The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 832: Queen Regent 3

Confidential and Queen Ludvika left Zamosc in a carriage by Arvid Widenberg and soon arrived on the outskirts of Warsaw.

In a small wood on the outskirts, Queen Ludvika stopped the carriage and instigated him to wait until night before entering the city.

Alvidweidenberg looked at Queen Ludvika suspiciously.

"The good things your Excellency did in Warsaw, the citizens of Warsaw are still thanking you." Queen Ludwig said to Arvid Weidenberg coldly.

For those "good things" he did, Alvid Widenberg did not show any guilt.

He is a soldier, he just did what a soldier should do to suppress the rebellion and cover the rule.

After entering the city, Queen Ludwig did not arrange for Arvid Widenberg to meet Chechen immediately. Instead, she persuaded her husband, King Jankachimiri, to complete the "procedure" as quickly as possible. The edict document with the red seal was handed over to Cheerchen.

Whether Cheerchen can destroy his family and alleviate the difficulties will be the key for the Republic of Poland to overcome Sweden and overcome Karl X. At this time, Cheerchen and the king should not be in suspicion for anything.

Cheerchen and Pidro really sighed with this late, like a thousand-jin edict document. From the beginning of the queen's promise, after the fierce battle between Crimea and Ukraine, Brest finally belonged to them.

"My dear nephew, give me a pinch so that I can make sure that I am not in a dream." Piedro weeped with joy.

Of course Cheerchen wouldn't pinch Pidro, but Oksana didn't have to. The gypsy came behind Pidro and severely pinched a large piece of meat on his back.


Pedro howled the wolf with pain. He turned around in pain and glared at Oksana.

"Oksana, what are you doing! You want me to die!?"

Oksana laughed.

"Deputy commander, I'm helping you know that you are not in a dream. You should thank me for it, so you blame me?"

Pidro wanted to shoot Oksana on the head angrily. But the clever Oksana had long been hiding behind her husband Yelishei.

At this moment, Cheorchen clapped his hands to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Okay, okay. Everyone, please be quiet."

Next, Cheerchen must honor his promise and reward the meritorious officials of the mercenary group.

Unlike the previous money, Cheer Chen will distribute the actual official positions and land to everyone.

In the past, Chechen and Pedro did possess Vidava and Bratzlaff, but they actually held few land. Vidava does not say anything. The area of ​​the fief is narrow. If it is distributed to each officer, it is not necessary for two people to enjoy a village or manor. Bratzlaff, although Chechen is the team of Bratzláv Cossacks. Long, but in order to win the support of the Cossacks, Cheerchen must guarantee the interests of the Cossacks, and he can't just entrust the local lands and farms to the people of the mercenary group. Moreover, King Yankachimiri, every year He still has to pay a portion of the tax, but Brest is different. The tax revenue of the 74 towns and 400 villages in its territory will be completely owned by Chechen, and among them, 10 towns and 3 Fourteen villages will be permanently assigned to Chechen's name.

When the cake is big, there will be more for everyone:

Yelisei became the seat of the city of Brest and enjoyed freehold property rights in three villages, while Fedot acquired two villages, and Chechen promised to apply to the king for the status of Polish nobleman Ingrid The quartermaster of the mercenary regiment turned into the tax officer of Brest, who was in charge of taxation and Father Spasokukotsky, Chechen would apply to the church to be the bishop of the diocese of Brest.

As for Xie Miao, Aunt Varvara, Bashit, Sarben, and others, Chechen also has different awards.

Although a few of them were not in Warsaw at this time, everyone present was overjoyed after receiving Cheerchen's award.

Of course he couldn't be so excited without wine. Under the cheers and pleading of everyone, Cheer Chen took everyone to the nearest tavern around him.

The sign of the tavern reads "Hard Bones", and the shop inside is exactly as its name suggests. On the walls of the tavern are rows of bison skulls, deer skulls and moose skulls with horns. Some of these skulls have turned black. Obviously it is a long time ago, some are still white and reflective, and the four walls are decorated with such prey skulls.

Cheerchen asked about the origin of these animal skulls, and the tavern owner told him complacently that these were the spoils of his ancestors. His ancestor was once the hunting chief of a certain prince, who was responsible for taking care of a large virgin forest around Warsaw.

When Cheerchen and Pedro arrived, there were still many people drinking in the tavern, most of them dressed as poor people. The complacent Pidro disliked sitting with them drinking and lost his worth, so he threw out a small pocket of Thaler with a big wave of his hand.

"Go out with money. Today we are chartered here." Piedro said.

Some people saw Cheerchen and the others quietly picking up the money and leaving. Others were resentful. Seeing that this group of people had a treasure knife and a musket on their waist, they knew that they couldn't afford it, so they stood up angrily and paid back before leaving He cast an annoyed look at Pidro.

Cheerchen felt so uncomfortable, but Pedro passed away and grabbed his arm and signaled him to stand firm.

Pedro had a purpose in acting like this. In his opinion, Cheerchen is good in everything, but lacks the masculine aura and the aristocratic aura. What is a nobleman? Pidro didn't understand either. But when he was working in Germany, the big aristocrats he saw were all embracing and domineering, and he felt that Chechen should also be able to show off in this way.

He just wanted to take this opportunity to teach Cheer Chen how to be a nobleman.

Although he was driven away from the guests, the tavern owner saw that Pidro was so lavish and knew that the patrons came, and he was very happy to have honey wine, wine and beer.

Pidro and the others started to toast in turn, and even Yelishei, who had never been drinking, drank three glasses of beer in excitement, and everyone drank hot from the top of their heads. Everyone's words also flowed out like a stream of water that opened the gate. They interrupted each other so that in the end everyone didn't know what they said.

After three rounds of drinking, I don't know who started it. Anyway, Xie Miao was the first to shoot at the beast skull in the tavern.

Then, the gunfire crackled. The frightened hotel owner and servants were stunned. They stared at this absurd game with fright.

And because of the gunshots, the whole street was alarmed. Crowds of people stood outside the pub. A few boldly ran to the window, their faces pressed against the window glass and their noses flattened. They wanted to see what happened in the house after all.

A stray bullet happened to hit a piece of glass. Although it didn't hit anyone, the scattered glass scratched someone's face.

Everyone fled and Cheerchen was already drunk and unconscious.

At night, Cheechen, who was still not awake, was suddenly summoned by the king to enter the Kazimierz Palace. He was a bit rough, because he was worried that the king was going to inquire about the absurdity of their group in the "hard bones" tavern today.

Although it is normal for Polish nobles to drink and make trouble, after all, the matter occurred in Warsaw, the capital of the Republic, and it is still in broad daylight.

It is not King Yankachmiri who waits for Chechen in the reception room, but Queen Ludwig. Upon meeting, Wang Chengguo mentioned the shooting that occurred in the tavern, but Queen Ludvika only mentioned it briefly and then put it down. This made Cheor Chen a sigh of relief.

After seeing Wittenberg, he suddenly realized why Queen Ludvika would be so magnanimous to him. And he will immediately make it clear that the delicious apple of Brest was also "poisonous".

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