The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 129: Night attack, level 3 zombies!

"Okay, let's go back now!"

Seeing that his truck was almost full of people, Lin Chen readily agreed. This place is already quite dangerous, so it’s better to leave as soon as possible.

However, Liu Yi, who was temporarily serving as a truck driver, stopped him.

"Brother Lin, my brother hasn't seen it yet..." His face was full of worry and pleading. Although it was quite dangerous here, Liu Yi didn't want to leave just like that!


Lin Chen hesitated for a moment, and finally changed his mind and asked Zhao Gang to go first, and at the same time arranged for Qian Xu to pull the people in the truck back. After Zhao Gang and the others left, Lin Chen pondered for a moment, turned around and said to Liu Yi: "In such an environment, it is probably not easy to find one person among hundreds of thousands of people. Moreover, there are many cars coming with us. , basically everyone has a car, and they can return smoothly without us!”

"Huh? That's right!"

Liu Yiguang thought about giving his brother a hand, but he didn't expect that there were enough empty cars coming. It doesn’t matter whose car you take, there’s no need to wait for them!

Thinking like this, Liu Yi was not so determined: "How about we go back?"

"It's up to you!" Lin Chen looked at the crowd of people boarding the bus around him and said to him: "The troops at the base can still hold it for the time being. If you want to wait, I can accompany you. If you want to leave, it's no problem. Qian Xu will Your truck is back, so you can drive his van."

"Then let's wait a little longer." Liu Yi thought for a while, gritted his teeth and said, "They are a family close together, and there is a child. It should be easy to tell them apart."

And kids?

Lin Chen's worries suddenly dissipated: "That will be much easier to handle!"

When the biochemical crisis broke out, most of the frail elderly and children were infected, and very few children survived. With this feature, the search scope is not only reduced ten times!

More than ten minutes later, Liu Yi saw the target he was looking for in the crowd. As he yelled and waved, the young man with a crew cut who looked energetic ran over happily, followed by four or five family members and relatives. When they met again, the two of them couldn't help but sigh a few more times.

"Alright, everyone get in the car. If you have anything to say, go back to the base!"

Lin Chen could feel the gunfire around him getting denser. He knew this was not a good sign, so he urged him. Liu Yi's best friend's family was already frightened, and quickly got into the truck at his signal. After suffering a lot in the last days, these people are still very obedient and understand the situation clearly!

"Let's go back!"

Lin Chen said hello, opened the door and was about to get in the car.But at this moment, chaotic exclamations suddenly broke out from the innermost side of the flank defense line more than a mile away, followed by a series of screams!

"Ah! Help!"

"Youmin zombies burst in!"

Short and shrill screams sounded one after another, and they could be heard far away even amid the bursts of gunfire and noise around them.

Could it be a sudden attack by a large group of second-level zombies?

The soldiers around the defense line made this judgment subconsciously, and fired heavy machine guns, grenades, and rockets one after another.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of firepower is enough to destroy those zombies. What shocked the soldiers was that the screams were accompanied by an agile, ghostly figure that broke through the defense line at an incredible speed and finally approached the survivors. Lin Chen just stopped and looked at it with a strange attitude, but as soon as he stopped, the zombies that caused a series of screams quickly rushed over.

"What's going on?"

The survivors who were about to board the bus were confused and frightened, and didn't know whether to run away.

However, they will hesitate, the zombies will not stop. The next second, a guy located a hundred meters away from Lin Chen's left was unlucky. The middle-aged man was squeezing toward the car and didn't even notice that he was being stared at by a terrifying-looking zombie. When he noticed that the people around him were looking at him in panic, the sensitive zombie had already dodged and jumped in front of him!


Suddenly he saw a monster with a human face and a body like a mantis. The man's body went limp and he almost fainted. But before his body could react at all, the zombie's sharp claws passed over an afterimage and fiercely grabbed his head. With just one click, the hard skull was cut open as if it were made of paper!

All the survivors who witnessed this scene exclaimed in surprise. Under their gaze, half of the man's head slipped silently.

Warm blood mixed with white brain matter spurted out, splashing far away!

What a fast speed, what a ruthless force!

Lin Chen was shocked. This strange-looking zombie that suddenly appeared was far more powerful than any zombie he had ever seen. With the help of the lights of nearby vehicles and the still bright moonlight in the sky, he could clearly see that the mouth on half of the man's head was twitching. The next moment, his entire body was slapped away by the zombie. When he fell again, his body was already a bloody mess.

"Is this still a zombie?"

One person's eyes widened, his legs trembled with fear, and he muttered to himself.


There was a young woman next to the dead man. When his hot blood was poured on her, she screamed in fright. Unfortunately, the screams did nothing, and instead brought her death. Before she could turn around and run away, the zombie had quickly locked onto her, easily chased after her and tore her apart with a single grab.

The screams stopped suddenly, but the huge fear caused by the zombie killing two people spread like a tsunami among the crowd!

"Everyone, run away, this monster is so perverted!"

"Oh my god! Where did this zombie come from?"

"Where are the military? Come and save us!"

In panic, the nearby survivors fled one by one. The zombie maintained its terrifying speed and quickly harvested lives.

"A third-level zombie, it must be a third-level zombie!"

The scene just now made Lin Chen feel cold in his heart, but he was very sure of this judgment.

Before in Wulijie, those second-level zombies that were accelerated by meteorites were already very powerful, but they were far from enough compared to this zombie. Undoubtedly, the zombie in front of him was a real third-level product, and it was also the most troublesome third-level agile zombie!

Its peak speed is definitely more than 100 kilometers per hour!

"Could it be... a zombie that has evolved three times? That's right! No wonder the soldier responsible for the rear was in trouble, it must be it!" At this time, Liu Yi also reacted. Just think about it, only a monster that is more advanced than the second-level zombie can break through the defense line of the rear guard soldiers, and then lead the other zombies to attack in three directions!

"Everyone, get out of the way, leave this to us!"

At this moment, the soldiers whose defense line was broken by it had quickly reinforced. They dispatched two tanks and a fire support vehicle, and two combat platoons of soldiers followed carefully behind, obviously knowing how powerful this third-level zombie was. Under their loud instructions, the survivors nearby ran far away, leaving the third-level agile zombie and a few unlucky guys who didn't have time to escape in the middle of the open space.

"Da da da da!"

After the last person was bitten to death by the third-level zombie, the shooter on the fire support vehicle immediately opened fire on the agile zombie. The six-barrel rotary machine gun with a maximum firing rate of 5,000 rounds/minute burst out unimaginable firepower, and the bullets with huge kinetic energy rained down on the third-level zombie like a rainstorm... and then as expected, it was empty!

Its speed is really too fast!

During the attack, perhaps one or two bullets hit the third-level agile zombie. But its body is much stronger than the second-level agile zombie, and it can withstand two bullets. Then, the agile zombie, enraged by the attack, flashed and rushed seven or eight meters away in the blink of an eye. Before the soldiers could react, the agile zombie had already accelerated and rushed towards the fire support vehicle. When it rushed to more than ten meters away, it jumped up with its thick hind legs, and then pounced on the fire support vehicle with a heavy impact!

With a loud "bang", the fire support vehicle shook violently and was almost overturned by the force.

The six-barrel machine gun was forced to stop.


The third-level zombie shouted disdainfully, and then grabbed it with one claw.

Compared with tanks, fire support vehicles have many advantages, but the biggest disadvantage is that the armor is too thin. In front of the sharp claws of the third-level agile zombies that were enough to cut gold and jade, the thin armor that could only resist ordinary rifle bullets was easily torn apart. Under the desperate eyes of the two people in the car, the zombies first broke the barrels, and then killed them one by one!


The tank commander next to him cried out in grief, and then his eyes turned red, and he ordered the gunners to shoot at the fire support vehicle. He knew that even if the two did not die on the spot, they had been infected, and the best way was to destroy it in this fleeting opportunity!

"Look at me blowing it up!"

The equally angry gunners quickly fired after receiving the order, but the intelligence of the third-level zombies seemed to have recovered to a certain extent. Seeing the whistling shells in the air falling towards him, the third-level agile zombie seemed to feel the danger, and jumped sideways to the extreme, avoiding the bombardment.

Although it is a third-level zombie, it has evolved in the direction of agility after all, and its physical strength is not as good as the third-level strength zombies. If it is bombarded continuously, it will also be severely injured and killed.

After another explosion, the shelling of another tank also missed.

The frightened third-level agile zombie was 10% faster, and its figure seemed to leave a trail of afterimages. Afterwards, this agile zombie even tried to pounce on the tank, but unfortunately its claws could not break the thick steel plate for a while. After several consecutive failures, the third-level agile zombie screamed angrily to the sky again, and then vented its anger on the two platoons of soldiers who were firing desperately behind. Its figure kept moving, and one person died every time!

Because of this, the convoy picking up people on the west side and the survivors coming from the east side were separated, forming a gap with a diameter of more than a thousand meters. There were only the screams of the soldiers inside, and the number was decreasing rapidly!

Even the military was no match for it!

Seeing this scene, the survivors who were temporarily watching from a distance became even more panicked. They either subconsciously retreated or tried to circle around from the other side. (. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets at (qidian.). Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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