The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 695: Xie Xiong Xie Shi 24

After hurriedly cleaning the battlefield, Cheerchen led the guard to **** Stanislaw Potocki and the survivors of the mission and retreated in the direction of Zbaraj.

After running for thirty or forty kilometers, everyone finally stopped in a small valley that was easy to defend and hard to attack.

In this campaign, both the guard and the mission suffered serious losses. The 60-man guard killed 27 people, and everyone was injured alive. Among them, Chechen's Hessian cavalry killed 8 people, Polish dragoons killed 6 people, and the armored Cossacks lost the most. They killed 13 people in total. The casualties of non-combatants in the mission were not small. Four people were killed in battle, including two senior nobles with the title of earl and marquis, and two civilians.

Compared with the loss of personnel, the loss of the mission's property is not large. According to Cheerchen's inventory, a total of 46,826 pieces of five-carriage and fifty-thousand talers were recovered after the war, and Cheerchen knew the lost ones, but he didn't want to find out the root cause.

Although the loss was heavy, it was nothing compared to the Cossacks who attacked them. Because this Cossack army was almost wiped out from company commander Ivan Mahra to the most junior soldier. In addition to the 89 captured, the Cossacks left a total of 162 bodies on the battlefield. According to the captured Cossacks' confession, their company commander Ivan Mahra, the Cossack whose head was cut off by Chechen, brought a total of 324 people in order to attack the mission.

And what sighed Cheer Chen the most was the spoils of this battle. Before, whether it was fighting against the Russian army or fighting hard in Crimea, the mercenary regiment was very rewarding. Excluding other materials, from the weapons and armors of the war dead, they are all a fortune. But these Cossacks, they are extremely poor. The most valuable trophy is the artillery. Other muskets, pistols, etc. are all shoddy, short spears, hatchets, and even cow shoulder blades are of no value at all.

Of course Cheerchen knew that the army of the Cossacks was not always like this. At least Baohong's men and some of the troops under Vasily Zolotarenko, who had fought in Smolensk, were well equipped. But if the army under Ivan Mahra that they defeated represents the general level of combat effectiveness of the Cossack emirates, how can they rely on fighting against the Republic with winged cavalry for nearly ten years, and they can win repeatedly, even if they fail. Can make a comeback.

Cheerchen was puzzled.

After arranging defense and guarding the prisoners, Cheer Chen came to the carriage where Stanislaw Potocki was riding. He was here to report the situation to the old man, and he also asked the old man to answer his questions. But when he approached, he saw the old man arguing fiercely with two nobles in front of the bonfire.

These two nobles Cheerchen also knew each other. One of them is the Duke of Konitzki, who has a nickname "Rewera". This is a Latin word that means "actual". Because the Duke of Konitzki always starts with "facts" when speaking; the other is Stanislaw Potocki's nephew, Count Henrik Potocki.

As Chechen approached, he was hearing the Duke of Konitsky say to the old Stanislaw Potocki who was sitting: "Actually, Stanislaw, please believe me, we must return now. Go to Zbarazh. The Cossacks are not credible. I believe that the attack on our mission team was a carefully planned conspiracy, otherwise a small company commander would definitely not dare to do such a thing. He must have been instructed by the top leaders of the Kiev Cossacks."

The Duke of Konitsky spoke fiercely, and he almost figured out that Bogdan Khmelnitsky had instructed it.

When the Duke finished speaking, Stanislaw Potocki shook his head. Chechen could see that the old man was extremely exhausted physically and mentally after this day of fighting and retreat, but even so, he still had to take a rest and had to deal with dissidents from the mission.

Stanislaw Potocki said slowly and patiently to the Duke of Konitzki: "Duke, I don't think so. I prefer this to be the personal action of the commander Ivan Mahra. As we all know, The lower-level Cossacks all have a tradition of undermining the upper class. They are bold and do not care about the overall situation. Unlike Bogdan Khmelnitsky, he is a politically savvy person, and he will not and should not do it. Unwise behavior."

The beard on the upper lip of the Duke of Konitzki trembled. Obviously, the Duke strongly disagrees with Stanislaw Potocki's views, and only because of the identity of the old man, he did not refute it.

At this time, Henrik Potocki also said: "Uncle, even if this is true as you said, it is not from Bogdan Khmelnitsky or the top level of the Kiev Cossacks, but the Cossacks attacked us. It’s a fact. You also said that the lower-level Cossacks are bold. We are still a day or two away from Kiev. I don’t know how many such Cossacks will be encountered along the way. You still listen to me and the Duke, first Back to Zbarazh, let the colonel send more escorts, and then we will go to Kiev."

Henrik Potocki's words were obviously very reasonable, and even Cheer Chen couldn't help but nod silently.

But Stanislaw Potocki obviously didn't think so. Hearing what his nephew said, the old man got up from his chair excitedly.

"I'm not going back to Zbarazh, if you want to go back, just go back. Even if I am alone, I will go to Kiev."

Hearing Stanislaw Potocki's words, Henrik Potocki and the Duke of Konitzki couldn't help but look at each other helplessly.

And seeing the old man's fierce and determined attitude, Cheerchen was also a little puzzled. What Henrik Potocki said was the safest way. How can the old man, Stanislaw Potocki, who is his closest relative, couldn’t listen to it, and said, "Even if I’m the only one left , I also want to go to Kiev." Cruel words.

In fact, the key here lies in Jan Skrzeduski. Stanislaw Potocki knew that the colonel was violently opposed to peace negotiations with the Cossacks. He was attacked as soon as he entered the territory of Ukraine controlled by the Zaporozhye Cossacks. If he were to withdraw to the Zbaraj Fortress, this would just give the colonel an explanation. At that time, the colonel will inevitably send himself back to Warsaw forcibly in the name of protecting his own life, and publicize the atrocities of the Cossacks attacking the mission, thus disturbing the peace talks.

Stanislaw Potocki believes that Colonel Jan Skrzeduski is a brave and upright soldier, but he also knows that the colonel will do this, because it has nothing to do with personal character, only a different position.

Just when the three of them couldn't convince anyone, Stanislaw Potocki saw Cheerchen who had been standing awkwardly on the side for a long time.

The old man's eyes lit up suddenly, and he hurriedly greeted Cheerchen to come over.

Cheerchen was just about to report to Stanislaw Potocki on the defense work he had done a long time ago, but Stanislaw Potocki spoke a step earlier than him: "Cheerchen, we discussed you just now. It's time to hear. You are the captain of the mission's guard and the deputy envoy of the mission. You said whether you and your people have the ability to protect me from reaching Kiev safely."

When he said this, the old man winked at Cheorchen. Because as long as Chechen said "capable", then he would have sufficient reason to refute the request of the Duke of Konitsky and his nephew to retreat to Zbaraj. After all, Cheer Chen was the deputy envoy of the mission. After the former and deputy envoy had made a unified decision, the others had only to obey the position.


Cheerchen obviously hesitated to answer Stanislaw Potocki's question. Of course he understood what the old man meant by winking at him, but he also knew very well that if the mission encounters another attack like Commander Ivan Mahra, he and his guards will be hard to resist, and even when the time comes. It is difficult to protect Stanislaw Potocki from breaking through.

Just when Cheorchen didn't know how to answer, the Duke of Konitzki also put pressure on Cheorchen. He said: "Alvar Chechen. In fact, this time you and your guard were able to win, that would be a fluke. If it weren't for you to overthrow the cart loaded with Thale, you would be extremely lucky to get off. If the opposing leader’s first level is reached, I'm afraid we should be the one who loses."

The reason why the Duke of Konitzki called Cheorchen by his full name impolitely was because the Duke had a deep resentment towards Cheorchen. The Duke of Konitzki consciously had the title of Duke. The position of the deputy envoy of the mission should have been his own, but he did not expect that the position of the deputy envoy fell into Chechen's hands. If it was Henrik Potocki, it would be fine, but a rookie like Chelchen climbed onto his head, which made the Duke Konnitsky, who considered himself a noble blood, very dissatisfied. Since he started from the mission, he He didn't say a word to Cheer Chen.

Although what the Duke of Konitzki said was the main reason why the guards were able to win this time, the Duke’s arrogant tone and his words that all success was attributed to luck and ignored the heroic fighting of the soldiers deeply angered Chechen. It also made Cheor Chen suddenly rise in pride.

The Duke of Konitsky did not expect that because of his arrogance, Chechen pushed Chechen to Stanislaw Potocki's side.

"My lord, my guard and I will be able to protect you safely when you arrive in Kiev." Cheerchen looked at Duke Konitsky provocatively and assured Stanislaw Potocki loudly.

Hearing Chechen's answer, Stanislaw Potocki smiled with satisfaction. The old man twisted the beard of his chin, smiled and said to the duke and his nephew, "You all heard it."

"Deception, this is a shameful deception!" Duke Konitzki howled.

"Prince Konitzki," Cheerchen stepped forward, his eyes pierced, and he said sternly: "If you think I can't protect your safety, you can go back to Zbaraj."

"Cheerchen, what you said is too much." Stanislaw Potocki waved his hand to Cheerchen, signalling Cheerchen to be polite to Duke Konitzki.

But having said that, Stanislaw Potocki was satisfied with Chechen's anger at Duke Konitzki.

The Duke of Konitzki walked away angrily. And Stanislaw Potocki’s nephew, after looking at his uncle and the Duke who went away, he sue Stanislaw Potocki, and then went to Kang Duke Nitsky chased after him.

Obviously, Henrik Potocki was going to appease the Duke.

At this time, Chechen and Stanislaw Potocki were the only two left by the bonfire.

The old man sat down again.

"Chechen, tell the truth, if there is another attack like this, can you protect the safety of other people in the mission, including me?"

Obviously, after listening to the "inspiring" words, the eldest man is going to listen to the truth from Cheechen himself.

"No, sir." Cheerchen said plainly.

Stanislaw Potocki sighed. This was a question that didn't need to be asked.

After a while, he asked Cheerchen again: "Then what advice do you have, other than going back to Zbarari."

Cheerchen hadn't thought about this issue before. Now the old Stanislaw Potocki asked, and he began to think about it.

But before Cheerchen could tell his Stanislaw Potocki had already figured out a solution by himself, and issued an order to Cheerchen: "You immediately choose a reliable subordinate Return to Zbarazh. Don’t talk about our attack, just say that Colonel Jan Skrzeduski will send a 100-man troop to the strong ambassadors. Remember, don’t send wings. Cavalry company."

"Yes, I will send someone to Zbarari immediately." Cheechen led the order.

Just now, Cheerchen had an immature way in his mind, that is, the envoys were divided into two groups, one was Cheerchen himself and led a small and capable force to **** Stanislaw Potots. Mr. Kyrgyzstan went to Kiev, while the other way went on with great fanfare. The fifty thousand talers carried by the mission were buried on the spot. In fact, it was to abandon the **** to protect the commander and use the lives of other people to protect Stanislaw Potocki alone.

Chechen’s approach cannot be said to be bad, but Stanislaw Potocki will never accept it. Because the delegation’s mission represents the Republic of Poland, if the envoy of the Republic of Poland arrives in Kiev under the **** of a handful of people according to the method of Chechen, this will undoubtedly be the face of the Republic, and it will be The ambassadors of other countries in Kiev laughed.

Next, Cheerchen chose a capable Cossack in armor, and after letting him memorize the command that the old man gave to Colonel Jan Skrzeduski, let him ride the best horse and drive day and night. To Zbarazh.

After this, Cheorchen checked the defense in the valley again, and then went to rest. He gave up his tent to the more injured, and he slept on the ground with a saddle and blanket.

Before lying down, Cheer Chen remembered that the question he wanted to ask hadn't been asked to the old man.

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