2030 is destined to be a year that will be written into the history of the apocalypse.

It represents the eternal departure of the peaceful world and the complete arrival of the chaotic apocalypse. Even many years later, in the educational institutions in the new human base, many scholars and teachers will emphasize the knowledge points of this year.

2030, like a cold straight line, divides the fairy tale and purgatory into two distinct sections.

Looking forward, it is the paradise of the old empire without black fog, zombies, monsters, and wasteland as sung in ballads and novels, and looking back, it is the dark afterlife with no end in sight.

Therefore, this line seems so special and dazzling.

Compared with the endless time before and after, the two weeks of the so-called transition period are really insignificant. Even on the scale of history, it is not an exaggeration to say that it came in an instant.

The situation of major cities at the beginning of the apocalypse has always been a topic of great interest in later generations.

Someone once found out that during the "transition period", that is, the weeks before the black fog tide came, many great people emerged in major cities of the empire.

They built bases, called on the crowd, built barriers, and hunted zombies.

Apart from the initial panic, there were not many casualties, and some people even said proudly that this was the end of the world.

In Jiangcheng, Su Mingshuo, the head of the Su family, built the Doomsday Barrier almost "instantly". With the high ground inside Jiangcheng as the core, Jiangcheng was divided into the inner city and the outer city, separated by tall and thick walls.

And using helicopters to broadcast in a loop, it attracted many professors, researchers, engineers and early awakeners in the Jiangcheng area.

The momentum was so great that no other force in the entire Jiangcheng dared to compete with it, allowing Su Mingshuo's prestige in the Jiangcheng area to soar.

In Maocheng, its governor Tian Yuanfeng and local noble families used the army to violently eliminate the zombies in the city, and built a camp with the governor's office as the core, tied up local interest groups, and exploited a large number of human survivors to form a huge force. Ordinary people must sell everything if they want to get shelter.

Qingdu, its Qingdu governor Huang Shao is even more arrogant. Taking advantage of the chaos of zombies in the surrounding cities, he directly sent troops to suppress the zombie tide in the name of suppressing the zombie tide, and then formed a pincer attack with Qingdu, which was very powerful.

It also laid the groundwork for the establishment of the Southwest United Council in the future.

Dongdu, the predecessor of the Free City, no longer needs to be introduced. It is the light of mankind in the future, the pure land and holy city in the hearts of doomsday humans, and a super power standing on the top of mankind. It is a place that young people in major bases dream of and hope to set foot on once in their lives.

The Imperial Capital is not mentioned much in the textbooks of major human bases, and it seems that even the compilers are taboo about it. People only know that it was the capital of the old empire, the predecessor of the "Time Rift" in the doomsday restricted area.

In addition, there are many cities that have established forces during the transition period, some large and some small.

However, most of them will be destroyed in the "Black Fog Tide", that is, when the ultimate doomsday comes.

And those who can survive the "Black Fog Tide" will undoubtedly be famous and well-known super-powers in the future.

The term "ultimate doomsday" was not used for a long time. Later, people habitually erased the word "ultimate" and directly called the world after the "Black Fog Tide" the doomsday.

Perhaps they felt that the two weeks of the "transition period" that were as gentle as coquettish and lingering were not qualified to be called the doomsday.


Scarlet moon, bloody night.

The helicopter has flown away from the imperial capital smoothly. The huge building complex of the imperial capital has now become a small dot in the field of vision, blurry.

In Shen Chen's earphone, all kinds of information were reported without stopping for a moment. It seemed that several researchers in the intelligence department of Free City who were connected with him did not care whether their young master could digest it or not, and reported it at a very fast speed.

After all, with the arrival of the "black fog tide" and the rise of the blood moon, this night was destined not to be peaceful.

Even the well-prepared Free City was busy at this time, with various events and staff shortages.

But compared with other cities in the empire, the little chaos in Free City can be ignored.

After all, judging from the report, some areas can't be called chaos, but can be called-


"Young Master! According to the intelligence, the survivor base in Xijiang City was breached by monsters two hours ago, thousands of people died tragically, and only a few awakened people escaped the city."

"Young Master, another abyss crack appeared in the Xiongjiang Museum in the east of Free City. The master has sent special forces to clean it up. It has not been caused yet.Casualties."

"Master! The walls of the Jiangcheng Su Family Base have been built and have resisted four waves of monsters. Su Mingshuo called the Free City an hour and a half ago, hoping to get a few waves of airlifted weapons and guns to relieve the pressure. He promised to repay tenfold in the future."

"Master, Qingdu Huang Shao just left you a message. Qingdu and several surrounding cities have stabilized. He hopes that the Free City can secretly open the Red Dragon Satellite System to him so that he can start to march into the Xunjiang Province and City east of Qingdu..."




"Master, the master sent you a message, asking you how long it will take you to arrive in the Free City. ”

“Master, the military United Front Bureau carefully asked Master whether the plan had been completed...”

“Master, Dongdu Research Institute has left hundreds of messages asking if there are any new life forms available for research...”



Shen Chen pulled the headset, and the world instantly became quiet.

Shangguan Changyu beside him saw this scene and asked suspiciously -

“What's wrong?”

Shen Chen tilted his head and leaned on her shoulder, closed his eyes, handed over the headset, and said weakly -

“Listen to it. "

Shangguan Changyu took it and listened for a moment, then he knew why Shen Chen looked like this.

Four or five contact personnel spoke at the same speed as a cannonball, and the content they said was not repeated, but superimposed on each other.

Knowing that their young master is a genius, they are going to increase their intensity, right?

Shangguan Changyu raised the corner of his mouth slightly, then immediately suppressed it, returning to his aloofness.

"Some things, my father has already arranged, and he has to ask me, even some solved things, he has to go through them all with me. Some think tanks have discussed the plans for several nights, and they also have to carefully ask for my opinions. What do you think I need these think tanks for?

"And the few old guys in the research institute are now happier to see me than to see their own fathers. They can't get rid of me after a few hours of pestering.

"The awakening troops recently established in the Free City are also asking me to come forward for guidance. I also heard that two S-level awakeners have emerged, and now they are waiting for me to go back and give some practice advice..."

"Whoever wants to be the heir of the Shen family can be the heir.

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