The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 212: Zombies are moving westward

Nearly ten million zombies, led by a quasi-level 4 sentient zombie, are sweeping and attacking everywhere. What kind of terrifying scene would that be?

No one had ever seen that scene before. But after the battle on the Beijing-Shanghai line ended, the survivors of the bases along the line were lucky enough to see the overwhelming zombies. Even if there were millions of zombies chasing after the retreating central army, there would still be no less than 6 million zombies left!

What makes people even more desperate is the large number of third-level zombies that have evolved from these countless zombies!

With such a powerful strength, except for a few bases in important military provinces that may be capable of fighting, other bases are completely unstoppable! Especially the major municipal bases and self-rescue camps along the Beijing-Shanghai Line were completely defeated in one blow. Later, the survivors, who knew they had no power to fight back, had to abandon the base and flee in advance!

If you run fast, you may be able to escape from the zombies. Those who ran slowly, or those who were still taking chances, were almost all spared. They were all hunted down by the third-level zombies ferociously!

The original starting point of the central base plan was extremely good. But after the battle failed, it promoted the emergence of quasi-fourth-level zombies and this huge group of six million corpses. Under the control of the blood-red quasi-fourth-level zombie, this huge group of corpses began to wander around. Together with the remaining zombies in the local area, a bloody storm started near the Beijing-Shanghai line!

However, as some large bases were conquered one by one, the quasi-fourth-level zombies began to become dissatisfied. Under its control, countless zombies began to move south along the route in the Shanghai base car. After breaking through the Yangzhou base, these zombies diverted to Nanjing, and then headed westward along the Yangtze River!

Naturally, its actions made countless bases on the north bank of the Yangtze River extremely busy!

Of course, the movement of millions of zombies won't be that fast. But these zombies were better than not stopping day and night. Sweeping all the way, the zombie army actually successively broke through several important towns in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Although they themselves lost a lot, they absorbed some zombies, and their number is still at five million!

Unknowingly, these huge zombies were closing in on the Wuhan base.

When we got here, we were not far from Jingzhou. After receiving this news, everyone in Shashi Port frowned, not knowing how to deal with those zombies. In the past few days, they have successively absorbed many survivors who escaped from the bases that were breached in the middle and lower reaches, and the number of people in the self-rescue camp suddenly increased to five or six hundred. Boss Liu was quite happy at the beginning, but now, he really can’t be happy anymore!

"what to do?"

Boss Liu discussed with other senior officials all night, and finally found out to his depressing face that the only option left before him was to continue to retreat to the west! If they don't absorb other people, they can all move to the boats on the river. But now that there are so many people, plus all kinds of supplies, arms and vehicles, this method is no longer suitable. Besides, what if the zombies come here and suddenly don’t want to leave? Instead of rushing around when the time comes, it’s better to prepare in advance!

At this time, Boss Liu couldn't help but secretly admire himself. He sent the fourth child to find Lin Chen in advance just to give himself multiple escape routes. If the zombie army withdrew before arriving in Jingzhou, then they could pretend that nothing happened. Once the zombies really invade Jingzhou, they can retreat directly into Longqi Mountain!

Firstly, they have a cooperative relationship with Lin Chen, and secondly, it is far enough away from Jingzhou, and according to Lao Si and Zhaoxue, it is also in a remote uninhabited mountainous area, so safety should not be a problem!

Two days later, the Shashi Port camp once again welcomed many fleeing survivors.

This time, the senior officials of the Wuhan base realized that they could not stop the zombies, so they chose to evacuate voluntarily. Except for a few people who refused to listen and insisted on hiding nearby, the other survivors fled to bases in other directions. Or, those with boats can simply cross the river and run further south!

The zombie army that encountered no opponents lingered in Wuhan for a while. Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief and thought they had stopped, this group of monsters actually moved westward intermittently. Jingzhou, which no longer has any reliance, will bear the brunt of the attack and will soon be attacked.

Under the attack of local zombies, the official base in Jingzhou is already crumbling. There is no doubt that it will not survive this time, and it will be difficult to evacuate in advance. The people at the Shashi Port self-rescue camp were fully prepared and only waited for the zombies to evacuate when they arrived!

At this time, Lin Chen also knew Boss Liu's plan.

"Want to retreat to Longqi Mountain to temporarily avoid the limelight?"

The fourth child nodded and said: "When I was sent here to inform you about the battle on the Beijing-Shanghai line, I was actually somewhat mentally prepared. But at that time, Boss Liu just had an extra thought. Who could have imagined that those zombies would really They went west along the Yangtze River. I don’t know how many survivors died miserably along the way. Once they really arrive in Jingzhou, we hope that Boss Lin will take care of them!"

"All right."

Regarding the people in the Shashi Port camp, Lin Chen had a non-rejection attitude. Logically speaking, more people is a good thing. But correspondingly, the zombies are more likely to be able to sense them. Moreover, he was a little worried that Boss Liu and the others would re-enact a situation like Uncle Ling's. Although it may not be big, there is no guarantee that their men will not have any ideas.

At this time, the people at the central base also caused an uproar.

Pursued by millions of zombies, the number of troops who retreated to the central base in embarrassment was less than 150,000. I think back when more than 250,000 troops marched south along the Beijing-Shanghai Line, what a sight it was. But how long had passed before so many people were defeated and returned, and the number of troops was reduced by as much as 40%!

It’s just that we failed to win the Beijing-Shanghai Line in one fell swoop. This loss is really difficult for many big bosses in the central government to accept!

That miserable frontline commander's position will definitely not be preserved. If there weren't a few people who protected him, he might have been shot in a military court in the end. But taking his position is easy, but how to clean up the mess he left behind is the most critical issue. Especially the five to six million zombie army marching westward along the north bank of the Yangtze River has caused great headaches for the central government.

"What do they want to do? First attack the bases that are easy to deal with, and then isolate a few important towns?"

"I'm afraid the zombies have undergone some new changes! Six million zombies have successively attacked so many bases with clear goals. This is definitely possible only with a unified command. Otherwise, the zombies' own instinctive coordination alone will definitely We can’t do this!”

"Yes, I suspect there may be a fourth-level zombie appearing!"

"This is impossible! It's not like you haven't read Academician Situ's materials. Even if there are conditions to catalyze it, it will take half a year!"

"Then how do you explain this situation?"

"God knows! But let's not worry about that for now, and let's consider how to deal with the zombies that are roaming around. If we let them continue, I'm afraid the base on the north bank of the Yangtze River will be completely destroyed!"

"Who knows where the zombie army is? Wuhan? Jingzhou? Or Liuzhou in Tiannan Province?"

A lot of big guys were talking about it, but no one could come up with a specific solution. Without the two powerful weapons of satellites and high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft, even the central base has lagged far behind in obtaining intelligence. Without first-hand information, the bosses don’t know exactly what to do!

"If that doesn't work, use nuclear weapons! Exactly a few million zombies, along with possible higher-level zombies, will be wiped out!"

Whose words not only failed to calm the debate, but actually made the differences more serious.

"I object! Looking at India's past mistakes, nuclear weapons must never be used again. Not to mention that it is drinking poison to quench thirst. Even if there are not such serious sequelae, we don't know the specific location of the zombies. If it is misplaced, wouldn't it be in vain? Did you harm your own people?”

"How long has it been since you still have so many worries? If you ask me, it should have been used as early as the Beijing-Shanghai line was conquered. If you had listened to me, you would have eliminated the zombies in one fell swoop and captured the railway at the same time!"

As nuclear weapons were brought to the table again, the conference room was completely in chaos. However, at this moment, a big boss who knew the inside story suddenly said: "Why are you arguing? If you ask me, it is better to strengthen the number of S.H.R team! I won't say more about their strength and their performance this time. If the number of people hadn’t been too small to hold back more and more level 3 zombies, the result might have been different!”

As soon as these words came out, the entire conference room became completely silent.

The letters S.H.R seemed to have a forbidden magic power that made them shut up immediately. This group has been extremely mysterious since its establishment, and almost no one outside knows their identity. But unfortunately, those who can sit in this conference room are only a handful of people who know the plan!

After a long silence, someone spoke cautiously: "The success rate of cultivating them is too low, and the cost is too high for us to bear at present! Moreover, have you ever thought about how, once they exist, If it leaks out, or if S.H.R’s strength expands to the point where it can get rid of us, what will happen?”

A big boss was stunned and asked: "Didn't everyone who participated at that time agree with it?"

The man sneered and said: "People will change! They agreed at the time, maybe it was impulsive, or they didn't think carefully. If they keep living like that, it's hard to say whether they will have convulsions or not. A hostile attitude. When the time comes, it will be a disaster even worse than zombies!"

However, at the end of the debate, the No. 1 leader Zhang Lao made the decision: "Nuclear weapons will not be used for the time being, but S.H.R can be expanded. However, the newly emerged biochemical people can form a new team. In order to prevent accidents, There is absolutely no contact between the two teams, just for checking and balancing each other!" (If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (qidian.) to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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