"Adam? You really came to accompany me. Ah, I don't mean to laugh at you. After all, I also fell. I said that kind of trap could not be discovered by others. It's just a pity that we are both so powerful and smart..."

Xia suddenly paused, as if she noticed something, and struggled to support the ice with her arms.

Shen Chen hurried to help her-

"Is your brain really burned out?"

After a long time, Xia sat up straight, looking around unnaturally, and seemed to have experienced the embarrassing emotions of humans.

"Thank you, Adam."

"Well, you should thank me."

"Will you start to doubt your own vision and regret cooperating with me?"

Shen Chen glanced at her and continued: "No, after all, there are not many cute monsters like you who see strange scenes and sit inside to analyze them stupidly during special missions."

Xia knew that she was in the wrong, so she didn't talk back, but just stared at Shen Chen blankly, as if she was sensing the joy of escaping death.

Shen Chen teased her for a while, then said seriously-

"So, what's going on inside?"

After hearing Shen Chen's question, Xia woke up from her dream and told Shen Chen what she saw and felt, as well as the strange scene in the ice cave.

However, Xia was still a little absent-minded during the narration, either staring at Shen Chen or staring at the wolf cub in Shen Chen's arms.

After listening, Shen Chen stood more than ten meters away from the cave entrance, looking at the deep pit and the surrounding crystal fragments from a distance.

"It seems that some kind of ritual was performed, using those crystal fragments. Of course, perhaps the complete crystals became fragments after the ritual."

"Makes sense." Xia nodded.

Shen Chen looked at the human corpses.

"From the same family."


"In addition to the same emblem patterns on the clothes, more than three of them have similar faces, indicating that they are related by blood."

Shen Chen analyzed for a while, and Xia nodded repeatedly on the side.

Shen Chen turned his head to look at her, and Xia also looked at Shen Chen.

"Any questions?"

Shen Chen did not speak, but felt that after she had experienced life and death, she seemed to have an epiphany and lost her previous arrogance.

Then, Shen Chen looked at the silver hairpin she had been holding in her hand, and then took it and helped her pin it in her hair.

Shen Chen smiled slightly: "Wear it well."

Xia touched the hairpin and didn't understand: "Oh!"

Then, Shen Chen continued to pick up the little wolf cub and said: "Let's leave here first. The poison can deal with the third-level peak ice wolf, and naturally it can deal with us. This is basically the clue left here."

After that, Shen Chen turned and left.

Xia followed Shen Chen and returned with him along the original route, crossed the passage, and finally climbed up the ice rock and finally returned to the earth.

The sun shone through the thick clouds and hit the wolf cub's eyelids, making it extremely uncomfortable. It whined strangely and arched its head towards Shen Chen's arms.

"Be quiet."

Shen Chen patted its furry head.

The wolf cub rubbed against Shen Chen's arms twice, then slowly opened its eyes, and its blue pupils saw the colors outside for the first time.

"Hey, it's open!"

Xia was very surprised and kept stroking the wolf cub's furry head.

"It's really a Wang Shan wolf cub. Did you give it a name?"

Since the wolf cub was found by Shen Chen, it naturally belonged to him. Xia didn't have much regret, after all, he almost lost his life.

"Give it a name."

"Ah? Me?" Xia looked at the wolf cub for a while, and his eyes paid special attention to the very conspicuous silver flash mark on its forehead.

"Then let's call it Silver Flash!"

Xia suddenly smiled slyly, tilted her head and looked at Shen Chen, as if asking if this name sounded good.

Shen Chen frowned, "A king cub, you give it such a soft and repetitive name?"

"What?" Xia pouted.

You asked me to choose it yourself.

Xia was about to say, then you tell me what to call it, when she saw Shen Chen kneading the wolf cub's head with one hand.

"Poor little guy, I hope your ferocity will cover the childish temperament of the name Silver Flash in the future..."

Hey! This is-

Agree with this name?

Xia swallowed her words quickly and saw that Shen Chen had walked a distance along the snow peak from where he came.

"Wait for me, Adam."

Xia raised her foot to catch up, but Shen Chen seemed not to hear and continued to walk forward slowly, constantly teasing Silver Flash in his arms, with a shallow smile on his lips.


The City of Freedom.

General Council Room in the Military Headquarters Building.

Li Er looked at the nearly perfected operational plan andStaffing, the stone in my heart finally fell.

Suddenly, there was a sound of pushing the door.

Bai Lingyao walked in from the door and sat in front of Li Er very naturally.

Li Er felt a little uncomfortable being in the same room with Bai Lingyao. He immediately coughed twice and asked the guard outside the door to come in and get him a cigarette.

"How is it, Chief Li Er! There should be no problem with my plan."

Bai Lingyao was thin and stared at Li Er with a slight smile.

"I can't find any fault, and now it's almost ready," Li Er said seriously, "It's time to report to Lord Shen Chen."

Hearing the name "Shen Chen", the perverse and frivolous look on Bai Lingyao's face finally subsided, and he rarely showed a serious expression.

"Is Lord Shen Chen also paying attention to this mission?"

"Of course! This decapitation operation is a continuation of the 007 plan, and the operation in the imperial capital was completed by Lord Shen Chen and Miss Shangguan."

While Li Er was speaking, he turned on an electronic screen and entered a series of secret numbers into it.

Half a minute later, a familiar voice came from the other end of the electronic screen.

"What's the matter, Li Er."

"Lord Shen Chen, the personnel for the decapitation operation have been preliminarily determined. They will be led by Bai Lingyao and equipped with three guardians..."

"Bai Lingyao?" The sound of wind and snow on the other side of the electronic screen was very loud, and there seemed to be a few low whimpers of animals.

"Ah, why Adam, why didn't Silver Flash let me hold it..."

"Don't make a fuss, there's something serious." The voice suddenly went away.

Li Er and Bai Lingyao looked at each other, and both secretly suppressed their curiosity.

After a while of noise over there, Shen Chen's voice became clear again.

"Well, Bai Lingyao is also OK. Although that gay has bad behavior, his mind and means are still fine..."

Bai Lingyao coughed lightly.

Shen Chen was silent for a moment, then continued-

"Oh, Bai Lingyao, you are here too?"

"Yes! Lord Shen Chen, I wonder if you have any other suggestions about this decapitation operation."

Bai Lingyao's voice was respectful, without any teasing when talking to Li Er.

"I don't have any other opinions, but I suggest that you don't keep Li Er hanging all day. He and his father have worked diligently for the military for so long, and his father still expects him to continue the family line for the old Li family..."

Bai Lingyao: "..."

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