Perhaps in the history of millions of years, this planet has never experienced such a huge change.

In an instant, the empire collapsed, the kingdom was destroyed, and the civilization disappeared. From the perspective of ordinary people who account for 99.99% of the total human population, the end of the world is like this.

Suddenly one day, the conspiracy theory that was once a hot topic on the Internet happened in reality, order suddenly lost, and the end of the world suddenly came. They could only resist it together.

After a while, they suddenly found that countless doomsday cities and doomsday barriers had been built on the doomsday land. They were high above and looked down on all living beings.

It must be said that as the overlord of the planet, humans are extremely adaptable.

Within a year, the order of the old era was quickly destroyed, and a new order was established on the doomsday land.

"......You don't know, I heard that the city of freedom had already risen from the ground the day after the doomsday, clearing the monsters and zombies that were rampant around!"

Late at night, a fleet of firelight stopped on the dry field. Everything was silent. Outside a dim tent, several children in tattered clothes were whispering around an old man who was blind in one eye.

There were more than a dozen modified large trucks around, and people gathered in groups of three or two to chat and smoke.

This was a special caravan formed after the doomsday, selling supplies back and forth from various regions, with extremely amazing risks and benefits.

"You're talking nonsense! I heard that before the end of the world, someone had already started to build the Free City!"

Seeing that he was interrupted, the old man was a little angry and said:

"What do you know, little brat! The predecessor of the Free City was the East Capital of the Old Empire. Originally, all resources were extremely prosperous, so it could quickly rise from the ground and establish the doomsday order."

The old man seemed to have some prestige among the children. The little boy who refuted was thin and was immediately pressed to the ground by the two children next to him.

"Fourth Master, don't listen to his nonsense! Tell us more about the Free City!"

"Yes, yes, yes! We want to hear more."

They started to chatter, with stars in their eyes. In their current cognition-

The Free City is a human pure land that exists in a place they don't know where it is. It is the largest and most powerful doomsday city standing on the doomsday land today.

Of course, none of them had been there. It was said that only the highest commander of the convoy, the middle-aged man Lao Huang who always wore military uniform, had seen a corner of the huge wall of the Free City from afar.

That experience made him invincible in every drunken night drinking party, always attracting many curious and envious eyes.

"Let me tell you! Not long after the first black fog tide, the Free City launched seven guardians, each of whom was an S-level super strong man!"

Hearing the term black fog tide, many children showed horror.

They had naturally experienced it and knew how desperate those days were.

When they heard the word "guardian", they were full of longing, as if they were imagining whether they could become such a strong man in the future.

"Once the guardian appears, who can compete with him!" The blind old man raised the empty wine pot, "The threat of monsters and zombies within a radius of 100 miles was swept away with thunder, and those shelters struggling in the doomsday threw themselves into the arms of the Free City."

"Even the city-level forces had to surrender to the Free City! Let the reputation of the Free City reach its peak!"

"In the following year, the development of the Free City continued to exceed everyone's expectations. First, through the Jiangcheng base in the southeast region, it indirectly controlled the forces in the entire southeast region, and no one dared to disobey.

"When the second black fog tide came, everyone in the Doomsday Land was busy and exhausted, but only the eastern region controlled by the Free City was extremely relaxed and casual. A wave of demon tides came and a wave of demon tides came, and even the leader-level monsters were beheaded by the guardians! In just two days, the demon tides were all buried.

"Other regions, even the southwest region with the Southwest United Council, took a full week to pacify."

Speaking of this, the old man paused deliberately, and the children below exclaimed in a low voice-

"So powerful!"

"So cool."

"That's it! Kill all those monsters that slaughtered humans!"

The blind old man was satisfied and put the wine bottle to his mouth, although there was not a drop left in it since a week ago.

"After the second black fog tide, the Free City began to reach out to the western region, and this move was bound to conflict with the behemoth in the western region, the Southwest United Council. According to some gossip, the two superpowers competed once and many conflicts occurred, but in the end, the Free City retreated because the Southwest United Council was large and complete enough..."Hearing the game between the top forces, these children were fascinated and shook left and right excitedly.

"This is also the only time that Freedom City has been defeated since its establishment. However, Freedom City continued to move south from the southeast region. There are about four or five large doomsday bases in the southern region...

"One of them is a force called the Clover Alliance, which relied on the remoteness of Freedom City to confront it. However, half a month later, Freedom City actually sent the Free Wings Corps directly. "

"I know, I know!" The little boy who refuted earlier couldn't help shouting, "It is a force composed entirely of awakened people!"

The other children took a breath when they heard this.

Awakened people?

That's a big man who is high above, rare and noble.

Freedom City can actually form a unit with awakened people. This is crazy!

"That's right! The third, seventh and eighth squads of Freedom Wings went straight south, led by the three guardians Xuguang, Snake Girl and King Chu. In just two days, the huge Clover Alliance was wiped out! The other doomsday bases were horrified and came forward to express their submission. "

"Doesn't that mean," the little boy raised his hand again, "Freedom City has already controlled such a large area in the east, southeast, and south."

The blind old man laughed: "Not only that, there have been rumors that Freedom City is preparing to attack the northern region. In less than two years, the army of Freedom City will go north. By then, even the natural barriers will not be able to save the doomsday bases in the north."

"Natural barriers?"

Hearing this word, several children all looked to the north at the same time.

It was dark there, and the night was hazy.

But they knew that the "natural barriers" mentioned by the old man were not far away, in the north.

"If there were no natural barriers in the north, Freedom City would have attacked long ago! "

The blind old man also looked towards the north, as if he saw a mountain range that was like a natural moat, like a sleeping earth dragon, separating the northern border from the map.

"Okay, go back to sleep, we will soon reach our destination, the market has been very bad in the past two months..."

The blind old man stood up and urged the child to return to his parents.

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