The girl was wearing a short white skirt, her hair naturally draped over her shoulders, her skin was as delicate as white porcelain, her facial features were beautiful and pure, and her lips and eyebrows were always raised with a gentle arc.

She moved gently to the old woman's front, and held the old woman's dirty and bloody hands with her white hands without hesitation.

Her voice was soft and gentle-

"Old man, don't worry, this is the Eden Shelter, there are no zombie monsters. You can live here with peace of mind, we have no shortage of food and water."

The girl in the white skirt pointed to the open space in the east-

"Old man, look, the middle-aged men in our shelter have brought back several large boxes of meat and vegetables from outside, which is enough for us to eat for several weeks..."

The old woman looked around and found that a dozen young people were moving the food boxes on the truck to the open space with laughter, and there were also a few running children around, joking with each other.

Under the tents in the distance, some women were weaving cloth, washing vegetables, and chatting with smiles on their faces.

These scenes made the old woman's eyes flash with dreamlike astonishment.

"Food! So much?" She subconsciously said hoarsely.

"Not much!" The man smiled and waved his hand, "We can only eat meat for two meals a day, and we can't waste it, but don't worry, you are an old lady, we will take good care of you."

"No, no!"

The old woman suddenly pulled out the hand held by the girl in the white dress, her facial muscles twitching, pointing at the big truck driving in from outside, and said in surprise:

"They! They just go outside? Aren't they afraid of those zombies? Aren't they afraid of those monsters?!"

"Haha!" The sturdy man smiled kindly.

"Auntie, that's an armored vehicle! Those zombies and monsters can't knock it open at all, not to mention our weapons. What monster dares to attack! Look."

The old woman looked at it, and her eyes twitched again.

I saw that the armored truck was equipped with several broken gun barrels, and the men in the car all had low-end pistols on their waists that they had found from somewhere.

"Oh, Auntie, I know that life outside is not easy, but since you have entered our Eden Shelter, just live peacefully. Look at our city wall, don't you feel safe all of a sudden!"

The old woman stopped talking, with cautious and suspicious eyes.

The shelter in front of her completely overturned her cognition. Apart from anything else, at least this wall of less than ten meters, she could climb over it in a few minutes, how could it stop those terrifying and creepy monsters.

"Old man, please eat something first. I will let Chen Hu take you for a walk later to relieve the pressure and learn about the living environment."

The girl in the white dress stood up with a smile in her eyes.

The old woman's eyes changed several times, and finally she raised her head and wiped her tears and cried:

"God has eyes! Let an old woman like me bump into you kind people, otherwise I will be eaten by zombies in the doomsday!"


Freedom City.

Shen Chen was sitting in the room, looking at the harmonious shelter picture on the screen, frowning.

The huge display screen showed multiple perspectives, which fully revealed the full picture of the shelter in Dongling City.

After that meeting, Shen Chen sent several special personnel to send the new nanomechanical insects developed by Freedom City into the shelter.

The tiny camera transmitted the full picture to Shen Chen.

Overall, this is a small shelter, not large in area, compact and exquisite.

Located in the central and northern area of ​​Dongling City where the monsters are the most dense and ferocious, ordinary people would only feel weird when they see it.

Shen Chen adjusted the remote control and directed the perspectives of hundreds of nanoworms to the builder of the shelter, the girl in a white dress who was gentle and charming with every frown and smile.

For a moment, the huge screen showed a scene of the girl patrolling the shelter.

Every time she arrived at a place, the survivors would greet her in a friendly and cheerful manner. Both men and women smiled happily, with pure light in their eyes.

The perspectives of the nanoworms naturally followed the girl.

It is worth mentioning that many high-level monsters and beasts are extremely sensitive to the aura of awakeners, monsters or superpowers, but seem a little slow to current human technology.

This is also the reason why the Free City is still developing doomsday technology.

Shen Chen looked at her every move in the picture and was a little surprised.

Across the screen, Shen Chen could only guess that she should be a second-level monster, otherwise it would be impossible to suppress the countless bloodthirsty monsters outside the shelter.

But even if she was a second-level monster, she was a little too smart.

The dialogue and language were not unfamiliar, and the facial expressions were meticulous and flawless.

If it weren't for Shen Chen's past life...Knowing that she was a monster, just looking at her performance now, I am afraid that she would not be associated with low-intelligence and barbaric monsters.

Is she just a little smarter?

Shen Chen did not intend to alert the enemy as in his previous life. After all, his five years of experience in the apocalypse told him that this monster was unusual, and perhaps, it might hide some secrets.

Shen Chen half-lying on the bed, just like this, observing this "Eden Sanctuary", this, the monster girl through the nanoworms.

"Eden Sanctuary? Garden of Eden?"

Shen Chen thought of an ancient creation myth in the West.

While Shen Chen was thinking, the girl in the white dress had returned to her room. It was a plain and simple house, and it seemed that she had no privileges because she was the leader.

When she stepped into the room, more than a dozen nanoworms also got in.

In the picture, she stood for more than a dozen breaths after closing the door, and her temperament was the same as always.

Shen Chen had already concentrated his mind, and there was a faint expectation in his eyes.

After all, now that no one is around, will she take off her lovely and warm disguise and reveal even a hint of her demon nature...

Under Shen Chen's gaze, she slowly walked to the wooden bookshelf beside the house, on which many books were placed.

Shen Chen could see many great works in human history at a glance.

"Divine Comedy", "Complete Works of Shakespeare", "A Brief History of Humankind", "Book of Songs"

Her fair and slender fingers slid across the spines of one book after another, paused, and pulled out a Bible in the middle.

Then, she put it back and pulled out the one at the edge.

It was also a Bible, but the difference was that this one was in the original Hebrew.

She sat at the desk, turned on the light, brushed the black hair on her forehead to her ears, and began to read the syllables awkwardly from the book.

When she encountered uncertainty, she had to open the translation next to her for careful comparison to ensure that it was correct...

Shen Chen frowned again.

Even he didn't expect that when no one was around, this strange monster girl——

actually learned human language and read human books?


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