The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 326: Prelude to the Merger

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Chapter 326: The Prelude to the Merger

Although he vaguely guessed Major General Qin Li's intention, Lin Chen couldn't help being surprised when he actually spoke.

The Nanchang base in Gan Province is also one of the dozens of provincial bases in China. Although its military strength is not too strong, it is definitely not weak. Even compared with Andu Province at that time, it was still between Zhongbo. With more than 600,000 survivors, it has become the largest survivor base in Gan Province. But even such a provincial base cannot support it. Is it forced to come to the Shanghai base for help?

The commander of the Shanghai Base was obviously mentally prepared, and his expression was so pale that no change could be seen. He just waved his hand and said, "If anything happens, sit down and talk."


Qin Li didn't show much pretense. He pulled up a chair and sat down, then repeated his request: "After more than a year of struggling to support the Nanchang base under the attack of zombies, it has become more than capable. It was defeated. "In desperation, the commander of our base sent us to Shanghai to ask for help, hoping to move the whole group to Shanghai and merge the two provincial bases."


Qin Li's words surprised several people present again.

You must know that asking for help and abandoning the city to merge are two different concepts. If it is the former, it can also be understood that the zombie attack is too fierce and it will not be able to sustain it for a while, requiring foreign aid. The latter will be forced to give up their own sexuality and end up living under the fence of others. If the Nanchang base had not reached the end of its rope, their senior management would definitely not have done this.

Of course, Commander Shanghai also realized this. He frowned, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, lit one and took a few puffs before asking: "The situation at Nanchang base has become so bad that the city must be abandoned. to the point?”

At this point, there's no point in hiding the truth.

Qin Li did not hide anything anymore, but sighed and introduced the situation of the Nanchang base in detail: "The location of the Nanchang base was not considered at the time. At that time, I only thought that the zombie virus would be eliminated soon, so it was just I picked a place at random. In addition, the base's defense was not enough. Although it was gradually strengthened, the foundation was still too shallow. Coupled with the continuous attacks of zombies, the base was completely exhausted by the time I arrived. Thousands of people starved to death one after another.”


The tragic situation Qin Li described was moving even with the experienced experience of the Shanghai Commander.

Thousands of people starve to death, which means that other people are not better off, and most of them are weak and hanging on the edge of life and death. In comparison, although the situation in the Shanghai-Hai base is not good, the survivors can at least be half full with two meals a day, and at least they will not starve to death. And at the Andu base in Chen Gaoyang's era, everyone has it. Food, especially for those who dare to venture out hunting, can still have some left over

"So, the Nanchang base is in urgent need of assistance?" Commander Shanghai seemed to be saying to Qin Li, but also seemed to be talking to himself.

Qin Li nodded and said in a deep voice: "It's okay if that's all. We still have more than 20,000 soldiers and more reserves. But in order to deal with the zombies' constant attacks, bullets, grenades, artillery shells, etc. are all There are not many left, and there are signs of Level 4 zombies appearing outside the base recently. If the Shanghai base cannot quickly send troops to rescue, I am afraid that the Nanchang base will be completely breached in the next few days."

The commander of Shanghai and Haiyang frowned for a while, and said slowly: "No matter what the angle is, we will definitely not be vague about the rescue. However, it is not close from Shanghai to Nanchang base, and even if it takes a detour, there will be no need to talk about it. **Hundred kilometers. In addition to the bad road conditions, zombies are also a big threat along the way. How many people do you think we should send there?”

Qin Li's subconscious thought was that the more people, the better, but he was not stupid and knew that the other party would never go out to attack the Nanchang base without hesitation. Fortunately, he had discussed it with other staff officers at the Nanchang base before setting off, and he said calmly at this moment: "It would be best to dispatch more than 50,000 troops. If there are less, I'm afraid it won't help."

"fifty thousand?"

The Shanghai Commander shook his head and flatly refused: "Before the end of the world, it would have been easy to mobilize 50,000 troops. But now... to tell you the truth, since the last battle on the Beijing-Shanghai line, our vitality has also been severely damaged. Can. The maximum number of mobile troops that can be mobilized to cross 800 kilometers is this number."

He stretched out two fingers to indicate 20,000 people, which was roughly two divisions.

The disappointment in Qin Li's eyes flashed away, and he decided to speak up and try harder. But the attitude of the Shanghai Commander was firm enough and he was only willing to send a maximum of 20,000 people.

"You have to understand that your mission is to break out of the encirclement and bring all the survivors to Shanghai. Twenty thousand troops are enough to ensure the safety of those survivors along the way. My men are here to escort people, not to run all the way Go fight with the zombies in Gan Province." Commander Hu Hai directly made his point of view clear and refused to give in.

"Okay, just twenty thousand."

Qin Li knew that this was Huhai's bottom line, so he could only nod and agree.

After deciding on troop dispatch and relocation, the next step is the specific details. Lin Chen didn't have the time to listen to their repeated back and forth and intrigues. Instead, he casually picked up the Doomsday Weekly published by the Shanghai Base and read every detail. After almost a few hours, they finally agreed on everything.

Qin Li felt completely relieved that he had completed his task. He suddenly felt deeply tired and immediately got up and went back to rest. The Shanghai Commander followed suit and issued an emergency preparation order to prepare for the troop dispatch the next day.

"How to say?"

Seeing that the negotiation was over, Lin Chen put down the weekly magazine that smelled of ink and asked curiously.

The commander of Shanghai and Haihai sneered and said: "The old guys at Nanchang base have a good idea. They can't stop the zombies themselves, so they want to borrow help. It would be fine if they sincerely merged with Shanghai, but they still want to keep themselves. rights, then what’s the point of this merger? Do they think it’s child’s play?”

"What's the result?"

"The result? It will be downgraded to one level, but the original army must be reorganized. However, this is only a temporary measure. When they gradually integrate into Shanghai, I will have enough time to free up my hands to slowly deal with them. Right, I'm worried That fourth-level zombie in Nanchang base, what do you think?" Commander Huhai was worried that the fourth-level zombie would become a destabilizing factor, so he wanted to ask Lin Chen to take action. But there was no superior-subordinate relationship between the two, so he could only make a request to Lin Chen in a negotiating tone.

Lin Chen did not agree immediately, but thought for a while before agreeing: "I will go with you. If there are really fourth-level zombies, I will help kill them. After that, the 600,000 survivors of the Nanchang base will be relocated, and I will I won’t be responsible anymore, I should be back early.”

"no problem."

Commander Huhai agreed immediately. As long as there was no threat from level four zombies, his 20,000 troops working with the troops at the Nanchang base would not be afraid of the zombies along the way.

"That's it then."


The next morning, Lin Chen took ten intermediate plant control engineers on the road to the Nanchang base.

It's not that he can't bring more people, but with tens of thousands of soldiers passing through, ordinary zombies will naturally have to be taken care of by them. Even if he brings more people, they may not be able to be used.

Theoretically speaking, it is naturally best to take a train for such long-distance mobility. But the problem is that since the end of the world, so many places on the railway tracks have been damaged by zombies that the trains cannot run at all. Therefore, the two mechanized infantry divisions sent by Shanghai were mainly military vehicles, with a large number of other vehicles in a mess, in order to pick up as many survivors as possible in Nanchang and help them share some of the transportation pressure. .

Lin Chen had a very relaxed life in the next two days.

With the tanks at the Shanghai base opening the way, most of the time he just had to watch. Lin Chen would only hunt zombies unless he was besieged by multiple third-level zombies. You must know that zombies killed by ordinary soldiers will not drop soul crystals. Lin Chen also follows the principle of not wasting it, and every one he can kill counts.

As for the fourth-level zombies, they were lucky enough not to encounter them.

Although naturally evolved fourth-order zombies have appeared, the probability of evolving from third-order to fourth-order is inherently low, and this requires a gradual evolution process, so there are not many fourth-order zombies that have appeared so far. You may not be able to encounter one in several urban areas. Although Lin Chen and the others traveled 800 kilometers, they only encountered one extremely evolved third-level one. It was only one step away from the fourth-level predator, but it was easily killed by Lin Chen because of the missing kick.

Of course, the texture of the diamond crystals it drops is much worse than that of real level four zombies.

After finally killing a group of tens of thousands of zombies, the two divisions from Shanghai arrived at the outskirts of the Nanchang base.

“Lots of zombies”

Many soldiers, including Lin Chen, saw countless zombies under the base wall, www.zhaoshyan. c Everyone gasped. Although the number is not comparable to the attack on Shanghai, it is at least two million. The zombies' attack must have been going on for some time. High piles of corpses can be seen everywhere under the city wall. Large groups of third-level zombies have rushed to the wall one after another and began to fight hand-to-hand with the soldiers guarding the base.

Without the suppression of heavy artillery and insufficient heavy firearms, the defense battle at the Nanchang base was extremely difficult and brutal. The soldiers on the walls of the base were simply taking lives, but there was no hope of victory in sight.

If it weren't for the fact that once the base was lost, everyone would die, and these soldiers all showed their will to die, I am afraid that the Nanchang base would have been breached long ago.

The situation is much worse than the Shanghai Navy expected.

The person responsible for commanding the two divisions in Shanghai and Hainan is a lieutenant general, who is the right-hand man of the commander of the Shanghai and Haihai bases. Seeing that the Nanchang base was in danger, he only hesitated for a moment and immediately ordered his men to join the battle. In an era when level four zombies are coming, the threat of two million zombies is unimaginable, and the lieutenant general dare not hold back any hand (..) (Doomsday Plant Controller )_qz

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