The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 274: Building in the Siege

"How can humans control temperature? Is he a magician?"

Seeing Lin Chen easily freeze nearly a hundred zombies around, the survivors couldn't help but exclaimed.   Those who noticed this also quickly shifted their attention and looked at the man who flipped over from the gap between the zombies. The unimaginable dexterity and speed made them feel even more incredible!

"Could it be that he is an unknown new type of zombie?"

Someone said his analysis, and it was immediately agreed by several people. Two impulsive people even raised their guns and fired at the direction where Lin Chen was moving.

"Are you crazy? Shooting at your own kind?"

Shaking off the thousands of zombies blocking the entrance, Lin Chen bypassed the front shooting range and tried to get closer to these people. But then, he found that two people were consciously shooting at him. After a moment of surprise and confusion, he immediately reacted and shouted to those people. Fortunately, his figure dodged quickly enough, and the seven or eight bullets that seemed dangerous passed by him, but they were not enough to hit him at all!

"Fuck, it's a human!"

"Stop, he's not a zombie!"

Hearing Lin Chen's voice, even the dumbest person knew that they had made a mistake in the target. The two shooters were stunned and quickly turned their guns away. Even so, the two still had a big fight, but fortunately the young man in front of them was safe and sound.

"Be careful, the zombies are coming!"

Because they paid too much attention to Lin Chen, some gunmen were inevitably distracted. In just a few seconds, several zombies from the front entrance suddenly poured in. In the distance of the street a hundred meters away, a third-level power zombie came over! Its unique body shape of five or six meters high made many survivors notice it from a distance!

The plan of these survivors to split into two groups is good, but there are so many zombies in Shanghai City. Even if most of the third-level zombies are attracted, there are always fish that slip through the net. This third-level power zombie came from somewhere else.

Lin Chen just ran behind the defense line of these people, and when he was about to help deal with this guy, Lin Chen noticed that these people were not too panicked, and they should have a countermeasure. Sure enough, when the third-level power zombie was approaching, a person who looked like a commander spoke: "Pay attention to the third-level power zombie! Xiao Zhao, you lead the fourth team to lead it away, and then return to the assembly point by yourself! Brothers, work harder, the brothers inside just called, give them another 15 minutes to withdraw! After we finish this, it will be enough for all the brothers to eat for three months and more!"

Encouraging and tempting, the convoy commander successfully stabilized everyone's morale.

Soon, a sports car that had been prepared long ago took advantage of the relatively few zombies at the door and drove out with increased horsepower. Under the firepower cover of the muffler installed at the back, the sports car knocked over six or seven zombies in a row and successfully broke out of the encirclement. The third-level power zombie a few dozen meters away seemed to have not expected that an iron box dared to rush towards him, and he couldn't help but get angry. It grabbed an ordinary zombie nearby and smashed it towards the sports car!


The full force of the third-level zombie can definitely smash the sports car into scrap metal. Several people couldn't help but exclaim, and they were worried for the driver of the sports car.

However, since he dared to drive, he was obviously prepared. The driver was calm enough. Seeing a zombie coming hard, he stepped on the brakes lightly and turned the steering wheel to the right at the same time. He actually completed a small drift at a not-so-high speed and barely avoided the zombie that was treated as a brick and stone!

He is also skilled and courageous.

Seeing that the attack missed, the third-level zombie seemed to be enraged. It roared loudly, and then chased after it step by step with its huge body. Although the pace was not fast, each step could take a long way, and the speed was not slow. Of course, its speed was still a little different from that of the sports car, and it was slowly led away by the car.

"So that's how it is."

Lin Chen understood these people's methods and couldn't help but admire them. Even if they didn't have superpowers, they could come up with such a way to reduce losses under the pressure of zombies: "Strength zombies can be led away, but what about the third-level agility zombies? The bad road conditions in the city, even the most powerful driving experts can't run at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour!"

"Third-level agility zombies? There's nothing we can do, just fight hard!"

A fat man next to him answered him, his tone full of helplessness and unwillingness, but in the end all turned into numbness: "Third-level strength zombies, we don't have heavy weapons, and the military is unwilling to lend them. Since we can't kill them, we have to lead them away. Agility zombies are different. Although they are fast enough, grenades can also seriously injure them. As long as we are not afraid of death and fight with our lives, we can always kill them. These days, those who survive are not destined to die, and those who die may be lucky! Anyway, it's nothing more than a matter of sooner or later!"

Lin Chen was a little depressed and didn't know how to respond to him.

If he didn't have superpowers, his fate would not be much better than these people, and it's even unclear whether he can survive until now. But since he accidentally gained superpowers, he is actually in a different world from ordinary people, whether he admits it or not! This is his luck, and it is also the misfortune of other people in this world!

"By the way, this is the urban area of ​​Shanghai. You are alone and have no weapons. Where did you come from?"

After temporarily dealing with this wave of crises, these survivors began to notice Lin Chen and began to question him one after another. At first, they thought that someone in the convoy was negligent. But after asking around, I found that hundreds of people here didn't know him, which was very strange! This team has developed little by little in the past six months, and they are all close friends. There may be new people joining, but there is no way that so many people have never been seen before!

Unless, he is not from his own team!

Lin Chen's answer also confirmed this: "I followed the convoy here and wanted to find someone!"

"You are so bold! Are you trying to kill yourself? How dare you go on the road alone!" Some kind-hearted survivors heard Lin Chen's words and immediately scolded him. Obviously, in their view, Lin Chen is an impulsive novice who was very common in the early days of the apocalypse and is now almost dead. As for the special ability Lin Chen showed just now, they had subconsciously ignored it.

Lin Chen ignored him and asked, "Does anyone know where Lin Xing is? Is it here or..."

He just did a general scan and didn't find his brother among these people. Although he already had bad suspicions, he still wanted to confirm.

"Lin Xing? Who is Lin Xing?"

Several people around had never heard of this name, but after Lin Chen's questioning, they spread the word. Soon, several people who came out with Lin Xing stood up and said to Lin Chen: "Who are you? What are you doing with him? Lin Xing has been assigned to a group over there that attracts zombies."

As he spoke, he pointed to two buildings one kilometer away.

Hearing that he confirmed his suspicion, Lin Chen's heart couldn't help but sink. The group that seduces zombies is undoubtedly the most dangerous, especially when preparing to evacuate. There is no advantage of high-rise buildings. If they are chased by zombies again...

Thinking of this, he asked them when they were going to retreat, then turned and left without saying a word.

"Hey, what are you going to do?"

Several people noticed that Lin Chen had a tendency to turn around and leave, and couldn't help but asked in surprise. Combined with the questions just now, they couldn't help but have a guess. Does the person in front of them want to take a risk? This is really a crazy idea. You know, there are nearly 100,000 zombies under the building one kilometer away, and the number is still increasing!

Lin Chen cared about his younger brother, so he just dealt with it casually, then activated his powers and rushed out quickly with light steps. These survivors only felt that Lin Chen was not running very fast, but he appeared a hundred meters away in three or two steps. This ghostly speed reminded them of a third-level agility zombie!

Is there really anyone in this world who can be as fast as a third-level agility zombie?

Before this, no one would believe them even if they were killed. But seeing it with their own eyes today, they had to believe their eyes. At this time, someone combined the frozen zombie with this inhuman speed and vaguely guessed the truth - the man in front of him was definitely not an ordinary human being!

At this time, Lin Chen had already rushed to a place more than a hundred meters away from the two buildings.

"Ho ho!"

Countless zombies with gray skin and rotting bodies waved their arms aimlessly, trying to squeeze towards the building. Unfortunately, the entrance to the building was destroyed by explosives. No matter how crowded these zombies are, they can only stay down there in vain. On the roof of the building, those who survived were shooting from time to time, trying their best to attract these zombies.

For the time being, there seems to be no danger.

However, before Lin Chen could breathe a sigh of relief, he saw several oversized third-level zombies hitting the building one after another. Although it was difficult for them to shake a building of this size, they successfully smashed the guardrails and corridors on the second floor. Then, these powerful zombies picked up the zombies around them and sent them in. Some level 3 agility zombies are also jumping as hard as they can, trying to adjust their posture. Every once in a while, some of them successfully jump to the second floor!

However, the survivors above seem to have countermeasures.

They should have completely destroyed the stairs leading from the second floor to the third floor, and then blocked the stairwell with various debris. A large number of zombies blocked the second floor, but they were unable to rush up. As for those level three agility zombies, every time they break through a floor, the survivors will retreat to a higher level and then continue to blow up the stairs!

It was through this method that they were able to hold off these zombies for so long.

At this moment, another explosion suddenly occurred roughly on the twelfth or third floor, and several glass windows on that floor were shattered accordingly. Some of the fragments were pushed away by the shock wave, reflecting sunlight in the air, and then fell to the ground, shattering to pieces! (If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (qidian.) to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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