The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 187: Cruise ship sunk

After carefully carrying the meteorite and the food Xiong Baoguo had stored back to the cruise ship, the three finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiong Baoguo looked around the two stones, and finally asked curiously: "Is this the meteorite you are looking for? It seems to be emitting a faint red light!"

"That's it. It can accelerate the evolution of zombies. Maybe there is some bad radiation. For your safety, I suggest you don't touch it."

Zhao Gang's words scared Xiong Baoguo, and he quickly retracted his hand, as if it was contaminated with the most terrifying virus.

"Okay, let's sail back."

After sending Xiong Baoguo away, Lin Chen and Zhao Gang laughed at the same time, and then began to divide the "stolen goods"! Originally, he was still worried about how to divide a meteorite between two people, but now it has broken into two pieces. Needless to say, Lin Chen took the big one, and the small piece, which was only a quarter of the whole, was given to Zhao Gang.

After finding a place to sit down, Lin Chen touched the bumpy meteorite with his hand.

Although it was not the first time he touched it, the huge energy still amazed Lin Chen. Because he was not sure whether the energy of this meteorite was the same as the previous one, he tried to absorb a little cautiously. However, this energy was quickly absorbed by the sunlight energy in his body, and there was nothing wrong.

Now, Lin Chen was completely relieved.

He put his hands on the meteorite and began to absorb it with all his strength. The huge energy was like a blocked flood that suddenly found a flood outlet. Under Lin Chen's guidance, it quickly poured into his body and was absorbed quickly. Not only was the previous consumption quickly filled, but his strength was also growing rapidly, making Lin Chen feel extremely fast.

As the absorption and dissolution continued to accelerate, a large amount of energy poured in at a very fast speed.

With previous experience, Lin Chen ran the supernatural power in his body at the fastest speed in advance this time. As the energy that continued to flow in gradually gathered, the sunlight energy was constantly compressed and purified. It seemed like a long time had passed, and it seemed like only two minutes had passed. Lin Chen felt that his superpowers had surged, and he had successfully broken through the shackles!

Intermediate Plant Control Master, Stage 4! At this moment, the golden light outside Lin Chen's body became more and more blazing. At the same time, Zhao Gang, who was sitting cross-legged next to him, also flashed a faint golden light, and he had obviously been promoted to the next level! Although the meteorite in his hand was smaller than Lin Chen's, it contained a lot of energy. Moreover, his superpower level was still low, and the energy required for the breakthrough was far less than that of Lin Chen, so the promotion was also expected.

However, the influx of meteorite energy has not stopped!

Compared to when the meteorite was just brought on board, the occasional red light of this meteorite is now dimmer. But Lin Chen has a feeling that the sound and rhyme energy contained in it is still enough for him to be promoted again!


While Lin Chen was shouting in his heart, he tried his best to extract the energy from the meteorite. Because the force of the hand pressing on the meteorite was too strong, the meteorite was crushed into pieces after the last energy was absorbed. However, the energy injected at the end also made Lin Chen's superpowers boil. With the last full-strength impact, his superpowers went up one level!

The fifth stage of the intermediate realm!

Lin Chen was very excited when he felt the two new sunlight energy nodes in his body. As his mind moved, the golden light on his body shook, and the meteorite fragments scattered on his clothes were bounced away. Then, Lin Chen slowly stood up. After a simple movement of his body, his bones burst out a series of crisp sounds.

At this time, Zhao Gang also closed his eyes, obviously at the most critical moment.

Lin Chen didn't want to disturb him, so he walked aside gently and studied the two new plants he had obtained.

When he entered the fourth stage, the plant he obtained was tombstone moss.

This magical plant has no attack power, and once it takes root, it cannot move. At first glance, it seems useless, but in fact, it can continuously release a faint smell of death, thereby isolating the human breath. In other words, once a circle of tombstone moss is planted near the villa, unless the zombies are close enough, they can hardly feel the presence of humans as long as they are a little further away!

If this was available at the Andu base, it would not be besieged by millions of zombies!

Of course, considering its nighttime characteristics, the tombstone moss is only effective at night, and it will automatically hide during the day...

For Lin Chen now, tombstone moss still has a big flaw. However, as his strength continues to improve, there should be a plant called coffee beans in the future, which can allow nighttime plants to be used normally during the day. At that time, the combination of the two will undoubtedly make it much safer to build a base! As for the present, it can only be said that it is not bad. After all, Lin Chen and his team are still struggling to fight zombies at night. If they can make it difficult for zombies to find them at night, it is also a good thing.

As for the plants when promoted to the fifth stage of the intermediate plant controller, it is an extremely powerful plant that even exceeds the cherry bomb in Lin Chen's opinion!

Charm Mushroom!

It has only one effect, temporarily controlling the evil zombies and turning them into subordinates who obey your orders!

When using Charm Mushroom to control zombies, there is a certain probability of success. The lower the zombie's strength, the higher the success rate. For example, for a zombie that has evolved once, it will definitely work. But if it is for a third-level zombie, it may depend on luck. Moreover, even if the control is successful, it still needs to continue to consume superpowers to maintain it!

However, despite various flaws, its effect is real and powerful enough!

Think about it, how awesome would it be for humans to be able to control one or more third-level zombies to fight for themselves? How outrageous? The combat effectiveness of the third-level zombies is obvious to all. If they can be controlled by humans, they will undoubtedly be 200% effective!

With this thing, Lin Chen truly has the capital to fight multiple third-level zombies!

The only pity is that this charm mushroom cannot be used on living creatures. Even if it is used reluctantly, there is a great possibility that the other party will become an idiot because they cannot bear the mental burden. Otherwise, with this thing, Lin Chen can really do whatever he wants!

Thinking of this, Lin Chen let out a sigh of relief.

In any case, my trip to Dongting Lake was really not in vain!

At this time, Zhao Gang stood up next to him. His face was full of joy, and he could tell that he had gained a lot. Seeing that Lin Chen had absorbed the meteorite, he couldn't wait to say: "I was promoted to more than two levels just now, and directly rushed into the seventh level of junior plant control master! It's a pity that it was just a little bit, otherwise it would be possible to enter the eighth level! I really didn't expect that, A meteorite can also contain so much energy. Oh, it would be great if we could encounter such a beautiful thing again!"


Lin Chen knew that he wanted to find someone to share his joy with, so he listened patiently. After he finished speaking, Lin Chen briefly talked about his gains.

"Is it intermediate level 5?"

Although he knew that Lin Chen's gains would definitely be greater than his, Zhao Gang was still a little envious after receiving Lin Chen's personal confirmation. However, what made him even more envious was the appearance of the Charm Mushroom: "Can it be used on people? If it can be used to pick up girls in the future, it will be absolutely unfavorable! As long as they can afford the power, all beauties will be able to do whatever they want. Shun..."

"Is it interesting to be obedient? One or two such women may be fine, but if there are more, they will be no different from dolls, right?" Lin Chen rolled his eyes at him and continued: "Maybe it can be used on people, but the ones who are used The goal is to become an idiot!"


Zhao Gang was greatly regretful, licked the corner of his mouth and said, "Forget it, we still can't do such a trick!"

"Be content, even if it can only be used against zombies, it's still strong enough!"

Zhao Gang nodded heavily and said: "Of course! It's incredible to be able to control zombies! I think this is probably more shocking than those mimic plants. If you can control two or three third-level zombies in one fell swoop, it will be for you Fighting, that deterrent, hehe! From now on, we will have countless free cannon fodder!"



While the two were still communicating, the cruise ship sailed upstream and slowly entered the Jingzhou section of the Yangtze River. A few minutes later, the two suddenly heard an explosion. Immediately afterwards, the hull of the cruise ship shook violently. If they hadn't stabilized their bodies in time, the two of them would have almost fallen.

"What's going on?"

Lin Chen and Zhao Gang looked at each other in surprise, not understanding what happened. How could there be an explosion on the fine river surface?

Confused, the two people quickly ran out of the cabin and found Xiong Baoguo, who was sweating profusely.

"What happened with that explosion just now?" Lin Chen asked anxiously, with a vague premonition in his heart.

Xiong Baoguo turned the rudder of the boat hard and said: "At first I thought it was touching a reef, but how could there be a reef in the waters of the Yangtze River? And there was no explosion sound. I just realized it was a mine, Mine!"

"What did you say?"

Lin Chen and Zhao Gang were both stunned. Could it be that the explosion just now hit a mine and detonated? Then wouldn't their cruise ship be doomed?

Xiong Baoguo looked at the instrument and said: "Do you need me to repeat it? The left side of the bottom tank has been filled with water, and the ship is now starting to tilt. You will feel it soon. I am turning and trying to reach the shore as soon as possible. Don't worry, As long as we don’t get bombed one after another, there’s no problem in getting back to the shore before the silence!”

"Where did the mines come from on the Yangtze River?"

Lin Chen ignored his worries and quickly asked this question.

Xiong Baoguo said depressedly: "You ask me, who am I asking? This is the first time I know that there are mines on the Yangtze River waterway! Fortunately, the power of this mine is average, and there seems to be only one, otherwise our small cruise ship would be on the spot It’s about to sink!”

While talking, the cruise ship was still taking in water. At this time, Lin Chen could clearly feel the yacht tilting, and its speed also slowed down. Fortunately, the three of them could already see the shore from a distance. (If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (qidian.) to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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