The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 469: Ackerman offense and defense 1

Two days after Yelishei and others returned to Ackerman, the army led by Isilan Glyy Khan finally arrived under Ackerman. At the first sight of Ackerman's defense, the Khan and his Pashas, ​​Bayes, and A'er were all stunned by Ackerman's defense.

At this time, the city of Ackerman had long been transformed by Christina's residents. Ackerman’s northern wall facing the land has built many protrusions forming an angle, which is a typical Western bastion configuration; and Ackerman’s originally low wall has also been thickened and built. The inclined wall, this design can effectively resist shelling; the dense shooting holes on the city wall and the reasonable installation of the city defense gun platform double its defense.

Although Isilan Glyy has not studied Western military science and architecture, Ishlyan Glyy instinctively feels that Ackerman City is a tough bone.

Reminiscent of the Western-style cavalry and the reed musket that Uzenbey encountered, Isilan Glyy has determined that there must be a Western power secretly supporting his brother to regain the sweat.

Isilan Glyy called a Polish man named Kolposki. This person was once an officer of the Republic of Poland in Ukraine, and was taken abducted by the Tatars during the Khmelnitsky Uprising. Isilan Glyy bought him, converted him to the Christian religion, and became his own consultant.

"Kolpotsky, if you take a closer look at Ackerman, can you see which country's architectural technique is? Is it the Republic of Poland or Tsarist Russia?"

Kolpotsky, wearing a traditional Crimean Tatar costume, took a closer look. He turned and crawled to the ground and said to Isilan Glyy: "Master, this is not the architectural method of the Republic of Poland and Tsarist Russia, but a bit like the architectural style of the Swedes."


Isilan Glyy never thought it was such an answer. He also couldn't understand how the rumored savvy and capable King Karl X of the Kingdom of Sweden would support his failed brother.

"Could it be that the Nordic lion has already settled Le Poles and the Russians and has begun to covet the Crimean Peninsula?" Isilan Gree guessed so.

Immediately, Isilan Gree shook his head. He no longer struggled with this question, but probed the other walls of Ackerman.

It's still important to deal with the immediate matter.

Both the east and the south of Ackerman City are close to the sea, and the space for deployment is extremely small, not suitable for the expansion of the Khanate's large forces. Although the city wall on the west has undergone a bastion-like transformation, it has more dead spots than the north, and the terrain on the west is more open than the east and south, which is suitable for Isilan Glyy to exert his strength. Advantage.

"We will attack Ackerman from here." Isilan Gree Swagger said to the officers around him.

Khan's officers were about to nod, when suddenly a loud noise came from the head of Ackerman. Then, a shell fell in front of Isilan Glyy's mount, stirring up a piece of mud.

Khan's horse was frightened and raised its front hoof. Finally, Isilan Glyy calmed down the frightened warhorse.

Although this artillery did not kill anyone, it scared everyone including Isilan Gree. They did not realize that there were artillery in Ackerman, and there were technicians who could operate artillery. Isilan Glyy hurriedly withdrew to the range of the artillery under the **** of the officer's regiment.

At the head of the city to the west of Ackerman, Mohamed Glyy looked at his little brother who had fled, and said to Christina and Karlsson who operated the artillery: "It's a shame."

"There is no way, Khan. We only have this kind of antique. Carlsson can shoot near the enemy is already very good." Christina patted the door of the "old antique" on the back, to Mohamed Gree Said.

And Karlsson, squatting in front of a Fran cannon that Christina called an old antique, lifted a shot from the female gun.

The Flange cannon is an early backfilled smoothbore cannon. It is composed of a mother gun and a son gun. The mother gun barrel is slender and has a small caliber. The gun barrel is equipped with a front sight and a rear sight, which can aim and shoot at long-distance targets. There are cannon lugs on both sides of the gun body, which can be placed on the bracket and can be pitched to adjust the shooting angle. The rear part of the Fran cannon is thicker, with long holes and slots for loading bullets. Each main gun is equipped with multiple sub-guns, which can be pre-loaded with ammunition for backup, and they are loaded into the main gun for firing in turn during battle, thus increasing the launch speed. But everything has advantages and disadvantages. While increasing the firing speed, the Fran cannon is smaller in power and range than the long barrel cannon due to air tightness and other issues. In western countries, the Fron cannon has been seldom used. Bayezid Khan’s Francan cannons were purchased from Portuguese merchant ships at a high If that gun blows up my **** brother to death, I can immediately Gather the people he brought. "Mohamed Glyy still regrets it.

At this time, Christina and Karlsson did not speak, leaving Muhammad Glyy to be there to be delusional.

After being frightened by a shelling and realizing that the enemy had artillery, Isilan Glyy did not dare to attack the city rashly, but drove his subordinates to slowly dig the zigzag trenches. Obviously Isilan Glyy got the guidance of the Westerners or Arabs who were employed by him.

There are so many people, tens of thousands of Crimean cavalry and slave soldiers dug trenches under Ackerman's city in just one day. During the period, Ackerman's defenders did not go out of the city to harass, but continued to strengthen Ackerman's city defense.

The next day, Isilan Glyy gathered all his troops outside the city, and the troops of the 60,000 Khanate lined up in dozens of huge phalanxes under the city of Ackerman. Countless praises of Juan Keba resounded across the earth.

Isilan Glyy wears a tatar helmet with wrong silver on his head and a long metal plate chain armour. The composite armour on the front of the plate chain armour is engraved with the verses of the Koran with wrong gold technique.

The Crimean Khan guards were lined up beside Khan. The Khan’s Guards are composed of the strongest and eloquent fighters of the Khanate. After Isilan Glyi usurped the Khan's position, Ishran Glyi immediately cleansed the guards of allegiance to Muhammad Gly. Ley’s people added his own people.

Isilan Glyi hopes to destroy the courage of the Ackerman defenders and force the defenders to surrender by showing force. However, Ackerman's defenders were unmoved and sent a 300-man troop out of the city to respond to the challenge.

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