The Last Commander of The Red Police

Chapter 1085: Red Alert Civilization

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Li Xin never thought that the councillors of the Human Alliance would not agree to the alliance.

"Why?" Li Xin couldn't help asking.

"Congressman, the alliance is good for us, why don't you agree to the alliance?" Huo Qidu couldn't help saying.

Natasha pointed outside and said without questioning: "Huo Qida told me the situation of your human star field. Ten kings who were persecuted by foreign races could only establish a battle line. Reluctantly resisted, the entire human star field was Trapped there, unable to move. In this case, our human alliance will form an alliance with you, and the effort will be greater than the gain. In this case, why should we form an alliance?"

"The Human Alliance is not under siege by the aliens. It is better to say that if our Human Alliance does not take the initiative to attack, the aliens can be fortunate."

Li Xin was silent, he knew that the congressman was right, the human star field is not in a good situation, otherwise they would not rush to form an alliance with the human alliance.

Once the constellation-level powerhouse possessed by the Human Alliance can be used, it may be able to help the human star field solve the current dilemma.

On the other hand, the assistance of the Human Star Territory to the Human Alliance is extremely limited!

If the human alliance needs the help of a king, can the human star field really come up with a king?


In this case, it is a big problem for the human star field to form an alliance with the human alliance.

Li Xin found that he was a little preconceived, thinking that Huo Qi's attitude represented the alliance of humanity, but he did not expect the Senator's attitude to be so careless.

He knew that in order for the alliance to continue, he might need to produce some important information, or some important resources.

Otherwise, the human alliance has a great cause, why should it form an alliance with the human star field?

Natasha was cold on the surface, but in her heart she was thinking about what the commander told her before.

"Natasha, wait until the Human Star Territory sends an envoy. Don't rush to form an alliance with the other party. You must grasp your own attitude. You are a member of the Human Alliance with a double-digit god-level warrior. You shouldn’t actively form an alliance with the Human Star Territory. Only when the other party offers benefits that the human alliance can’t ignore can you consider forming an alliance. This is your posture as a councillor."

"But what should I do if the other party can't make such a big profit? Isn't it an alliance?" Natasha didn't understand Su Chen's meaning.

"Alliance must be formed. If they really can't bring out huge benefits, then you can do this..."

After waiting for a while, Li Xin still couldn't think of what kind of benefits would be able to impress a behemoth like the Human Alliance.

He was very anxious, so he just went back without doing anything?

Just when he didn't know what to do, Natasha suddenly said: "Mr Fok Qi's report did not mention one thing. I wonder if General Li knows?"

"Congressman, please speak." Li Xin said hurriedly as if he had caught the last straw." We have found in some documents that the civilization inherited by our human alliance comes from a civilization called the red alert, but within the scope of our human alliance, there is nothing about red alert. There are traces of civilization, so I suspect that the Red Police civilization went to the human star field at the beginning. I wonder if General Li has heard of the Red Police civilization?” 315 Chinese Network.

Li Xin was shocked. There is no red police civilization in the human star field, but there is a red police empire!

Could it be said that the Red Police empire was the empire that was born after the inheritance of the Red Police civilization?

With this thought, everything is right.

In fact, with the rapid rise of the Red Police Empire and those powerful weapons and technologies, if they were not inherited from civilization, no one would believe that they were killed.

The problem is that there are so many civilizations in human history as stars, and it is impossible to find out what civilization inheritance the Red Police empire has. Now it seems that there is absolutely nothing wrong, it is the Red Police civilization!

"Congressman, we have a red police empire in the human star field. It has emerged in recent years and is very similar to the human alliance. I think the red police empire may have emerged from the heritage of the red police civilization."

Natasha deliberately pretended to be surprised: "Is this true? Believe to hear this news, the god-level warriors of our human alliance may be very happy, after all, for them, the Red Police civilization is theirs. Benefactor, without the heritage of the Red Police civilization, there would be no current human alliance."

Li Xin sighed inwardly that the Red Alert civilization was so powerful, and it created an extremely powerful Red Alert Empire in the human star domain. Before he came here, the Red Alert Empire had already controlled 20 large galaxies.

As a result, a more powerful human alliance was born out of the red police civilization, which is simply unimaginable.

The Red Police civilization is probably one of the most powerful civilizations at the peak of humanity.

If Su Chen knew his own brain, he would probably laugh out his abdominal muscles.

This is exactly what he asked Natasha to say on purpose, mainly to find a legitimate reason for the rise of the Red Police Empire.

As for the reason for the rise of the Red Police Empire, many people have various speculations, the most of which is that the Red Police Empire has been inherited by a civilization. Su Chen just made this reason true.

"Originally, I was not optimistic about this alliance, but if there are elements of red police civilization in it, then it should not be opposed to those god-level fighters. You wait here for some time, and I will contact them."

Like Huo Qi at the beginning, Li Xin stayed here for a day, and Huo Qi took him to feel the customs of the Human Alliance.

It's just that Li Xin's mind is completely out of this. He is very worried about the outcome of this time. If the human alliance is unwilling to form an alliance, then his mission will be a failure.

Huo Qi comforted: "General Lee, I believe that the Senator will definitely agree to the alliance for the sake of being a red police civilization. The current human alliance is far more than the people at the beginning, and the Senator must also be for the whole. Consider, I hope you don't mind."

"I understand that if you change to Lord Lotus, you will definitely consider it carefully, instead of agreeing to the alliance request as soon as you come up, but I still hope that we can form an alliance. After all, we should be the only two humans in the entire universe. The star field is gathered."

If they knew about the existence of the Shaolong Element, they might have cracked their faces.

The next day, Li Xin and Huo Qi met Natasha again, and she directly said: "The god-level warriors resident in the human alliance need to meet your king before they can decide whether to form an alliance."

This is definitely good news for Li Xin, and this is what he meant from the beginning.

"That's really great. Without further ado, please invite some god-level warriors to join me."


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