Hearing the bell, Jan Sobieski said to Natalie: "I didn't expect time to pass so fast. Natalie, let's go to the cathedral. I'm afraid that someone will make use of it if it's too late."

This day is the funeral of the knight Mikhav Vorodjavsky.

The remains of this knight who has been serving the country all his life was brought back to Warsaw from the Ottoman Turks three days ago. Kara Mustafa, the deputy prime minister of Ottoman Turkey, the "Jihad Sun", appreciated the loyalty and dedication of the little knight. He did not make too many embarrassing messengers, nor did he make any excessive demands. Instead, he happily returned the body to the Republic.

Of course, after the handover ceremony of the body was completed, Kara Mustafa did not forget to show off the extremely powerful force of the Ottoman Turkish army. He forced the messenger to come to the city of Kamenets to watch the Ottoman Turkish army attack on the fortress of Kamenets.

With bursts of cannons and screams shaking the sky, Kamenets Fortress was like a small boat in the white sea. It was tossed by fierce sea breeze and big waves, and there was the possibility of silence at any time.

After the shelling that lasted three hours ended, Kara Mustafa released the messenger and asked him to return to Warsaw with a message: "surrender or die."

After the messenger returned to Warsaw, Kara Mustafa's threatening words spread like wildfire. The Polish aristocrats gathered in Warsaw were outraged, and they admired Mikhav Vorodjavsky's devotion and fear of power. They asked the committee to hold a spiritual sacrifice ceremony at the Warsaw Cathedral to comfort the heroic spirits of the little knight.

The committee is of course good-natured, after all, what the Republic needs most are heroes.

After listening to Jan Sobieski, Natalie nodded in agreement.

Jan Sobieski's worries are not unfounded. In Warsaw today, every rally is a battlefield for candidates to win votes. There are more than tens of thousands of nobles attending the spirit sacrifice ceremony of the Mihav Vorodjavsky knight. A lyrical speech, a sad cry, will draw the hearts of many nobles and their votes to the middle side.

Thinking and doing this is a bit blasphemy against the patriotic Mikhav Vorodjavsky, but this is politics.

After tidying up their appearance, Jan Sobieski and Natalie went out.

The two got into the carriage.

Jan Sobieski and Natalie sat opposite each other.

Seeing Natalie's tireless, exquisite face, Jan Sobieski was fascinated.

But not because of Natalie's beauty.

Although since getting votes for Duke Gan, Jan Sobieski has spent more time with Natalie than with his wife. It is not without rumors outside that Natalie has become Jan Sobieski’s mistress. But Jan Sobieski never thought of it.

He and Natalie are like-minded, fighting comrades for the same purpose.

The reason why Jan Sobieski was fascinated was that he wanted to see some clues from Natalie’s face-after her husband Alvar Chechen wanted to run for the king of Poland, why did Natalie Will be on the side of Duke Danggan.

Jan Sobieski didn't doubt Natalie's loyalty, he was just strange, wondering that Natalie actually put outsiders before her husband.

Even if she and Cheorchen had a conflict, even if Cheorchen’s uncle Pidro once stood on the side of Lubao Macki, even if Natalie’s loyalty and patriotism are obvious to all... but this is too abnormal. .

Jan Sobieski looked at it, and he thought about it.

Suddenly, Natalie's voice rang in Jan Sobieski's ears.

"Marshal, is there anything on my face?"

Yan Sobieski quickly recovered.

"No, no," he hurriedly denied.

Then, as if knowing that his words could not dispel Natalie's suspicion, Jan Sobieski decided to tell the truth.

"Please forgive me, Natalie. I have always had a question in my heart. This question has bothered me for a long time, and I was rude and offended just now because of this."

Before Jan Sobieski finished speaking, Natalie said, "Are you wondering why I am still standing on the opposite side of Cheorchen?"

Jan Sobieski nodded.

Natalie rolled her head and looked out the window.

Speechless for a long time.

Jan Sobieski also felt that this question was too difficult for him. He said: "If you don't want to say, you can... But Natalie, please believe me, I don't mean to doubt you."

Natalie turned her head back to Jan Sobieski's side.

"No, Marshal. Actually, there is nothing that can't be said. I stand in the opposite of Cheerchen. It's not that I still have any grudges against him. I have already let go. The first king's fiasco and abdication were not his responsibility. We were too hasty. , And Queen Ludvika’s last drastic means pushed many people to Lubao Macki’s side. Cheerchen was innocent because he didn’t know it. Miss Orina and Fatima told this By the time I—Cheechen was already in Sweden when his Uncle Piedro joined the rebels of Lübau Macki. I didn’t support Cheechen’s running for the king, just because he was not fit to be a king. He Too simple, not conspiracy, like a child, can do nothing but war. He should live under her wing and be a governor or general, not a king."

After listening to Natalie, Jan Sobieski sighed.

Natalie's stubbornness, is it not for Cheerchen's sake; and that person...

This is really an embarrassing couple.

Next, the two were speechless.

The carriage quickly arrived at the cathedral.

The church at this time was already crowded. The nobles and civilians who came to pay homage to Colonel Mikhav Vorodjavsky crowded every corner of the church.

Standing on the altar was Father Kaminsky, holding up the portrait of the knight Mikhav Vorodjavsky, telling everyone about the merits of the little knight.

And below the altar, Aluxia, the wife of the little knight, had already cried into tears. Princess Galisadie held her arms and wept together. Prince Mihavu, who is rarely dressed in plain clothes, looked sad.

But no tears were seen.

When the worshippers at the gate saw Jan Sobieski and Natalie arrived, they gave way.

Jan Sobieski looked around, but Cheerchen was not seen.

He is a little strange.

Another bell rang, and Father Kaminsky beat the drum as if he was ringing an alarm bell; the sound of the drum suddenly stopped, and there was a deadly silence. Then there was the second drum beat and the third drum beat.

Suddenly, Father Kaminsky threw the drumstick on the floor of the church, raised his hands high, and called out: "Knight Vorodjavsky! The alarm bell is ringing! The war is coming! The enemy has penetrated into the border! And you didn’t stand up. Why didn’t you stand up, cheer up and leap forward? What’s the matter with you, soldier? Have you forgotten your earlier loyalty? Did you leave us the sorrow and pain like this? ? How can you bear to leave this great river and mountain to die?"

The hearts of the worshippers were agitated, and the church was full of wailing. When the priest praised the deceased's loyalty, patriotism, and bravery, people cried out several times.

Princess Galisadai and Alxia almost fainted in tears.

The preacher was also moved by his words. His face was pale, his forehead was beaded with sweat; his voice was trembling. He deplored the death of the knight, and felt the pain that the Republic was about to be ravaged by the ***.

Finally, he ended his prayer in such a sorrowful tone: "Oh, God! They will turn your church into a mosque, and they will spread their "Quran" where we have preached the gospel so far. Ah, God! Why did you let us fall into a situation where we were never recovered, and why did you turn your holy face away from us. You abandoned us and let us surrender to the evil Turkish power. Your sanctuary is incredible, ah, God! Who can fight the invading enemy now? Which army in the Republic can subdue the Turkish army? You, the all-knowing and almighty God! For you, there are no secrets in the world, you know best, all over the world Our cavalry is unrivaled! Is there any cavalry that can gallop for you like our cavalry, loyal, and will die? Are you going to abandon such defenders? The whole of Christianity is behind them. The world, they can glorify your holy name. Ah, benevolent Father! Do not abandon us! Please show us your mercy! Please send us a defender, send us a Turkish power that crushes evil The conqueror of, let him come here, come among us, let him inspire our broken hearts! Send him quickly, Almighty God!..."

At this moment, the people gathered at the door dodge and make way.

Natalie turned her head back. Then, she saw Cheer Chen walk into the church.

At this time, everyone's eyes turned to him.

Today Cheechen is wearing a winged cavalry armor with tiger skin. He holds the hilt of the sword in his hand, with majestic hair and majestic hair, like a warrior who is about to go on an expedition more than a worshiper.

People's hearts were pounding with excitement, while he strode straight toward the spiritual platform, kicking the spurs and clinking, his expression was solemn, handsome, majestic and powerful...

Behind him were Yelisei, Fedot, Viscount Hessian and others who also wore wing cavalry armor.

They followed closely behind.


Father Kaminsky exclaimed with the excitement of an unknown prophet.

Chechen knelt down near the altar and began to pray for Vorodjavsky's soul.

In such a solemn and solemn atmosphere, Jan Sobieski cursed in his heart: "I really know how to act."

After cursing, he seemed to feel something, so he looked in the direction of Princess Garisaide.

Seeing that the princess raised her face shaved by tears and looked at Cheechen who was kneeling in front of the spiritual platform, her mouth seemed to be saying the same thing as herself.

In a carriage outside the church, Prince Boguslav poked his head out of the carriage and looked into the church.

Although it is impossible to see what happened in the church from his position, the prince's joy is still beyond words. Especially when Boguslav thought of Princess Garisadia’s deflated appearance, Boguslav wanted to laugh out loud.

"Princess Galisadai, the excitement of this scene should surprise you. I really want to see if you are crying or laughing now..." Boguslav thought unkindly.

Yes, just like what Jan Sobieski and Princess Galisadie scolded. Today's ceremony is a scene performed by Boguslav in order to win decisive support for Chechen.

The priest Kaminsky who presided over the ceremony was bought, and his impassioned speech was also the prince seeking a knife. Even the time and clothes of Yu Cheechen's entrance were carefully arranged by Boguslav, in order to establish Cheerchen's image as the savior of the Republic.

This is undoubtedly suspected of using and blaspheming the heroic spirit of Mihav Worodjavsky, Chechen refused at first. But Boguslav successfully persuaded him with the following words.

"Do you think that if you don't use it, others won't go back and use it? No, you are wrong. I can't guarantee other people, but Princess Garisaide and Prince Mihavu will cry more than they would die on that day. My husband and father are still miserable~www.wuxiaspot.com~Are they really weeping Mihau Knight? No, they are gaining sympathy and using their tears to win the support of the nobles who participated in the memorial ceremony for Prince Mihau This is politics. You can say that it is dirty, but it is one of its rules to use everything. If your opponent is dirty, you have to be dirtier than him; if your opponent is dirty, you have to compare He is even more nasty. I just didn't get dirty and nasty enough to write Princess Garisaida's way. Of course this is all in the past."

Thinking back to what I said to Chechen, and thinking about how hard I could help my former enemy to ascend to the throne of the Polish king, Boguslav had a magical feeling.

But after today, everything is settled. Chechen will undisputedly become the new king of Poland, and he will be the ruler of Lithuania.

What a wonderful future!

"Sakovic." Boguslav ordered to the butler who was standing by the carriage: "Go in and see what's going on inside now."

As a Protestant, Boguslav would certainly not enter the Catholic church. That's why he ordered his housekeeper.

When Sakovic heard the master's order, he immediately ran towards the church.

After a while, Sakovic ran out in a panic.

"Master, master. It's done, it's done." Sarkovic yelled in a panic as he ran.

Boguslav stretched his head and body out of the carriage window to the maximum.

"What is it?"

"Earl Chechen is finished. When I entered, all the nobles in the church raised their swords and shouted the name of Earl Chechen. Ho! That posture, even if Earl Chechen doesn't want to take the throne now, I am afraid they will He carried it up."

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