The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 247: Whose Fist is Bigger

Join forces with various camps in the Changshan Lake area to deal with the zombies this time!

For everyone here, the annoyance and depression of being besieged by the zombie army for more than a week was too profound. They also hate those damn zombies extremely much. However, there are more than 100,000 zombies, including many third-level goods, which is definitely not something that any of their camps can defeat alone. Therefore, joining forces is inevitable!

"I agree, we people in the Changshan Lake area should have joined forces to help each other long ago!"

"Unity is strength!"

The owners of nearly twenty camps spoke in agreement. Among them, the larger self-rescue camps could have more than a thousand people, such as Chenjiawan and other three major camps. The small camp may only have a dozen or so people, and it is a small team formed by relatives and friends before the end of the world.

However, no matter how big or small, everyone is equal before zombies. Therefore, they all hold a positive attitude towards this alliance!

However, although there is no objection in the general direction, once it is detailed, there are too many things to discuss!

"I have a problem!"

A camp leader who had a good relationship with Chenjiawan Camp stood up and asked with glaring eyes: "First, is this alliance temporary. Will it be disbanded after this wave of zombies is eliminated, or will it be permanent? Secondly, what if If it is a permanent alliance, then there must be a leader. How should the rights and obligations be divided? "

The questions he asked were basically the ones that everyone present was most concerned about. Seeing him finish speaking in one breath, everyone applauded.

"That's right. A snake cannot survive without a head. I think we must first choose a strong boss!"

"I have no problem with wanting to be the boss, but he must be strong enough to protect us. Otherwise, I will be the first to be unconvinced!"

"I think we should build a permanent alliance! We have almost 10,000 people near Changshan Lake, but they are always so scattered. It is not a problem. If we unite, it will be easier to deal with zombies and obtain resources!"


"Quiet, please be quiet!"

Seeing that chaos was about to break out again, An Hai knocked on the table hard, and after everyone calmed down again, he said: "No one knows when all the zombies will be killed, but at least, we won't be able to do it in the future. So. , as one of the founders, our opinion is to establish a long-term cooperative alliance system to serve everyone here! ”

His rhetoric was very good, and at least it sounded attractive to many people.

However, ordinary survivors are easily deceived, and the people in Chenjiawan and Gaofengzhai are not that stupid. They are well aware of An Hai's statement. If it's just a temporary alliance, then they only need to briefly tell everyone and agree to attack the zombies together one day. Since they have put on such a grand posture, they naturally have some plot against the leadership of this alliance!

Therefore, before arriving, the two camps had thought about it. They can allow everyone to form an alliance, but they can't let the people from Anshun Island become the boss. Of course, the same can't be said for the foreigners who made them suffer a lot!

Except for these two families, no one else has any objection to them.

Driven by this idea, a long-term cooperative alliance plan was tentatively decided. Anhai and the others were obviously well prepared. They had even thought of a name. They called it the Changshan Lake Area Self-Rescue Alliance, which had 21 self-rescue camps of varying sizes. Of course, there are only six or seven companies that are really powerful among them!

There are not many rules in the alliance, just a few: Survivor camps that join the alliance cannot attack each other, they must inform each other about the discovery of large groups of zombies, and they must lend a helping hand to allies when necessary. Among them, the most core one is to establish a joint force composed of people from major camps to fight against zombies. The combatants involved usually go to various camps for their own support and training, and will regroup when they discover zombie invasion!

“How many people can everyone contribute?”

This is also an issue that requires attention. If nothing else happens, I am afraid that many smaller camps are holding on to the idea of ​​retaining their strength.

Sure enough, the number of people reported from each camp made An Hai unable to help but get angry.

"We can get twenty people."

"There are a total of more than a hundred people in our camp, and most of them have little fighting ability. We still need to keep some for self-protection. Therefore, we can only send out fifteen!"

"Can five people do it?"

The further he listened, the angrier Anhai became. After Chenjiawan and Gao Fengzhai also reported an insincere figure, he snorted coldly and said angrily: "Well, since no one wants to participate, let's just break it up. It only adds up." Two hundred people, what do you want to do with this team? Kill zombies? I don't think it would be a good idea to send them over! I'm just wondering. There are more than 100,000 zombies wandering around outside at any time, and they may attack your base at any time. You still can’t think of anything! We on Anshun Island are not afraid of zombies anyway. If you are not afraid, then everyone can continue to return to the original state!”

An Hai's angry words left everyone speechless.

He is right. The reality is that the Anshun Island Campground is on the safest island in the lake and is the safest of all campsites. He can wait, but other camps cannot. This is also the biggest advantage of the Anshun Island camp.

"Moreover, when the command structure of this army is established later, no quota will be given to those with a manpower ratio of less than 40%! On the contrary, we will support giving them more quotas to those with the largest number of men!"

Threat plus temptation has always been the best way to deal with others.

"We are 1,200 people!"

Under An Hai's example, the three camps all took out most of their combat power. Lin Chen also followed suit and gave a number of 500 people. Many camps had to bleed, 80 people here, 200 people there, and in the end, all the combatants added up to more than 4,600!

Compared with the total number of Changshan Lake survivors, who were only 10,000, the proportion of combatants alone was close to half.

For a country or ethnic group in the ordinary sense, such a high proportion is absolutely unsustainable. Even if there is one combat soldier in ten people, it is already a war of attrition. But for the survivors, they have almost no production links, and most of the personnel are middle-aged men, so there is such a serious biased ratio! If such a joint force is really established, it is probably the largest force that the Changshan Lake area can show.

Naturally, the command of such a force has also attracted everyone's covetousness.

Of course, the three camps and Lin Chen's convoy are the most capable of taking the command. Although the rest of the people are self-aware, they also want to take some places for themselves in the command organization of the cooperative alliance, so that when any decision is made, it will be slightly biased towards their own side!

"Our alliance has a general commander and ten ordinary commanders."

As soon as he finished speaking, many survivors rushed to stand up and fight for themselves.

"We have 700 people from Chenjiawan, and we have always been on the front line against zombies. There should be no problem in taking this general commander, right?"

"Give us a place for ordinary commanders!"

"We want one too!"

In the private room, dozens of people's voices came one after another, and many people argued until their faces turned red, but they still stubbornly refused to give up. In the end, there was even a trend of personal attacks. However, there are only ten places for command, and everyone knows who will get it among the camp leaders present. In the final analysis, it still depends on strength. However, under the command of the general commander, the three camps had a fierce quarrel, and Lin Chen and his men also stopped watching and began to decisively join the fight!

"Don't quarrel!"

Since he decided to take this position, Lin Chen took the initiative to stand up without hesitation and said loudly: "If you want to be the leader, you must be strong enough, otherwise how can you lead everyone to deal with zombies? Our convoy has thousands of people, hundreds of light and heavy machine guns, armored vehicles, rocket launchers, etc. We are well-equipped. In terms of firepower, we are the first. Who wants to compete with us? Before, Chenjiawan and Gaofengzhai camps joined forces to attack us, but they were completely beaten back! Moreover, the fourth-level zombies commanding 800,000 zombies were also killed by us independently, otherwise, how do you think those zombies would be scattered?"

"What? Did you kill the fourth-level zombies?"

This news surprised many people in the small camps. They only knew that the fourth-level zombies were dead before, but they didn't know how they died. After hearing Lin Chen's words, they realized that it was the outsiders who solved it independently!

This news, coupled with the fact that they had defeated the coalition forces of the two major camps, and Lin Chen's naturalness and gradually developed prestige, made many people determined. Indeed, in the end times, whoever has the ability can be the boss. For most people present, isn't it just to enjoy safe protection to join the alliance?

So, someone immediately stood up and agreed that Lin Chen would be the commander-in-chief.

Of course, the other three camps would naturally not watch Lin Chen sit firmly in this position. Especially the people of Anshun Island, they took the lead in proposing the initiative, and they were naturally prepared. How could they let Lin Chen pick this peach?

"I object! Although Captain Lin is quite capable, he is from Andu Province after all. We are all locals in Changshan Lake District. How can we let a foreigner who is unfamiliar with the place be the leader?"

This reason is also very convincing, and it immediately changed some people's minds.

To be honest, if Lin Chen was those people, they would be somewhat resistant to an outsider becoming the commander-in-chief. However, now is the end of the world where zombies are rampant, and strength is the overwhelming thing!

Facing the doubts of some people and the silence, disdain, or gloating of the three major camps, Lin Chen did not show any weakness, but instead threatened with force! (If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets on (qidian.). Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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