The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 287: Encountering the Cyborg Again

Because there is no professional equipment, materials and design drawings, there is no way to repair the dam. After discussing for a long time, Lin Chen found that the only thing he could do was to ensure that the zombie rats would no longer approach the dam.

"Send someone to monitor it 24 hours a day."

Under Lin Chen's instructions, the people in the garrison had another responsibility and set up a warning point next to the dam. Their main task is to prevent zombie rats from continuing to threaten the dam, and of course to monitor the main condition of the dam. Once they detect signs of disaster, they will immediately use flares to warn the survivors in the lake area!

Considering that this news might cause panic, Lin Chen and An Hai discussed it and decided that it would be better to temporarily block it. It’s just that the scale of the efforts to find zombie rats was so large that the rat threat to the dam could not be concealed, and it soon became known to everyone in the entire lake area!

"It's not safe here anymore, let's find a way to evacuate!"

Some survivors expressed their concerns through various channels, but this did not change anything. Although the dam is in danger of collapse, in Lin Chen's view, this risk is still controllable to a certain extent. Because even if the dam collapses, they still have a certain amount of time to prepare, and they won't say what will happen in an instant. Therefore, as long as you do a good job of supervision, Anshun Island is still a good base for the time being!

Lin Chen has traveled from Andu Base, Songping Base, Longqishan District, etc., and he is a little tired of wandering back and forth. He still wants to build a fixed base that is safe enough for himself!

"Don't worry, everyone, we will send people around the clock to monitor the situation of the dam..."

After spending a lot of effort, Lin Chen and other senior officials finally calmed down many survivors for the time being. Although they were still a little doubtful, one week and two weeks passed, and the dam was always safe and sound, and these survivors gradually felt relieved. No matter what, life has to pass day by day!

For the next period of time, the Changshan Lake area fell into a rare calm.

Under the cover of the moss on the tombstone, the months of May and June passed by peacefully. For ordinary survivors on the island, they have a vague feeling of being before the end of the world. Except for the occasional harassment from zombie birds, there are no other threats. For the plant control team, which is about to reach a hundred members, this is also a rare time for hunting and improvement. Not only have more than twenty plant control masters entered the realm of intermediate plant control masters, Lin Chen himself has already entered the third level of advanced plant control master!

This time, the plant he obtained was still a auxiliary plant - street lamp flower!

The appearance of street lanterns is very similar to the magic torch lights commonly seen in fantasy. Their function is quite magical and they can continuously emit light at night.Although it is not as good as the high-pressure sodium lamps on pedestrian streets before the end of the world, it can emit a very soft halo-yellow light. In addition to using them as free electric lights, the abilities of the plant controller bathed in the light of street lights will be fully increased, whether it is movement speed, attack speed or damage caused, there will be a certain degree of improvement!

After preliminary testing, this comprehensive increase can reach up to 30%!

It can be said that this is a super effective gain state! With this kind of plant, the dark night that was originally unfavorable to the plant controllers has become their home field!

However, unlike other nocturnal persistent plants, street lamp flowers also have the disadvantage that they can only exert their beneficial effects at night. Even with the coffee beans, it couldn't work during the day. Of course, the corresponding thing is that it can survive during the day without coffee beans - this undoubtedly helped Lin Chen save a lot of energy in summoning coffee beans.

On the night he obtained the street lantern flowers, Lin Chen planted nearly a hundred street lantern flowers on Anshun Island. Most of these street lanterns were planted around his motorcade, and only a few were planted in other locations.

The energy consumed to summon this kind of plant is exactly the same as that of a pea shooter. For Lin Chen now, such a large-scale summoning is not enough to use up his powers. However, these street lights that emitted a dim yellow light in the darkness gave a great shock to the thousands of survivors on the island. They didn't know how long it had been since they saw any light at night. One can imagine how ecstatic they would be when they suddenly saw so many torch-like lights!

"It's unimaginable! I thought it was a sudden call!"

"Is this Boss Lin's brand new plant?"

"Bright light! I saw a bright light! Could it be that I was dazzled?"

Countless survivors who had gone to bed early were woken up one by one. Seeing the wonderful scenery outside the window, they gathered under the street lights and were so excited that they could not fall asleep. A few hours later, some nearby camps also sent people to inquire about the situation. The person in charge of the alert saw a little dim light on the island and thought it was a fire on the island!

"This is my brand new plant that can provide lighting. It will be available on the entire island in the future!"

Seeing the excitement of these survivors, Lin Chen couldn't help but feel a little sad and quickly made a promise.

Before the apocalypse, walking under streetlights at night was a simple matter. However, most people are immersed in the struggle for fame and fortune, so how can they have the free time to take a walk under the lamp? Not to mention getting excited about this. It will not be until the end of the world, when they taste the taste of loss, that they will cherish it especially after regaining it!

"Are plant control masters really just a kind of superpower? Why do I feel like I am almost becoming a god?"

An Hai couldn't help complaining sourly while enjoying the coolness under the street lights. In response, Lin Chen just smiled slightly.

"Congratulations to the captain, it seems that this street lantern will become a hot commodity in the alliance again!" Qian Xu and Qian Yuwei brother and sister came out to watch the night scene together. When they saw the happy survivors, they couldn't help but express their congratulations to Lin Chen.

What happened was as Qian Xu expected. On the second day, after the magic of street lantern flowers spread, the bosses of each camp shamelessly came to find them again. After paying something as usual, Lin Chen nodded and promised to give them a few street lanterns at each camp.

From this day on, after the entire world became accustomed to power outages and darkness at night, in Changshan Lake District, tens of thousands of survivors began to enjoy the light again at night! Looking around the world, this kind of treatment can only be enjoyed by large-scale base high-security zones in some countries. Even so, they have a limited time limit, but street lanterns can easily provide lighting all night long based on principles that humans cannot understand!

In the face of the power of sunlight, the technology that humans were once proud of is sometimes not enough!

In addition to the sunlight power, Lin Chen's basic body strengthening potion has become popular again. There is no other reason. During this period, the second pregnant woman in Lin Chen’s team to make a decision also successfully gave birth to a baby. If the previous case can be described as extremely lucky, but now the two consecutive cases are successful, this can explain some problems. If combined with several other women who were seven or eight months pregnant but still had no problems, the survivors in the alliance would praise the basic body strengthening potion to the top!

"Compared with Commander Lin's potions, Melatonin and Jinvita are all nothing!"

Many survivors who were in urgent need of this stuff tried their best to flatter Lin Chen while flocking to the place with the intention of purchasing basic body strengthening potions.

"Basic body-strengthening potions are limited, and the price of redemption is huge. If you want to redeem them, go talk to Uncle Ling."

Lin Chen passed the responsibility and handed over the price negotiation to his subordinates. He himself continues to work hard for the promotion of superpowers. For some reason, he has a vague feeling that the emergence of fourth-level zombies is not far away!

Unknowingly, time has entered July again.

Because of the impression of nuclear weapons and the destruction of the biological chain by zombie viruses, the global climate has experienced abnormalities to varying degrees. Specifically speaking, the Changshan Lake area has experienced high temperatures in the past half month. Compared with the same period in previous years, the current average temperature is at least eight or nine degrees higher. For many survivors, such high temperatures are quite unbearable, and available fresh water resources are also under strain. Fortunately, due to the artificial lake, the growth of rice has not been affected in any way.

"At this rate, we can harvest it in a month at most."

Several experienced farmers came to a definite conclusion and suggested that Lin Chen prepare harvesting and threshing tools in advance.

Lin Chen didn't have much preparation for this issue. Fortunately, there was a food department in the logistics department, so it was enough to leave it to them. However, while these people were busy making preparations, Lin Chen still had a hidden worry in his heart, that is, the dam was hollowed out from the inside. In previous years, heavy rains were common in June and July. But this year, there hasn’t been a single heavy rain so far. Although this is a good thing for them, the scary thing is that if the weather has been hot for a long time, it will suddenly rain heavily, which will be difficult to deal with!

However, after waiting and waiting, the heavy rain did not come, and the cyborgs came again.

The last time, Qu Bo, the leader of the biochemical team, arrived here with more than 20 people, but almost all of them were killed by Lin Chen. However, several biochemical people were sent back to the central base by Qu Bo early to report. Therefore, Lin Chen always suspected that the biochemical man would come to visit him again. However, he expected the time to be about a month. These cyborgs arrived later than he expected. It was already July before they came to his door in large numbers!

However, compared to the last time he secretly kidnapped someone, this time the cyborg seemed to be much smarter.

It was a steaming afternoon, and Lin Chen took action personally because he received a report from a camp far away that a group of third-level zombies had appeared. But when he came back from hunting and was about to return to the Changshan Lake area, a group of nearly thirty men in black uniforms stopped him. It was obvious that they had premeditated it. Their outfits were exactly the same as those of the previous cyborg Qu Di's men.

Seeing this scene, Lin Chen immediately knew something in his mind. However, just when he was about to strike first, the biochemical man on the opposite side stopped him! (If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (qidian.) to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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