The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 208 New mutant zombies

Compared to the previous wave of zombies, this time there are more than 10,000 zombies, but the number of third-level zombies is roughly the same.

Undoubtedly, this is good news for everyone in the team.

According to the decision made in advance, the plant control team set out in advance and laid more than 100 minefields a few kilometers away from the third-level zombies. Among them, Lin Chen alone contributed more than one-third of the potato mines. For Lin Chen, who is at the intermediate level 5, these consumptions are nothing!

After all, except for the smoke mushrooms that consume almost no energy, the potato mines consume the least energy among all the mimic plants.

Next, of course, Lin Chen went out in person.

Before entering the intermediate plant control master, the speed of others could not outrun the third-level zombies. Therefore, the job of "attracting monsters" can only be done by him.

After a simple circle outside the zombie group, a large number of zombies were attracted by him. Among them, the third-level agile zombies were the fastest. They rushed out of the zombie group and rushed straight to Lin Chen. Looking at that look, there is a great momentum of immortality!


Seeing that Lin Chen has attracted the pursuit of the third-level zombies, more than a hundred other combatants in the convoy quickly joined in. For a time, the sound of gunfire was loud, attracting the second-level zombies that were left behind.

After obtaining a large amount of arms from the secret arsenal of Jingzhou, the strength of Lin Chen's convoy has increased dramatically. More than a hundred people are not afraid of zombies that barely exceed ten thousand. Even if some second-level zombies are in front and cannot be killed for a while, there will be rocket launchers and grenades to send them to the sky in time!

No zombie can get close to the convoy within 40 meters alive!

However, in such a violent movement, a third-level agile zombie chasing Lin Chen turned around for some reason. Although with the strength of the convoy and the command of Zhao Gang, who is a primary seventh stage, it may not be impossible to kill this third-level agile zombie under strict defense, but Lin Chen does not want to make such a big sacrifice. Therefore, he quickly used the charm mushroom to lure another agile zombie and let it follow him.

As for the remaining four or five third-level zombies, he successfully led them to the minefield!

"Boom boom boom!"

Because of their high speed, third-level agile zombies can often trigger two or three potato mines at a time. Violent explosions occurred one after another, blowing the agile zombies into a horrible state. However, after such a heavy blow, the third-level agile zombies became even more ferocious. Except for one agile zombie who wanted to escape, the others all accelerated to chase Lin Chen!

Under the full burst, even Lin Chen, who was at the intermediate level 5, could not get rid of them!

Fortunately, there were Qian Xu, who had already surpassed the elementary level 6, and two girls, Qian Yuwei and Shi Xuanxuan, next to the minefield.   The three of them summoned the Frost Pea Shooter in succession and slowed down the speed of the third-level zombies again. It is not impossible to control them with charm mushrooms, but Lin Chen found that the probability of the zombies condensing soul crystals after being charmed by him would be greatly reduced. Therefore, in order to harvest, he still hopes to use other plants to kill the third-level zombies!

More than 20 potato mines were triggered one after another!

With Lin Chen's clever maneuvering, several third-level agile zombies almost stepped on most of the mines in the minefield. Finally, some agile zombies couldn't stand it anymore, and their bodies were torn apart by the impact of the explosion, and there were more and more!

A moment later, even the escaping third-level agile zombie was caught up by Lin Chen and harvested.

At this time, Zhao Gang on the front battlefield was also directing his men to eliminate the rest of the zombies. A thick pile of zombie limbs had already accumulated in front of their defense line. Under the deadly firepower net of dozens of machine guns, the zombies that rushed up seemed to be cutting wheat, and fell down in an instant. Only some of the highly evolved second-level zombies that rushed up at the end brought them big trouble!

"Don't panic, hold on! The machine guns of the first and second groups should coordinate their firepower and output alternately, don't shut down at the same time! The armored vehicle formation should not hold back, fire at full power!"

"Where are the grenades? Throw them again! We'll get two hundred boxes, don't be afraid!"

"Attention, there is a second-order alien zombie that has evolved long-range capabilities! Three groups quickly eliminate it, everyone pay attention to hide!"

Zhao Gang stood on the top of the armored vehicle and looked at the battlefield. The orders were carried out in an orderly manner by the convoy. Although they were slightly confused by the dying villains of the zombies, the survivors who had an advantage in strength still won the victory!

"Hey, what is that?"

Seeing that there were only a few hundred remaining zombies, Zhao Gang smiled with satisfaction and was about to jump down. But at this moment, he caught a glimpse of an alien zombie with a strange appearance. It was one-third smaller than an ordinary human zombie, with a gray body and a strange bulge on its head, a bit like a deer antler!

To be honest, the category of alien zombies got its name from their bizarre appearance. However, one thing is certain, those evolutions have strengthened their combat capabilities. For example, they have evolved long-range acid, bone spurs, or an extra pair of arms. But like that zombie, the size has become smaller, and it seems that the alien zombie has no attack power, but it is the first time I have seen it!

He instinctively felt that there was a problem, so he immediately ordered a ceasefire!

"What's going on? I'm fighting hard!"

"Deputy Captain Zhao Gang has spoken and asked for a temporary ceasefire. Stop! I'm talking to you, don't shoot!"

Although they were a little confused about this order, the three teams of the convoy stopped in unison. Anyway, there are less than a hundred zombies on the opposite side. Even if they are allowed to get ten meters away, the survivors of the convoy can kill them without any harm. After all, this is no longer the time when zombies first broke out. At that time, everyone was inexperienced and could be infected by first-level zombies. But now, there are not many idiots who can survive. As long as they have weapons, it is possible to fight against level 2 zombies alone!

"Attention everyone, have you seen the smallest zombie with the horns on its head? Leave it alone and destroy all the other zombies!"

Zhao Gang was afraid that the zombie would be blown into pieces by the survivors' firepower, so he expressed his request in time.


After learning about Zhao Gang's intentions, the survivors were much more careful when attacking again, for fear of accidentally injuring the strange monster hiding behind other zombies.

Soon, the gunshots and explosions stopped completely.

Tens of thousands of zombies were wiped out by the waiting convoy. Among the countless zombie body parts, only the solitary alien zombie with antlers on its head remained. As if sensing hundreds of looks that were either curious, doubtful, or eager to try, the alien zombie froze for a moment before charging towards them!

The speed is very slow, the steps are weak, and the overall evaluation seems to be not as powerful as ordinary second-level zombies!

When level 3 zombies have been appearing for quite some time, how could such an alien zombie appear? However, for most of the team, this question is too far away. They just laughed loudly, mocking this monster who didn't know whether to live or die!

"What should we do? Do we want to kill it?" Some people pointed guns at it, waiting for Zhao Gang's order.

Zhao Gang nodded and said: "Break its legs first, remember not to kill it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a series of bullets rushed out of the chamber. The alien zombie had no power to fight back, and its legs were instantly broken. At this time, everyone felt relieved, and some brave people even took a few steps forward to curiously look at the guy named by Zhao Gang.

Don't tell me, after looking at it like this, they also discovered something was wrong.

"This alien zombie looks a little weird. I've never seen it before!"

"Could it be that it brought those zombies into Longqi Mountain? After all, there are so many uninhabited mountainous areas, and there are only two hundred of us in the villa area. It is unlikely that the zombies outside can feel it. Unless it has evolved something weird like this Zombies!"

"So, what is its ability? Perceive the presence of humans? Or communicate with other zombies?"

"God knows, but this guy is a scourge anyway. Let's get rid of him quickly!"

Everyone was talking about it, and they actually guessed the same thing!

Among the crowd, Lin Chen, who had been there for a while, was also looking at the zombie carefully. Combining its strange shape with the fact that zombies have been invading Longqishan these days, Lin Chen felt that there was a 70% to 80% chance that this new zombie was causing trouble. Unfortunately, last time the corpses of the zombies were all burned by fire, and there were zombie birds hovering nearby, so it was impossible to confirm for the time being!

If there are still zombies wandering into Longqi Mountain next, and there are also such zombies inside, then we can be almost 100% sure!

"Kill it. Take the specimen back carefully and show it to Lao Fan. Maybe he can find something."

Lin Chen's words decided the fate of this strange zombie.

After a big win, the team held a small celebration as usual. After getting a brand new "toy", Lao Fan temporarily let go of the cyborg in the convoy and began to dissect the alien zombie wholeheartedly. However, before the results of his analysis came out, the convoy's increasingly expanded patrols discovered a group of zombies for the third time!

Now, everyone knows that it is no accident that the zombies entered Longqishan!

There must be something guiding them behind the scenes. And the biggest possibility is that it is the kind of alien zombie with horns on its head!

After spending a lot of effort to eliminate this wave of nearly 10,000 zombies, Lin Chen and the others found a similar-looking monster in the end. This discovery also proved Lin Chen's speculation that the culprit of everything was this new monster!

Although it is strange how such monsters mutate, there is no doubt that their appearance brings a great threat to the survivor camps hidden in various corners of the mountains and rivers. Especially those smaller camps that had survived mainly because of their hidden geographical location, suffered great losses as a result!

The situation of mankind seems to be becoming more and more critical.

At the same moment, the central base, which had been silent for a long time, finally started an unprecedented move after gaining concessions from the Baotou base! (If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (qidian.) to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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