Southwest region.


Huang Shao had just finished a meeting of the Southwest United Council and was returning to his residence.

Along the way, everyone saluted him with awe.

He was Huang Shao, the controller of Qingdu, the leader of the Southwest United Council, and also an S-level physical awakener.

In the southwest region, Huang Shao's reputation has spread to almost every region, and his experience is legendary.

At the beginning of the doomsday, he built Qingdu into a doomsday barrier, and then sent troops to control several neighboring cities, forcibly promoting the formation of the Southwest United Council.

Through this huge alliance, he controlled half of the southwest region with great momentum.

Arriving at a secret attic, the man with gold-rimmed glasses greeted Huang Shao——

"Sir Huang Shao, all the resistance forces have been suppressed by force, and the establishment of the awakened forces should be put on the agenda as soon as possible!

"We can completely imitate the Free City in the east. Their awakened forces are called Free Wings..."

The man with gold-rimmed glasses held a large stack of information in his hand.

The powerful strength of the Free City is obvious to all major forces in the empire. It can even be said that most of the doomsday bases are built in imitation of the Free City.

Whatever system he uses, he will use it. Establish the awakened forces, good, and follow suit.

Huang Shao checked it as usual and nodded.

After he left, Huang Shao looked at the map of the southwest region on the wall, and a smile appeared in his eyes——

"They are all pigs raised for the young master! "


Western Asia.

An unnamed deep canyon.

A figure was climbing carefully, until half an hour later, he saw a cave and walked in carefully.

There were many small caves in the cave. He followed the instructions in his memory to the most secret place. When he walked in, he found that there were already six people sitting here, around a stone table.

"Everyone is finally here."

The person in the first position wore a red mask, and waited until he sat down before slowly saying--

"The sudden advance of the doomsday disrupted some plans. I'm sorry, everyone, especially our newest member. I'm sorry again. "

The figure who just sat down was wearing a dog-head mask. He was the dog-headed boy who received Shangguan Yun's order in Qingdu.

He had a lot of complaints in his heart at this moment-

In Qingdu, he obeyed Brother Crow's orders and rushed to the imperial capital in a hurry following the voice in the indicator.

When he arrived in the imperial capital not long ago, he heard that the organization had moved away? And the doomsday had come! The communication tools were also cut off by the doomsday.

He had to kill zombies while waiting for instructions.

Fortunately, he had extraordinary powers before the doomsday, and awakened superpowers after the doomsday, otherwise it would be a question whether he could survive.

During this period, some people invited him to join other organizations, but he refused one by one until he was finally accepted by the organization. After getting in touch, he robbed a car and drove all the way here.

It was so dangerous on the way! He must now doubt the reliability of this organization, which actually let its own members run away so dangerously!

Hong Ye took off his mask, revealing a handsome young face.

"The end of the world has come, so there is no need to hide your identity before the end of the world. Let me introduce myself first-

"My name is Duan Ye, and I used to be the president of the student union of Imperial University. However, you don't have to care. My background is very ordinary. My parents are both small employees. Well, I was admitted to Imperial University as a civilian."

The others also took off their masks one by one and introduced their identities. Unanimously, all of them were ordinary people.

"Here, let's review the original intention of the establishment of the Ghost Association!

"It is worth mentioning that there were already many signs before the end of the world, but unlike the imperial families, ordinary people without political backgrounds can never know the truth of the incident. "

Duan also pressed a projector, and a picture was projected on the stone wall.

It was a huge and majestic doomsday barrier

"It has been confirmed that the largest and most complete doomsday barrier in the empire today, the Free City, was built by the former imperial capital clans. The controllers of the other doomsday bases also held high positions before the doomsday.

"So, although the doomsday seems to have been cleaned up, the people who are in high positions are still the ones before the doomsday. We have already expected this before the doomsday, so I don't expect to join the doomsday base, because I can only be controlled forever."

After saying this, there was a lot of echoing voices, and everyone here had a different kind of calmness and wisdom in their eyes.

"As ordinary people, without resources and strength, we are unable to build a doomsday barrier like the Free City, so we changeA way to establish an organization, a small but powerful organization.

"It is worth noting that we are not going to be enemies with those doomsday bases. We are all human beings. Our goal should be to focus on the monsters that are coming."

"But!" Yang Ziwen suddenly raised his hand, "I'm sorry, I haven't awakened my superpowers. I'm sorry. I might become a burden."

Duan Ye opened a black book with an ancient parchment scroll as the cover, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face-

"Don't worry, Yi Yao, everyone should have heard of the miracle of the guardian in the Free City. Seven S-level awakeners are simply horrifying!

"I want to tell you that I can also be a hero for You created this miracle..."

The black book began to flash a mysterious black light and made a low sound. The black light reflected on Duan Ye's handsome face, as if he was making a deal with the devil.

An hour later, the faces of the people present had an unrecovered ecstasy and horror.

Duan Ye pointed to the photo of a handsome young man on the screen.

"Please allow me to introduce my former buddy, Shen Chen, my senior, the eldest son of the Shen family, the imperial capital, the current controller of the Free City, an S-level awakener, and the code name X that has been investigated since the establishment of the organization."

Duan Ye smiled——

"I want to warn you that in the future, you can't provoke anyone, but you can't provoke Shen Chen."

Doghead recognized the man, the former senior in Qingdu, and immediately raised his hand——

"Why can't you provoke him? Is it because he is your good buddy? If so, why didn't he help you go to the Free City? "

Duan Ye laughed twice, looking at Shen Chen's portrait, revealing self-mockery-

"He and I are enemies or friends. You can understand that he is the senior who I have always wanted to surpass and prove myself."

"But it is obvious that with the advent of the doomsday, the gap between him and me is getting bigger and bigger..."

After everyone dispersed, Duan Ye stared at Shen Chen's portrait in a trance.

He remembered his life trajectory-

He had a superior IQ since he was a child, and he was admitted to the Imperial Capital University as a commoner, and even became a figure like the president of the Student Union.

But what made him most proud was that he almost gained Shen Chen's friendship and almost became the only one among his many buddies with a commoner family.

"Shen Chen, the doomsday is here. Can any of your good buddies still stand shoulder to shoulder with you? I will. "

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