved them vigorously in their hands. Such a grand welcome ceremony lasted for several hours before it gradually came to an end under the threat of freezing rain.

That night, the logistics office of the Shanghai base also received instructions and distributed almost double the amount of food. No matter who it is, everyone can eat openly, which is the most direct way to celebrate the recovery of Shanghai and Hainan.

As for the plant controllers, they naturally had a sumptuous celebration banquet with the Shanghai senior officials at Lin Chen's insistence. Although a few side dishes are extremely shabby compared to the banquets before the end of the world, they are already very rare now that supplies are scarce. It was only thanks to them that they conquered Shanghai and brought a lot of fresh vegetables from Xishan Island to prepare such a table of meals.

"Cheers to our victory"

At Lin Chen's suggestion, everyone raised their glasses. Naturally, someone captured this scene with a camera, and this photo was regarded by subsequent people as one of the most important and classic images of the apocalypse. one

Tonight, I am destined to have no sleep


At ten o'clock the next day, Lin Chen got up from the bed.

Although his physical fitness has far exceeded the limits of human beings, fighting continuously in Shanghai for more than a week still made him feel deeply exhausted. However, after a good night's rest, his physical condition quickly returned to its peak under the nourishment of the sun's power.

After hurriedly washing up and eating, Lin Chen began to get busy in the office of the former Shanghai Commander.

Clearing out the zombies in Shanghai City does not mean that he can rest easy. On the contrary, there are still a lot of follow-up matters waiting for him to deal with in the next few days. How to deal with the relocation in Shanghai and Shanghai, how to resume production, which projects and machines should be put into operation first, and how to effectively organize to cope with this cold winter...

A series of questions gave Lin Chen a headache.

Lin Chen had a clear understanding of his abilities. Putting aside his abilities, he did not have enough ability to organize and organize a huge base of three million survivors. Fortunately, he still has enough men to do this. In addition to the original officials in Shanghai, Lin Chen also transferred many capable confidants from Xishan Island and asked them to participate so that Lin Chen could grasp various matters more accurately.

With these subordinates here, Lin Chen only needs to nod his head on some key decisions and grasp the general direction.

After two consecutive days, most of the trivial matters have been taken care of. The most important thing before Lin Chen was how to survive this cold winter safely.

Since sufficient coal resources are obtained from the Baosteel plant in Shanghai, heating is basically no problem. After evaluation by the statisticians of the Shanghai Logistics Department, if used sparingly, these hundreds of thousands of tons of coal can initially meet the requirements of the survivors. Moreover, while they can still manage to go out now, they can also go to the ports and terminals in Shanghai and several important train transfer stations to try to search, and they will probably gain something.

As for winter clothes, statistics show that the number of shortfalls is around 1.8 million pieces. And that’s not counting replacement clothing. If each person had another piece of clothing to change, the number would double again.

Fortunately, the urban area of ​​Shanghai and Shanghai was successfully recovered, and the clothes and fabrics gradually moved out were enough to make up for this gap. A small garment factory that has been installed has also been put into production quickly, so there is no need to worry about this issue.

The food issue is a bit stressful.

After suggestions from senior executives in Shanghai, the people responsible for collecting materials found several hidden strategic grain reserves. Since it was well preserved, the food inside was basically fine. However, the grain reserves in these grain reserves are not full, and the total amount is enough for the Shanghai base for two months. If you save a little, you can survive this winter. I'm just afraid that another base will ask to join, in which case it might be really tight.

However, the temperature outside is getting lower now, and it is raining intermittently, which may turn into snow at any time. Once the climate becomes more extreme, other bases will not be able to relocate even if they want to. Lin Chen estimated that if no other base joins within a week, there will basically be no new bases merged into Shanghai until the spring of next year.

Finally, and most importantly, there is the issue of housing.

In winter, a tent alone would probably freeze someone to death. At this time last year, there were not so many people in the Shanghai base, and there were more supplies. Many of them froze to death. This year there are nearly one million more survivors, so the pressure will probably be even greater. Regardless of the logistics department in Shanghai, hundreds of thousands of survivors will not be able to live in houses.

Unless they are allowed to leave the Shanghai base and temporarily live in buildings in Shanghai city.

In this case, housing will definitely not be a problem, but without base defense facilities and military protection, security will definitely be a big problem. Although the Shanghai base has been cleared out now, if it had been a few months, zombies would have gradually wandered in. The only solution is to move these survivors to Xishan Island

Before the Taihu base moved to the Shanghai base, there were more than 100,000 and nearly 200,000 survivors on Xishan Island. Although there are now large tracts of land planted with crops and vegetables, it is still not a problem to pretend to be 100,000 survivors. Also, after the battle in Shanghai, Lin Chen once again had a large amount of soul crystals in his hands. Using these soul crystals, Lin Chen can purchase many special fertilizers for the Tree of Wisdom, and then greatly speed up the growth of the Tree of Wisdom.

Think about it, how many people can live in a super tree with a height exceeding the tallest building in mankind and with lush branches and leaves stretching for more than ten square kilometers?

Yes, in addition to the plant space, the tree has its own room and a constant temperature. For those survivors who have no place to live, this place is undoubtedly a paradise.

Lin Chen has already calculated that if he catalyzes it regardless of the cost, he can definitely push the height of the Tree of Wisdom to 600 meters in one fell swoop, which is three times the current height. The scope of its halo will also be expanded to two-thirds in one fell swoop. islands. The only problem now is that Lin Chen plans to build Xishan Island into a holy land for plant control masters. If given the chance, he would even like to move all the ordinary survivors on the island to Shanghai

Of course, it is necessary to do this. Now that the end of the world has arrived, plant control masters have actually formed a special class that surpasses ordinary people. If you still want to maintain the equality of everyone before the end of the world, it is actually impossible. Most plant control masters also find it difficult to accept that absolute equality in their hearts because they have power in their hands. Therefore, it is necessary to specially set aside such a holy land, so that Lin Chen will have another bargaining chip when giving rewards to others.

Want to move to the headquarters of the phytozoologists, the safest place in the world? Then just be obedient.

But now, not only has the plan to move out not been implemented, but more people have to be added to the island.

Lin Chen hesitated for a while, but decided to just do it. Of course, we must explain to them in advance that this is a temporary benefit, and they will move here for three months. In the future, we will take the opportunity to move them back to Shanghai together with the ordinary survivors of the original Changshan Lake Alliance on the island.

Chapter 354: The Aftermath of Victory

Chapter 354: The Aftermath of Victory


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