The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 118: Professor's Analysis Proposal

"Please rest assured, survivors of the base. The atomic bomb that exploded 200 kilometers away has little impact on the Andu base. In the short term, everyone does not need to worry about being affected by excessive nuclear radiation. In addition, the top management of the base is actively considering relocating and abandoning the city. Please be patient."

"From now on, the 20 kilometers around Nanxiang will be designated as a strong radiation zone, and no one is allowed to enter. The 100-kilometer range is a normal intensity radiation zone. If it is not necessary, please do not enter."

"Here are six ways to reduce the radiation effect from nuclear safety experts. Please listen carefully..."

In the base's broadcast, a series of reassuring news is rolling.

After Lin Chen met with Zhao Gang, the base quickly responded to the atomic bomb explosion. The propaganda department's efforts to appease were still very effective, and a series of "rumors" also proved that the nuclear radiation at the Andu base was indeed not too dangerous. With two-pronged approach, the survivors who were in a state of panic finally put their minds at ease for the time being. However, everyone knew that this matter was only temporarily suppressed. As long as the nuclear radiation is still there, the survivors of the base will not forget it.

Everyone was waiting, waiting for the highest commander, Commander Chen, to make a decision.

A day passed quickly, and the top leaders of the base remained silent, and did not mention abandoning the city or relocating. Fortunately, the survivors also knew that it was a serious matter, and it was normal for them to be unable to make up their minds for a while, so they could still hold back.

Taking advantage of this free time, Lin Chen and Qian Xu ran all over the trading area and began to purchase winter supplies. Because people are panicking now, the idea of ​​abandoning the city is deeply rooted in people's minds. Many survivors consider that it is difficult to bring things when migrating, so all kinds of winter clothes, gloves, hats, etc. are being cut in price, and some people even put up a slogan of buy one get three free. Correspondingly, the price of food is constantly rising, so Lin Chen and his team only used more than 100 kilograms of food to easily exchange for a lot of things.

However, fuel is more expensive.

The entire base has a total of 700,000 people, and various vehicles add up to hundreds of thousands of scattered vehicles. The daily fuel consumption is a huge number. Besides, the army at the base also needs this, and they are also collecting it secretly, so it is difficult to find fuel on the market, and it is even the same price as food!

A car without fuel is definitely not good, and the newly acquired warriors are big oil consumers. For this reason, Lin Chen had to grit his teeth and exchange two large barrels of gasoline and diesel.

When all kinds of supplies were prepared, the truck Liu Yi exchanged was also roughly modified. Because they were in the base, all kinds of materials and tools were relatively complete, so the modification speed was very fast and the effect was very good.   After replacing a high-horsepower engine, the load capacity of this truck exceeded five tons, which was enough to load all the supplies that Lin Chen and his team exchanged.

"Liu Yi, your skills have improved again!"

Standing in front of the truck full of supplies, Qian Xu nodded with satisfaction. With so many things, even if the nuclear winter really comes, they can last for a long time.

Lin Chen looked up and down and always felt that something was missing. He looked at the truck parked next to the temporary residence and immediately knew what was missing: "Find another tarpaulin to cover the car, so that others don't know what's inside."

"I'll do it!"

After washing the oil on his hands, Liu Yi got the fish scale tarpaulin and long hemp rope from the trading area. This way, not only does it look much neater, but the goods are also safer.

After finishing these, it was basically dark.

No one noticed that a fully armed convoy quietly drove into the gate of the base. This was nothing, but one of the vehicles that looked like a money transporter was quite strange. Its entire carriage was reinforced with a special alloy, and it was not filled with gold and silver banknotes, but more than a dozen corpses of different types of second-level zombies. In the innermost cage, there was even a living second-level agile zombie imprisoned!

If Lin Chen was here, he would find that the evolution level of this second-level agile zombie was already quite high. It's just that the two legs of the zombie in the cage were all blown off. Otherwise, it would not be so easy to catch it.

"Stop for inspection."

The soldiers intercepted it as usual.

"Quick response force, special duty!"

The leader of the convoy took out his credentials, and then quickly skipped the inspection steps and drove directly to the biological laboratory in the military restricted area of ​​the base. The zombie creatures they captured with great effort are used as research specimens for the professors in this laboratory!

"Thank you for your hard work!"

Seeing the military personnel delivering these materials, a professor with red eyes couldn't help but feel a little moved. However, he quickly restrained his emotions and devoted himself to the process of sampling, dissection and analysis. As the top biochemical expert in the country, comparable to Academician Situ of the Capital Base, he is now the number one consultant and reliance of the base in formulating action plans!

While the responsibility is heavy, the professor knows that the pressure on him is as heavy as a mountain. Although he has not rested for two days and one night, he is still trying his best to work with his colleagues and assistants.

At this moment, Chen Gaoyang also had a sleepless night. He was waiting!

In the eyes of others, he was always in control of his wisdom, as if nothing could stump him, but only Chen Gaoyang knew that he couldn't sleep no matter what. Just now, a few friends in the central government seized the opportunity to give him some more things. The situation on it was shocking - it was a series of satellite photos of India's first third-level zombie killing people everywhere and directly breaking through a base of 10,000 people!

Or, it can also be said that it was the first true third-level zombie that appeared in the world!

Although the images from the satellites on the zenith are getting blurry and the work is intermittent, those photos still faithfully record the cruelty, bloodthirsty and... terror of the third-level zombies!

After the extensive use of nuclear weapons, although the Indian central government once regained a large amount of lost territory and wiped out hundreds of millions of zombies, they are now finally beginning to taste the consequences of the misuse of nuclear weapons. After being catalyzed by a large amount of nuclear radiation, the speed of the third-level agility zombie was simply elusive, and its other attributes were also greatly improved. The shortcomings of stronger advantages and fragile body are made up for. Unless such a monster is bombarded with countless artillery fire, Chen Gaoyang can't think of any other solution!

But the problem is, this can be done to deal with a third-level zombie, but what if there are more zombies that evolve to third-level?

Although the Indian government promptly eliminated the third-level zombie after using TV-guided bombs, the disastrous consequences of using nuclear weapons have begun to gradually emerge. Now there is an atomic bomb explosion near Andu, and there is even more radiation rain that intensifies the radiation effect, is it possible?

If this is really the case, then should Andu City, which has already solved most of its problems, continue?

After sitting all night, Chen Gaoyang ate some breakfast casually, and then continued to sit behind the desk without seeing anyone. Until the clock on the wall pointed to twelve o'clock, the professor came to him personally with the report!

"Professor Xia, sit down."

Driven by the eagerness to know the analysis results, Chen Gaoyang didn't even use the word "please" and pointed directly to the seat.

The professor didn't care about being polite anymore. He opened the report and began to read directly the report analyzed by the team: "...Compared to the second-order zombies outside the radiation zone, the evolution of second-order zombies in the strong radiation zone has accelerated sharply. From the nuclear In the forty-two hours since the explosion, the genetic intensity, activity, and instability of the second-level zombies have increased fourfold, and they are still increasing. The evolution speed of zombies in ordinary radiation areas has also increased accordingly. But it is 40% to 60% slower than those in strong radiation areas. According to calculations, at this rate, it will take another three days for zombies in strong radiation areas to completely complete their evolution!"

In the end, the professor concluded: "In other words, in four days, third-level zombies will appear in large numbers in the strong radiation area. Their strength may be several times or even ten times that of the existing second-level zombies. The commander must do something as soon as possible. Intend!"

"Four days!"

Chen Gaoyang's heart sank. He didn't expect that the result he got was the worst as expected.

He thought for a while and asked: "Professor, as far as I know, India has already been using nuclear weapons. Why are there only three-level zombies appearing now? And we only had a 300,000-yield nuclear weapon exploded two days ago, and three days later there were three A zombie?"

The professor was stunned, thought for a while, and said uncertainly: "Based on our exchanges with colleagues in other provinces, it seems that the level of zombie evolution near Andu is relatively high. It is estimated that there is some reason that accelerated the evolution of zombies in advance. Right. Another possible reason is that according to the findings of Academician Situ in the capital, zombie viruses don’t like dry and hot environments. We are in the south and have more water, and many of the places where India has detonated nuclear weapons are dry places. In the tropics and subtropics at low latitudes, maybe environmental factors limit the evolution speed of zombies? "


Chen Gaoyang had heard of this reason a long time ago, but never took it seriously. Now that he heard what the professor said, he started to pay attention again and had a vague idea.

"So, what's your opinion?"

Chen Gaoyang looked at the extremely tired professor and wanted to hear his opinion.

Professors know that they are just researchers, and generally it is enough to make an analysis proposal. But now at the critical juncture, he didn't have so many scruples and said directly: "We discussed with the assisting staff sent by the military, and there are two possible ways. The first is that the base sends people deep into the strong radiation area at all costs. Destroy the second-level zombies in one fell swoop. Even if it's not possible, the area to the west of the explosion center and close to Andu must be cleared. As for the rest, let the people in Hunan Province have a headache. The second is to relocate as soon as possible. Go west, if it doesn’t work for you, then go to peace, if it doesn’t work for you, then go further west!”

"I see."

Chen Gaoyang nodded. With the analysis results that the professor rushed out overnight, he finally had the most reliable basis for formulating the overall plan.

"Thank you for your hard work. Please go back and rest. Your health is the most important thing. As for me, it's time to take action!"

As he said that, Chen Gaoyang's scornful aura reappeared, and he had made up his mind! (If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (qidian.) to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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