The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 185 Target Dongting Lake

After recruiting Uncle Ling's people, Lin Chen was busy for a long time before he got everything done.

In order to better adapt to Ling Shuyuan's men who joined the team, Lin Chen had to break them up and organize them into the three existing groups in the garrison. In addition, Uncle Ling must be appropriately assigned a position. Although they will not be given too much power for the time being, such a position can give their subordinates peace of mind.

The next step is to count the supplies of Uncle Ling’s motorcade. Although they won’t be able to move them away in a short time, at least they have to be aware of them.

I have to say that Uncle Ling does have some abilities. The supplies in his fleet were more than Lin Chen's. Seven or eight large trucks were filled with various grains, hams, etc., and the fuel was twice as much as Lin Chen and the others' inventory! These gains made Zhao Gang and Qian Xu very excited.

Perhaps the only one who was unhappy was Uncle Ling.

When you see something that was once yours and now belongs to someone else, everyone will have some thoughts in their hearts. However, Uncle Ling quickly adjusted himself, and there was no trace of depression on his face.

"Don't worry, just follow me and you can have super powers too!"

On the way back, Lin Chen made a promise to Uncle Ling. Although he simply nodded and didn't say much, he felt somewhat better.

In the next few days, due to the addition of new people and a large number of injured, the team seemed a bit chaotic. However, as the new survivors gradually integrated into the convoy, everything became orderly again. Moreover, as the New Year approaches, the sky will occasionally clear up, which also speeds up the snow melt.

“The vehicles are almost ready to go down the mountain!”

After trying carefully for a while, Qian Xu drove the Warrior slowly on the mountain road. Although it will slip from time to time and requires extreme caution, it is a good start.

"Since it's okay, let's get ready and head to Dongting Lake!"

Lin Chen had been coveting the meteorite Xiong Baoguo mentioned for a long time. Seeing that the snow had melted to the point where it could be opened to traffic, he made an immediate decision. If this trip goes well, we can definitely come back before the New Year.

Neither Zhao Gang nor Qian Xu had any objections to Lin Chen's decision.

However, he was a little worried about who to take. Because Uncle Ling and the others just joined, the team has not yet completely stabilized. One of Zhao Gang and Qian Xu must stay. Without their two strong arms, Lin Chen would not be able to rest assured.

Qian Xu also realized this. He thought for a while and declined: "Let Zhao Gang go with you. His powers are one level lower than mine. Maybe he can catch up this time!"

"In other words, the strong should be stronger. Our team needs a second mid-level plant controller, so that we can help the captain share the pressure!" Zhao Gang also became humble. Neither of them wanted to leave Lin Chen alone and only care about themselves. good impression.

In the end, it was Lin Chen who made the final decision: "Qian Xu, come and see the house. Zhao Gang will follow me. Also, bring Xiong Baoguo with you! If there is a similar opportunity next time, let's go with Qian Xu instead."


Now that Lin Chen spoke, neither of them gave in. Zhao Gang, who was determined to go out with Lin Chen, was certainly happy, and Qian Xu who stayed in the team was not unhappy either - he knew that being willing to entrust the team to him at this time obviously meant that Lin Chen trusted him more!

After roughly explaining the team's affairs in the next few days, Lin Chen said goodbye to several senior officials and rode the Warrior down the mountain accompanied by Zhao Gang and Xiong Baoguo. Only off-road vehicles with such excellent performance can drive on snowy mountain roads.

Shi Xuanxuan originally wanted to accompany him, but Lin Chen decided against it considering that the journey was too far.

After driving slowly down the mountain, Zhao Gang felt much less stressed. Even if something went wrong on flat ground, it would probably slide off the road or something, with little impact. After taking a breath, he sped up slightly and drove to the nearest dock with the help of Xiong Baoguo's guidance and Google Maps.

Before leaving Longqi Mountain, the area around the convoy was completely white, with almost no zombies visible. After leaving the mountainous area, there were suddenly more zombies wandering around. Some mutated zombie animals also appeared frequently, causing a lot of trouble for the three of them. It seems that with the emergence of third-level zombies, the evolution speed of zombie animals has also accelerated. For Lin Chen, this is obviously not good news!

After spending most of the day, they finally arrived at the dock at the tributary of the Shiqi River.

This wharf is an old wharf. Due to the siltation of the river, the tonnage of ships that can stay is getting smaller and smaller. Naturally, there are far fewer people working here. After quickly clearing away the zombies, which were only at the second level, Lin Chen and the others parked the warriors in a nearby hidden house, and then began to look for a suitable ship.

"That sightseeing cruise ship is fine. No matter how big it is, I can't even take care of it by myself!"

Lin Chen and Zhao Gang naturally followed the words of professional fishermen Xiong Baoguo. Although this cruise ship looks a bit old and there are rust stains on the outside, it can still resist the ordinary zombie fish in the river. Probably the owner of the ship was preparing to sail when the zombies broke out. The fuel in the cruise ship was fully filled and everything else was ready.

This greatly facilitates Xiong Baoguo.

Soon, under his control, the cruise ship slowly left the dock and headed towards the Yangtze River along the tributary of the Shiqi River. Lin Chen and Zhao Gang helped from time to time under his guidance, but once the ship started sailing, they had nothing to do.

Perhaps it has been a long time since a ship sailed on the Shiqi River. When Lin Chen and his cruise ship sailed, many zombie fish were startled from the water. Some irritable zombie fish tried to attack the cruise ship, but they really didn't know how to bite it. Moreover, the speed of the cruise ship was not slow, and it was going downstream, so it quickly shook off some zombie fish!

At the beginning, Lin Chen was still a little worried, fearing that they would bite the boat. After a long time, he found that these zombie fish were not big enough and did not threaten the cruise ship, so he was relieved.

After sitting for a while, the two of them took out chairs from the cruise ship and began to enjoy the scenery on both sides of the river-although it was all white. So much so that later, Lin Chen actually fell asleep without knowing when.

After spending a night on the cruise ship, Lin Chen woke up very early the next day. He was awakened by the bumps of the cruise ship.

Because there was enough fresh water on the cruise ship, he poured half a basin of water to wash his face luxuriously. After washing and finishing breakfast, Lin Chen walked to the deck and was surprised to find that the environment outside was different. Compared with the tributary of Shiqi River that could be seen at a glance, the wide waters in front of him were undoubtedly more shocking!

It turned out that they had already entered the Yangtze River!

Because Xiong Baoguo was the only one who knew how to drive a boat, he didn't dare to close his eyes last night. At most, he would squint a little when the channel was straight, and then get up immediately to readjust the course. Seeing Lin Chen get up, and now the boat was on the wide Yangtze River, he quickly explained in detail, and then lay down and fell asleep, and snored loudly in less than two minutes.

Now, it has become Lin Chen, who has never driven a boat, who is at the helm!

At the beginning, Lin Chen was quite curious. But not long after, he felt bored again. Zhao Gang was smart. After taking a walk, he continued to catch up on his sleep. If he had known this, he should have brought two more people when he came, so that he could hand over this glorious task to his men!

According to Xiong Baoguo's calculation, it would take about 30 hours for them to get from the Shiqi River tributary wharf to Jingzhou upstream of the entrance of Dongting Lake! In other words, if they maintain the current speed, they will arrive in Jingzhou almost at night.

However, after arriving there, whether to continue to cross Dongting Lake by boat, or to go directly south from Jingzhou by land, and then enter the island in the middle of the lake from the other side of Dongting Lake, this has become a choice in front of them. After thinking for a while, Lin Chen decided to cross Dongting Lake directly by boat, which is the most convenient way!

In the face of the precious meteorite, Lin Chen did not want to cause trouble, and everything was based on getting the meteorite.

At about noon, Lin Chen, who was a little sleepy, could not stand it anymore, so he dragged Zhao Gang over to take over. Then when he was about to reach Jingzhou, Xiong Baoguo yawned and woke up with satisfaction. Since he decided to go by water all the time, he would have to trouble him tonight. Because the waters in the huge Dongting Lake are much more complicated than the Yangtze River flowing downstream, it is definitely not possible to rely on Lin Chen, an amateur!


At this moment, a steamer also came from the other side of the Yangtze River. Seeing Lin Chen's cruise ship going down the river, the people on the steamer were quite surprised and couldn't help but blow the whistle to greet him. Before the end of the world, this was also a common way of greeting when different ships met.

Encountering the survivors who were also driving a boat, Xiong Baoguo couldn't help but cheer up and also blew the whistle in return.

This once very common and ordinary action, at this moment, actually made the survivors on both ships feel inexplicably moved. However, everyone seemed to have a mission, and just waved to each other when passing by. Lin Chen noticed that there were at least 30 people on the opposite ship, much more than Lin Chen's cruise ship! Moreover, they all had weapons in their hands, and I don't know what they were doing!

"Could it be that they took the boat to find others to fight?"

Zhao Gang thought of the battle between his group and Uncle Ling and others, and couldn't help but feel emotional.

"Maybe, but who knows?" As he said, Lin Chen shook his head, without thinking too much, anyway, it had nothing to do with him.

Before they knew it, it was getting dark. Lin Chen and his crew sailed through the relatively turbulent waterway of the Jingzhou section, and gradually entered Dongting Lake along the Yangtze River. Here, the water flow gradually calmed down, and the bumps on the cruise ship were much less. However, in order to reach Xiong Baoguo's home on the unknown island in the middle of the lake, they still needed to cross Dongting Lake!

Because there was no GPS positioning, Xiong Baoguo did not dare to drive in the middle of Dongting Lake. In addition, it was night, so he had to slow down and slowly drove along the lakeside. (. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (qidian.) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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