The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 310 The True Strength of the Controller

Chang Wan is a lieutenant in the Shanghai base military. He is 26 years old today.

At this time in previous years, he would hold a party with his family and comrades on his birthday, and everyone would be lively and happy together. But since last year, such a comfortable life has gone forever!

It's all those nasty zombies!

It was them who caused me to lose many family members and live a hopeless and gray life in this terrible end of the world!

It was better this time last year. Not long after the zombie outbreak, the third-level zombies did not appear. Their military could easily crush the zombies. But things are different now. The past six months have been getting harder and harder day by day. Especially in the past few days, experts and intelligence personnel at the base suspected that fourth-level zombies were involved in the attack. This put the Shanghai base in a great crisis. He even had to take the risk of lurking next to millions of zombies on his birthday!

If the bottom three floors of the building where he was hiding had not been completely sealed, and the frontal battle at the base had attracted all the zombies, I am afraid that he would have been besieged to death by countless zombies on both sides of the building! Even so, there are still some second- and third-level zombies hovering under the building and refusing to leave, obviously unwilling to let go of their food!

"Warning, a large group of zombie birds was spotted at seven o'clock. Preliminary estimates include more than 10,000 birds!"

Chang Zang was startled by the vague voice coming from the walkie-talkie. He turned his head and looked, and sure enough he found a large number of zombie birds flying towards the front-line battlefield. If you don't take evasive measures, you will probably be discovered by the zombie birds on the path. In desperation, he could only hide in the camouflage net that had been prepared. After the zombie birds flew over his head, he resurfaced and took a look directly below the building.

"There are so many, can't these things kill them all?"

Although he knew that the building was safe for the time being, Chang Wan still felt extremely stressed and frightened when he saw the zombies all around him downstairs. He and his companions were as if they were standing on a small rock in the middle of a violent ocean, and could be swept to the bottom of the sea by larger waves at any time!

"Damn the fourth-level zombies, come out of here quickly!"

With endless resentment, Chang Wan rubbed his red and swollen eyes and raised the telescope again to search for traces of fourth-level zombies. He has enough worries upstairs. As long as he can find the possible fourth-level controller, he can successfully complete the base mission!

At that time, not only can you return to the base to take a quick shower and eat breakfast, but you can also get a lot of rewards!

Maybe the goddess of luck heard his prayer, or maybe people always have more luck on their birthdays. Chang Xang raised the telescope and casually looked at it, and unexpectedly saw a red figure.  Although it was only revealed for a moment, it looked particularly dazzling in the gray and overwhelming tone of zombies!

"Fourth level controller!"

He subconsciously shouted out, and at the same time quickly adjusted the direction of the telescope back, trying to determine the specific location of the blood-red zombie.

"Found a fourth-level zombie? Where are they?"

Hearing Chang Wang's cry, several companions perked up and quickly moved towards him.

"Don't make any noise, I saw it just now, the red monster..." Chang Xang dealt with his companions while carefully adjusting the angle and looking carefully at the position he had just found. Although he didn't see the monster in a short period of time, the more he looked at it, the more certain he became: "Third-level sensitive zombies, third-level alien zombies... so many third-level zombies! That's right, that fourth-level controller must be Around here!”

"There! I found it!"

After searching intently for a minute, he finally saw the looming red figure among the zombies again. Through the high-magnification telescope, he clearly saw that the monster had two horns on its head. Two alien zombies of average size but extremely evolved seemed to be protecting it on the left and right. Under the cover of these monsters, the size of the blood-red zombies was very inconspicuous. If it weren't for the distinctive color, it would be really difficult to spot it!

"Quick, prepare the flare! Laser launcher guidance!"

After confirming the existence of the blood-red zombies, several people immediately started to rush. Soon, an extremely conspicuous special signal flare rose into the sky, which could be seen more than ten kilometers away even in the daytime.

"It's codenamed Nineteen! Hurry, we found traces of level four zombies, located near Observation Post No. 19!"

"The people at Post 19 discovered the fourth-level controller!"

Almost as soon as the signal flare took off, nearby observation posts, helicopters, and full-time observers from the Shanghai-Haihai Base discovered it invariably. Of course they knew what the firing of the signal flare meant, and they all became excited in unison. Being able to find out the location of the fourth-level controller so early will undoubtedly play a decisive role in helping the Shanghai base to repel this large-scale zombie attack!

"Prepare TV-guided bombs! Prepare LT-3 surface-to-surface laser-guided missiles! And the only remaining reinforced armed helicopter brigade, all come to me!"

The Shanghai Base got really ruthless. Taking advantage of the gap they had just wiped out a wave of zombie birds, they used all the long-range firepower they could muster, determined to kill the fourth-level controller first at all costs! In the battle on the Beijing-Shanghai line, the tragic defeat that the fourth-level controller brought to the two bases was so profound that the Shanghai Navy and senior officials all listed the controller as the first target to kill!

Soon, multiple missiles that had been waiting for them soared into the sky!

Then, the armed helicopter brigade also lined up in formation and flew towards the target location!

At the same time, the helicopter that Lin Chen accidentally boarded also discovered the observation post No. 19 that raised the flare. The helicopter pilot slapped his thigh excitedly and drove the helicopter there without saying a word!

The guy with goggles next to him was also excited and expectant. He stretched his neck to look out and said to Lin Chen: "Little brother, you are lucky! Domestic LT-3 laser-guided missiles! The stock of Shanghai Base is not much, and this time it is a huge investment. We still have time to rush over now, and we should be able to see the exciting scene of the missile bombing the fourth-level controller!"

After hearing what they said, Lin Chen couldn't help but become curious.

The Shanghai Base is indeed still capable. Perhaps, this time, the military alone can independently solve the fourth-level zombie. I have made a wasted trip - I can't say that, at least I have broadened my horizons.

Because the helicopter was fast enough, even though they were originally on the edge of the zombie army, they quickly rushed to the vicinity of the 19th observation post after seeing the signal flare. Just as Lin Chen raised the telescope, more than a dozen missiles flew through the sky at several times the speed of Mach with blazing tail flames, and then changed direction in time under the guidance of lasers or television, and flew towards a location one kilometer away from them!

"That's over there!"

The four people on the helicopter all looked in the direction of the missile's flight. Just a moment later, those powerful missiles landed one after another, causing a series of huge explosions. Not only did the nearby zombies turn into ashes in the first time, but the sturdy buildings also collapsed one after another under the power of the shock wave, and the dust flew. Although there was no mushroom cloud, the momentum was no less than Lin Chen's destruction mushroom!

That fourth-level controller was dead!

"Quick, lower the altitude and fly over!"

At this moment, not only the helicopter where Lin Chen was, but also the other seven or eight planes flew towards the location of the missile explosion. In the distance, more than 30 helicopters of the armed helicopter brigade were also rushing here desperately. In order to be foolproof, the Shanghai base could no longer care about the last armed helicopter of the treasure!

In such a situation, everyone firmly believed that the controller would definitely die!

However, after the smoke and dust were slightly dispersed, a scene that surprised them appeared. On the streets full of pits and ruins, a group of third-level zombies tightly protected the blood-red monster in the middle. Although the surrounding area was full of countless zombie limbs and fragments, and most of the third-level zombies protecting it were seriously injured, the controller was only slightly injured and was trying hard to escape!

"How is this possible?"

The people on the helicopter where Lin Chen was were stunned. They couldn't understand how a zombie could survive such a violent explosion. On the contrary, Lin Chen vaguely saw something strange, because the fourth-level zombie was surrounded by uneven craters, and only where it was, the ground was relatively intact!

Could it be that the missile landed at a wrong point?

This shouldn't be the case! The candidates specially selected by the military are unlikely to make mistakes at the critical moment of guiding the missile!

However, now is not the time to consider this issue. The most important thing is to take advantage of the opportunity created by the missile to kill the controller. Otherwise, once it finds an opportunity to hide in the zombie group, it will be difficult to find it again!

Just when the people on the helicopter were anxious, the sound of a large group of helicopters came from far and near. They didn't hesitate, and flew past Lin Chen's helicopter quickly, and then lowered their altitude to attack the ground. Obviously, they also discovered the fact that the missile did not work!

"Boom boom boom!"

A series of machine guns and aircraft machine guns fired, and the bombs mounted on the helicopters were also dropped at all costs. But at this moment, the helicopters that were originally flying steadily suddenly shook abruptly, like drunkards, and the neat formations were suddenly messed up. Not to mention that the attack lost its accuracy, two helicopters even collided with each other because of loss of control, and exploded and crashed on the spot!

"What happened?"

The three people around Lin Chen were stunned, and the helicopter pilot hurriedly called out. Unfortunately, the only response was intermittent noise and painful groans. Obviously, those helicopter pilots were suffering from great pain for some reason! It was for this reason that their attacks lost their accuracy!

Could it be...

Thinking of the error in the laser guiding the missile just now, Lin Chen was shocked and came to a conclusion that surprised him. (. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets at (qidian.). Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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