"Lan Xi?"

The moment he heard the name, the director immediately stood up and shouted loudly-

"Please come in!"

"Who is it?"

"Is it some big shot?"

"The name Lan Xi sounds familiar."

Several staff members asked.

When the first generation of experimental subjects were conducted, these people had obviously not yet entered the institute.

Only the director knew the value of this name.

The director looked serious.

"She is the most perfect experimental subject of our first generation."

Hearing this, several people became more confused.

"What? Experimental subject!"

Looking at the posture just now, I thought it was a visit from the top.

But the experimental subject...even the best experimental subject is just a tool.

In their eyes, those experimental subjects who have been tested by them every day are always inferior to them, no matter how powerful they are.

The director hurriedly put on his glasses and warned in a low voice:

"You all should pay attention, she is different! After she left the institute, she flew to a place where you and I are not even qualified to look up to her."

"Lan Xi... Lan Xi..."

One of the young fair-skinned boys repeated in a low voice, and suddenly he remembered something.

Once when he was chatting with an old researcher, he accidentally talked about the topic of the future of these experimental subjects.

A small number of these experimental subjects from the institute will enter the military, and most of them will enter the special gray assassination force to deal with difficult and dark things for the top leaders.

The origin of the experimental subjects destined them to have no channels for promotion and no appreciation like ordinary people.

They are just knives above, tools, and they will be thrown away after use.

But... the old researcher said that there is an exception for the experimental subject.

She was picked up by a young man with a background that was so great that it was unimaginable...


"Miss Lan Xi! What's the matter with you?"

The director showed a flattering smile and looked at the girl in the blue dress in front of him.

"I want to see my former number."

"No problem! No problem! Come with me, Miss Lan Xi."

The director quickly led Lan Xi to a basement, where the dim light illuminated the long-sealed boxes and cabinets.

"Miss Lan Xi, when you left, you didn't take your number card with you, so we sealed it here."

The director took out a bunch of keys, opened a bottom cabinet at the deepest part, and took out a rusty silver card.

Lan Xi took it, and the moment her eyes touched, she lost focus slightly-

This is the number she...

has worn since she was a child, representing her identity.


At that time, the institute was not as large as it is now, and all the facilities were very simple.

She and the other test subjects stayed in the dark underground base. Their daily life consisted of testing, eating, sleeping, injecting drugs, and training killing skills.

Her heart was numb, so numb that it took several days for her to react when her companions died.

It didn't matter, and no one cared.

She thought life would always be like this, and she thought this was her destined life.

Until one day, she looked up from the cage below and saw a young man standing in the passage of the laboratory... a young man with an indifferent expression.


"Miss Lan Xi!"

An old man hurried over at this moment, panting and saying -

"Do you want to take your number away?"

Lan Xi looked at him and had some impression of him. He was the director of the institute back then, but at that time, his temples had not turned gray and his body was not as fat as it is now.

"Many places now... are different from before."

Lan Xi looked around and sighed.

"Yes, yes! It's been nearly ten years since you left the institute. You can see that they probably don't recognize you anymore."

The old man pointed to the researchers behind him. Some were new faces, and some Lan Xi vaguely remembered.

"Miss Lan Xi, because your number is still here, we have never used the number T023 for so many years..."

"Now you can use it at will."

Lan Xi said lightly, and a faint blue starlight appeared in her hand. The number plate was swallowed by energy and turned into flying stars in the air.

Everyone stared blankly, not understanding what this meant.

Only the old man smiled and bowed to Lan Xi-

"Congratulations, Miss Lan Xi!"

Then, Lan Xi turned around and left without stopping.

Her childhood was filled with gloom and numbness.There were only painful memories here, but it was the only "home" in her subconscious.

Although it was shabby, dirty, and cold.

So when she was taken away, she subconsciously kept the number plate.

She thought that if the adult had used her up and she had nowhere to go, she could at least come back, even though she didn't want to come back...

But now, there was no need.

Da! Da!

In the dim passage, only Lan Xi's footsteps were clearly audible.

Her mood had never been so full, making her feel that she was not a freak born for experiments, but a living person.

A person with emotions.

A person who can laugh and cry.

A person of the young master.


After Lan Xi left, Shen Chen continued to eat the energy snacks produced by the special food department, while watching the live broadcast of the battle royale on the large projection screen in front of him.

An hour later, the nine-inch silver-edged electronic tablet next to him suddenly vibrated.

Shen Chen glanced at it and pressed the connect button.

There were several noisy voices coming from inside.

"Okay, let's just do this for the time being."

Shen Fei's voice sounded, and the noise gradually subsided.

Then a satellite image appeared on the display screen, and Li Er's low and steady voice sounded.

"This is a satellite image of Dongling City, which is 200 miles away from Dongdu. It is a capital city very close to our Dongdu. According to the information collected by our intelligence personnel...

"Dongling City suffered heavy losses on the night of the black fog tide, and several large forces that had been established not long ago were destroyed by monsters. "

Several real-life pictures appeared on the display screen, showing a low city wall being knocked down, with monsters biting half-dead humans on the ground.

Broken limbs and blood.

"Our intelligence personnel thought that after several large shelters they were concerned about were breached by monsters, Dongling City would completely become a monster paradise, so they did not pay much attention to it...

"As a result, not long ago, we suddenly discovered that a high city wall had been built in the north of Dongling City, and a large-scale human survivor organization seemed to have suddenly been established without any signs."

The pictures switched again, one was a photo of a tall city wall, and the other was a fairly orderly picture in the camp.

Although it is far inferior to the Free City, it is already a good force at the beginning of the doomsday.

The main weird thing is-

Dongling City has been occupied by monsters, so how did this shelter rise from the monster tide overnight?

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