The faces of the dozen or so leaders showed awe and respect for Adam, and their bodies were pressed against the ground, as if they were trying their best to express their loyalty.

Shen Chen took in this scene and sneered in his heart.

He did not think that these people had been convinced by Adam's divine appearance and were completely willing to bow down at the feet of the god.

These people were not simple characters, they were all base leaders and overlords of the North.

It can be said that if it were not for the forbidden power and ancient demon language displayed by Shen Chen, they would not even have superficial conviction.

It was just that the gimmick of "God" was too big, and Shen Chen had not revealed any flaws from the beginning to now, so they did not have the courage to gamble.

In the future, if the identity of "Adam" aroused their suspicion, they would definitely not listen to him.

This is human nature!

However, for Shen Chen, with five years of experience in the apocalypse, it was very simple to reduce the dimension and attack the current group of awakeners.

Shen Chen began to speak. This time, he used human language. After all, as a god, it should be easy for him to understand human language overnight.


The voice was still low, as if it could penetrate people's hearts.

"As the survivors of the old times, your awakening level is qualified."

As soon as the voice came out, the leaders including Wen Tianhe were shocked.

First, this god actually spoke the common language of the empire, and second, they were the awakeners who were currently at the forefront of mankind, overlooking the doomsday land, but they actually...

Just qualified? !

But at this moment, no one dared to speak.

And then, Shen Chen controlled himself to reveal a slight smile, which looked cold and indifferent through the bronze mask.

"I plan to kill another god who is about to revive..."

As soon as the voice fell, the dozen leaders trembled almost visibly, and their pupils shrank violently, as if they had heard the secrets between the gods.

As mortals, they were exposed to something at the level of gods. This sense of distortion made them excited and excited to the greatest extent in their lives!

The rest of the people all bowed their heads and suppressed their emotions, only Wen Tianhe suddenly raised his head, as if he had foreseen the next words, his eyes flashing with ecstasy that he had never had in his life.

Adam's last voice was like a morning bell and an evening drum, penetrating the eardrums, making their brains dizzy and dreamlike.

"If you wish to become my sword, I will guide him to ascend the steps of the gods..."


The Imperial Capital.

Once the capital of the old empire, the most prosperous super city in the human world, is now a hazy, dilapidated and dilapidated appearance.

The huge building complex collapsed, and all kinds of once prosperous wonders became ruins, just like the lost Atlantis in the myth, magnificent and dilapidated, making people sigh.

It is said that not long after the end of the world, many human survivors rushed to the Imperial Capital from all directions.

Perhaps in their perspective, the imperial capital is a symbol of the empire, and it should have a pure land created by the empire, which can provide safe shelter for the people of the empire even in the end of the world.

But when they saw the appearance of the imperial capital from afar, the belief in their hearts finally collapsed, and they had to accept the fact that the empire had already perished.

Since then, few people have come to the imperial capital because of the extremely terrifying black fog and the surrounding monsters and zombies whose strength and mania far exceeded those of other regions.

As the population became sparser, people's memory of the imperial capital became more and more shallow.

This super capital that once stood in the human world for thousands of years was forgotten by the new era and became history just one year after the end of the world.

Perhaps only on certain days, when people recall the old empire as usual, they can occasionally be mentioned by people...

However, at this time, a group of humans came to the plateau a few miles east of the imperial capital.

"In just one year, the imperial capital has turned into this horrible state."

Bai Lingyao jumped off the helicopter just after it landed on the grass. The propeller was still whirring. The sky was darker than anywhere else, as if it was about to fall.

Then, Xuan Mu, Chu Qingyang, and Zhuang Shengxu also got off the helicopter, looking around and frowning.

They could feel the turbidity in the air and the extremely high content of black fog. No wonder there were no human figures.

All of them, the awakened ones, felt a little uncomfortable. How could ordinary people survive in this place?

In addition to the four of them, there were two experimental subjects, numbered Y09 and Y10, both male, with stern faces and tall bodies.

They also jumped off the helicopter and stood behind the few people. There was no more thanYue.

"Has Lord Bai ever been to the imperial capital?"

Zhuang Shengxu asked.

Bai Lingyao ignored him, and the atmosphere was awkward for a while, so Xuan Mu added a sentence-

"Lord Bai Lingyao is from the Bai family, and the Bai family has long been the top family in the imperial capital."

Zhuang Shengxu cursed himself for being too talkative and exposing his shallow knowledge.

Although he has become a famous guardian, and although his current strength can almost be said to be the leader of the seven, his mentality is still not as good as the other guardians.

This is also the reason why Li Er is not at ease to let him take the lead.

The wind here is very strong, blowing everyone's faces out of shape and their hair messy.

Bai Lingyao covered his face with one hand, and looked at a corner of the ruined imperial capital with his strong eyesight, muttering:

"When we moved from the imperial capital, it was not the end of the world. I heard from some people that the imperial capital during the black fog tide was really more terrifying than purgatory. It's a pity that I didn't see it with my own eyes..."

Then, Bai Lingyao turned his head and looked at the few people, snorting coldly.

"Some changes have occurred in the decapitation operation in the imperial capital this time. I have already explained it to you on the helicopter on the way. You know, I have a bad temper. If anyone dares to disrupt Lord Shen Chen's plan...

"Whether you are a guardian or an experimental subject, I will not show mercy. "

Seeing Bai Lingyao's cold eyes, several people were a little scared and nodded repeatedly.

They didn't expect that the original decapitation operation in the imperial capital would unexpectedly involve another group of people.

But the good news is that that group of people was also discovered and infiltrated by another top awakener in the Free City. Now the situation is that others are in the light and they are in the dark.

"You guys, go to the imperial capital first, pay attention to concealment, don't provoke monsters, so as not to attract the demon tide, remember, stay outside the imperial capital."

After Bai Lingyao's voice fell, several people quickly took out the backpacks in the helicopter and prepared to go to the direction of the imperial capital.

"Chu Qingyang."

Bai Lingyao suddenly shouted.

Chu Qingyang was packing his backpack, and turned his head immediately after hearing Bai Lingyao's shout.

"You stay."

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