The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 271: Empty House

"Boss, do you really want to go?"

Seeing Lin Chen quickly walking out of the conference hall, Zhao Gang exchanged a few words with the three people and chased after him. Although hesitant, he still asked.

Lin Chen slowed down, nodded and said: "If it were you, knowing that your brother might be in another base, would you go and look for him? How can a college student, who knows neither Kung Fu nor any connections, be at ease outside? No matter what, I must go and find him!”

"But, he doesn't necessarily have to be your brother?"

Lin Chen shook his head and said: "How can there be such a coincidence in the world? The names, ages, and looks are the same, and they are also returnees from overseas! Moreover, when he mentioned it like that, I remembered it. When I made an overseas phone call with my brother before, , I vaguely remember that he mentioned that he would have a special exchange event with a university in China. Maybe he flew over on behalf of a university in Singapore, just in time for the biochemical crisis to break out!"

"Oh, I hope so."

Zhao Gang also knew that Lin Chen had made up his mind, so he stopped trying to persuade him.

After another high-level meeting was held, Lin Chen briefly talked about his plans to go to Taihu Base. After telling them the reasons, no one objected. Fortunately, nothing happened at the base recently, and no large group of corpses was found nearby. Even if Lin Chen leaves for a short week, there should be no problem.

After making some general arrangements, Lin Chen downloaded the map and was ready to set off.

If you want to go to Taihu Lake, the most convenient way is to take a boat. Therefore, Lin Chen needed to drive to the Yangtze River first, and then take a boat down the river until he reached Jiangyin, which was close to the estuary of the Yangtze River. It was very close to Taihu Lake, and Lin Chen could just find a car to drive there!

"Didn't you say there might be meteorite fragments? Zhao Gang went there last time, it's my turn this time!"

Qian Xu took the initiative to apply and expressed that he wanted to go with Lin Chen.

Lin Chen originally wanted to go alone, but after thinking about it, he needed at least one person to drive the boat, so he didn't mind taking Qian Xu with him. Soon, the three people who had packed up found a car and headed towards the Yangtze River section. They didn't encounter any accidents next, and boarded the boat smoothly and headed toward the lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

He has walked this waterway several times, and it has long lost the freshness it had before. After getting used to the initial bump, he found a place to lie down. It seemed like he was resting, but in fact he was thinking about him and his brother Lin Xing: the warmth of the past, the worries of the past half year, and the expectations and meetings in the future! Although the person who provided the information said that they had not seen each other for four or five months, and no one dared to say what happened during this period, Lin Chen firmly believed that he could find him!

"This is really a long journey, from here to Jingzhou, and then all the way eastward along the Yangtze River... until Nanjing, Zhenjiang, and finally reaching the destination Jiangyin. Even if it goes along the river, it will probably take two or three days!" Qian Xu understood very well! Lin Chen's mood was even more urgent than when he was looking for his sister Qian Yuwei. So he didn't go to cause trouble for Lin Chen, but looked at the map positioning with Xiong Baoguo who was sailing the boat.

Two or three days, in normal times, is nothing, and it goes by in the blink of an eye. But for Lin Chen now, it seemed extremely long.

After waiting patiently, their boat finally arrived in Jiangyin. The water here is relatively gentle, but the river surface is also wider. The three of them found a small pier without zombies to dock, and after Xiong Baoguo did some tricks on the ship as usual, they landed and left. A few ordinary second-level zombies seemed to have noticed the human message and swayed over. Unfortunately, they chose the wrong target and were killed by Lin Chen with a wave of his hand.

After becoming a senior plant control master, he almost lost interest in facing ordinary second-level zombies.

"Next, get a car through Wuxi and Suzhou, and finally rush to the Taihu base!"

Trying to cross two cities in an apocalyptic world where level 3 zombies are rampant is undoubtedly a very dangerous behavior for ordinary people. But for Lin Chen, this journey was not only non-threatening, but more like a specialized harvest. Except for a close encounter with a group of more than 100,000 zombies that forced him to leave, he basically killed all the other third-level zombies he encountered!

If this continues, Lin Chen will not be far from the second level of senior plant control master.

According to the person who provided the information, the Taihu base was actually built on Sanshan Island in Taihu Lake. The environment there is superior. Apart from the waterway, the only thing connected to the outside world is a bridge. The people at Taihu Base only need to guard the bridge and can completely ignore any zombie attacks! However, when Lin Chen and the others arrived after traveling thousands of miles, they found that the bridge leading to the Taihu base had already been blown up. Standing on this section of the bridge and looking through binoculars from a distance, they found no trace of survivors.

It seems that this place has been abandoned by the survivors!

"No way?"

Lin Chen was a little unwilling. He had already found this place, could he just give up? At the very least, we need to figure out what's going on here!

With this in mind, Lin Chen, Zhao Gang, and Xiong Baoguo drove around Taihu Lake in a circle. It took them a full day before they unexpectedly ran into a convoy of hundreds of people. Probably because he admired Lin Chen's courage to go out to look for his relatives with just two people. The captain of the motorcade was very easy to talk to and even invited Lin Chen to have a meal with the motorcade.

Through communicating with them, Lin Chen finally learned the whole story of the abandonment of Taihu Base.

"It's not difficult to defend the island. The key is that there is not much food stored on the island. If they don't want to starve to death, they must go out to search for food. You also know the population density in Suzhou. There are many people and even more zombies. After the team that went out to search for supplies three or four times was severely damaged by the third-level zombies, they had to abandon this place. Of course, I heard that the island was attacked by a mysterious monster on the eve of the evacuation, but the specific news is not known to us!" The captain of the convoy said in detail.

Lin Chen took a bite of rice like chewing wax, and continued to ask: "So, do you know where the people from Taihu Base withdrew to?"

The captain of the convoy thought for a while and said: "I heard that they all withdrew to Shanghai Base under the cover of the troops. If you want to find someone, it is recommended to go there to try your luck. After all, among the major bases in the south now, Shanghai has the most survivors and the strongest strength. However, the situation there has not been very good recently. I wish you good luck."

"Thank you!"

Although he failed to find his brother's whereabouts directly, Lin Chen was in a good mood after learning a very likely location. He thanked them and soon parted ways with the convoy.

"We have to go to the Shanghai base!"

The car that we found randomly before broke down after less than two days. The engine caught fire and it was impossible to repair it. However, all the cars that could be found on the nearby roads were broken down or out of oil. In desperation, Lin Chen and his three companions had to spend half a day planning to rob an underground parking lot with thousands of zombies. After killing six or seven third-level zombies, they took a Porsche and left.

Compared with water routes, land routes are undoubtedly more troublesome.

Shanghai Base, as the largest survivor base in the south, has nearly three million survivors. In terms of number alone, it can be said that it is still above the central base. However, so many survivors have also brought heavy logistical pressure to Shanghai Base, and of course attracted the attention of more zombies. All along, the guards of Shanghai Base have defeated tens of millions of zombies, but there are still countless zombies coming from other places and continuing to attack!

When Lin Chen and his team drove their Porsche onto the national highway from Suzhou to Shanghai, they encountered an endless stream of zombies.

"Captain, give me a torch stump."

Qian Xu summoned the double shooter and took the torch stump from Lin Chen. After the installation, he opened the car window, set up the double shooter and started to shoot continuously. In front of the torch stump with double damage, the zombies could not threaten them at all. As for the third-level zombies, the first thing they had to face was the two third-level agile zombie puppets following their car!

With these two loyal thugs escorting them, Lin Chen and his team were faster than expected.

After pouring bullets on the zombies rushing towards the Porsche again, Qian Xu smacked his lips and said, "The double shooter is still a bit unsatisfying... Boss, I remember you should be able to exchange for a four-shot machine gun shooter, right? That is the ultimate advancement of the double shooter, and the firing rate is comparable to that of a multi-barreled machine gun! I didn't exchange it because I didn't have enough crystal coins at that time, but now I should have enough, right?"

"If you didn't say it, I almost forgot..."

After being reminded by Qian Xu, Lin Chen remembered that he could exchange for a machine gun shooter. Before, he had to save soul crystals to exchange for concentrated potions for advancement, and he also had to constantly exchange for supernatural seeds, plant seal cards, etc., so he had never taken care of it. However, he has harvested a lot of zombies recently, and he has stored a lot of crystal coins, which is enough for him to spend a lot of money to exchange for a machine gun shooter.

After confirming the exchange, Lin Chen soon had a dark green pea machine gun shooter with four barrels in his hand!

Compared with the double shooter's firing rate of less than 200 rounds per minute, the machine gunner's speed is undoubtedly much faster, and the number of pea bullets ejected per minute is nearly 1,000. Moreover, for the mimic plant weapons that do not need to change the magazine, their theoretical firing rate is the actual firing rate. For the machine gunners with 20,000 pea bullets per plant, this is undoubtedly a terrifying firepower. And when this weapon is paired with Lin Chen's newly acquired torch stump, the exhilarating explosion and strafing make it look like the perverted weapon held by the protagonist in the movie - the Vulcan Cannon!

After only one minute of trial, Qian Xu fell in love with this super weapon. In front of its super firepower, even the third-level zombies can't stand that kind of attack!

Lin Chen looked at his expression and shrugged helplessly: "It's easy to use, but the cost of summoning it is not cheap. It is definitely the plant that consumes the most energy now!" (. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets at (qidian.). Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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