The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 22 Rescue Box

As Lin Chen waited, time passed until noon.

Today's weather was obviously not as good as yesterday's. Although it was not cloudy, the clouds in the sky were thick. Only when the wind blew, the sun would occasionally shine through the gaps. In such weather, Lin Chen's ability recovery speed remained at a low level. It would take seven or eight hours to fully recover.

Lin Chen sat on the hood of the car and fiddled with the radio. Another gust of wind blew, and he suddenly felt a little cold.

It's time to put on more clothes.

Thinking of this, Lin Chen tuned to the channel of Songping Base.

"It's 11:50 now, and the transport planes and helicopter formations responsible for airdrops have set off. The total number of rescue boxes is 2,800, of which Pingkang City will drop 1,300 rescue boxes and Songyang City will drop 1,500 boxes. The drop locations are randomly selected..."

Today's announcer changed to a nice female voice, but Lin Chen was not in the mood to appreciate it. His attention was attracted by the content. Before this, although Songping Base had continuously broadcast the action of dropping rescue boxes, the specific number was not given. It was not until now that the airdrop was about to begin that Lin Chen knew that there were only 1,500 rescue boxes in total.

Songyang City is at least a city of several million people. Even if only one in ten humans survived by chance, there are still hundreds of thousands of survivors!

Compared with this huge number, 1,500 rescue boxes are really not enough.

After secretly despising the stingy leaders in the base in his heart, Lin Chen put down the radio and began to look up at the sky. Almost ten minutes later, two low-flying transport planes appeared in the sky, followed by white clouds that slowly opened in the air!

"Is that the rescue supplies?"

Zhang Qiang next to him looked at the sky a little greedily, hoping that a box would fall right into his yard.


Lin Chen said calmly while trying hard to chase the rescue box that was blown away by the wind. It is not impossible for a pie to fall from the sky and hit you directly, but the probability is not much higher than being struck by lightning during rain. If you want to get the rescue box, the best way is to take the initiative to search!

"Look, there are planes over there!"

Following Zhang Qiang's eyes, Lin Chen really saw two more transport planes, which were dropping the same rescue box.

The scene of thousands of parachutes opening in the sky is still very spectacular. Unfortunately, as the altitude continues to decrease, the density of these parachutes has become more and more sparse. When the appearance of the box can be seen clearly with the naked eye, there are only three parachutes flying towards Lin Chen and his team!

"Fly here, fly here!"

Zhang Qiang prayed and muttered quietly.

It seems that God heard Zhang Qiang's voice, and two of the parachutes really floated over here. But at this moment, another gust of wind blew, and the two boxes quickly flew hundreds of meters away, and then they could no longer be seen.

"Damn it!"

Zhang Qiang cursed depressedly, and Lin Chen, who was also depressed, quickly got into the car and started the car. Just by listening to the roar of the engine running at high speed, you can tell that this Bluebird, which has been "abused" by Lin Chen for several times, still has strong power!

"Open the door quickly!"

Lin Chen shouted to Zhang Qiang, and Zhang Qiang, who was prepared, also pulled the latch of the door.

Zhang Qiang knew very well that Lin Chen's departure would most likely be a farewell forever. In the chaotic end of the world, the chance of meeting again is infinitely close to zero. But the ability to decide fate is not in his hands. If Lin Chen wants to leave, he can't stop him anyway.

"Good luck, everyone!"

Although he had various dissatisfactions with Zhang Qiang's uncle and nephew, Lin Chen still sent his blessings before leaving. After all, everyone is human, and they have to live together in the end of the world!


Lin Chen, who stepped on the accelerator hard, had the intention of an ancient general going to war. He didn't look back at Zhang Qiang and the others, but quickly increased the speed to the highest. Just now, he clearly remembered that a rescue box floated to the east, and the distance would not exceed one thousand meters at most. If they were fast, they might be able to get there before others found them.

However, there were far more survivors hiding in this city than just Lin Chen!

Although the biochemical crisis was terrifying, humans were also very adaptable. After the first two days of being at a loss, the mortality rate of humans began to drop rapidly. Not to mention the humans who survived in the city, there were no less than a hundred survivors in the suburbs of Lin Chen alone. After the airdrop rescue plan from the Songping base was broadcast, most of them began to get ready to get a box. Now, when they saw the transport plane appear, they all came out of their hiding places and rushed to the nearby boxes.

Apartments, tile houses, factories, schools...

If someone looked down from the sky, they would find that people rushed out of the places that were usually completely occupied by zombies!

Seeing this scene, the zombies were naturally the happiest. They started a new round of hunting in twos and threes, biting to death many poor people who were careless or reckless or whose minds were tempted by the rescue supplies!

Even so, many people still rushed out one after another.

This is the real situation of too many monks and too little meat, so the first to strike is the king!

After quickly getting on the ring road, Lin Chen drove east. Along the way, dense screams could be heard everywhere. Lin Chen even suspected that from the beginning of the airdrop to now, the number of survivors who died was even more than the whole day yesterday!

From this perspective, this airdrop rescue plan is destined to be a benefit that only a few people can enjoy.

"It's nearby, everyone, look for it quickly. Qiangzi, you guys stop the zombies!"

"Boss, here, here!"

"Tiger Zhou Di, you lure away the zombies, Brother Xiong, you go pick them up!"

Not far away, outside the green belt of the Ring Road, six or seven people holding weapons such as iron rods and golf clubs were shouting and defending against zombies. At the feet of dozens of zombies, a white umbrella bag can be vaguely seen. Lin Chen originally wanted to jump out of the car and grab it, but those people cooperated well. The middle-aged man named Brother Xiong even rushed to lure the zombies away before Lin Chen, and then picked up the box.

"Brother, this bag belongs to us. Please go find something else."

The middle-aged man looked at the slowing blue bird with caution and shouted loudly.

"Don't worry, I'm just passing by!"

Seeing that others had already obtained it, Lin Chen felt embarrassed to grab it again. However, he was still able to get a glimpse of the box.

Just like what you heard on the radio, the whole box is treated with white waterproof packaging. It's just that its size is much larger than Lin Chen imagined, about 1.5 meters long, 0.5 meters wide and 0.5 meters high. You can tell from the struggling look on the middle-aged man's face that there must be a lot of things in the rescue box!

No wonder there are only 1,500 boxes.

"Thanks, buddy, there should be another one more than a mile to the northeast. You can go there and try your luck."

Seeing that Lin Chen had no intention of interfering, the middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief and gave a friendly message. This is not to say that they don't want to get the other box, but that a few people are powerless. Even if they barely rush over, the box may have been taken away, so it is better to be a favor.


Lin Chen felt that there was no need for them to joke with him in this situation, so he stepped on the accelerator again and drove over.

The middle-aged man did not lie to him. A few minutes later, Lin Chen discovered the second rescue box. However, unlike the previous wave of people who cooperated to obtain the box, the people who came to grab this box all fought independently. Since everyone had the idea of ​​benefiting from others' death, they never got the box. Instead, seven or eight people were killed one after another by the zombies surrounding them!

It seems that the selfish nature of people exists at all times!

Lin Chen looked at the unlucky guy who was bitten by the zombies with pity, and set his goal in his heart.

Since others can't get the box for the time being, he will take action. However, the screams of these greedy people when they died attracted a lot of zombies, the number of which was at least over a hundred, and it was still increasing. Due to using the pea shooter in the morning, Lin Chen's current abilities have not been fully restored. He didn't dare to act rashly, he just slowed down the car far away and wandered nearby.

If you go there rashly, you may be making a wedding dress for someone else.

However, just because Lin Chen could resist the temptation, it didn't mean that others had that patience.

"Hey, here, zombie turtle sons, come to me!"

A hundred meters away, a young man in a black shirt suddenly emerged from behind a tilted minibus. He yelled loudly, got on his motorcycle, turned around and fled. Attracted by him, the zombies roared and chased after him, leaving only a few zombies staying in place. At the same time, two people who were supposed to be his companions emerged from under the roadbed on the west side, seized the opportunity and rushed towards the rescue box quickly.

"The cooperation is quite good!"

Lin Chen praised, and at the same time drove the Blue Bird to speed towards the rescue box. Because he was a little far away before, the two people didn't notice Lin Chen. When he arrived first, the two of them were surprised.

"Get out of my way!"

Lin Chen roared low and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom. Like an arrow off the string, the blue bird rushed towards the two of them. He didn't believe it, how dare the two of them insist on standing there despite such momentum!

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