"Really, there's no hope."

Shangguan Changyu looked at the barking Shangguan Haoran, her eyes flashing with disgust.

Even she didn't expect Shangguan Haoran to be so unbearable and crazy.

"Come on, Shangguan Changyu, you are also an S-level awakener, and I am also an S-level awakener, let's see if you can successfully protect the master."

Shangguan Haoran waved to Shangguan Changyu, his mouth grinning to his ears.

"If I catch Shen Chen, I will really torture him."

Shangguan Changyu's eyes became colder, and she took a step forward.

However, her wrist was grabbed again, and she turned back and met Shen Chen's calm eyes.

"Take a break first. Let me tear the mouth of this barking mad dog."

Shen Chen walked forward slowly, looked at Shangguan Haoran's trembling pupils, and said--

"I didn't intend to pay attention to you, but your madness is indeed beyond my imagination. It's very uncomfortable for a twisted and sick soul to pretend to be a gentleman before the end of the world."

As he spoke, a silver-white light began to diffuse within a hundred meters centered on Shen Chen. The milky white halo made Shangguan Haoran feel a burning sensation from the bottom of his heart.

He looked at Shen Chen and his face began to look ugly.

"You... are also... an S-level awakener."

He didn't expect that his previous illusory feeling would really become a reality.

In addition to Shangguan Changyu, Shen Chen is also an S-level awakener.

Moreover, the energy intensity is stronger than Shangguan Changyu, and he has reached the first level like him.

"Okay! Come on, Shen Chen, let's see whose S-level ability is stronger!"

Shangguan Haoran laughed loudly, and golden light began to flash on his body. His body began to grow taller, and every inch of his skin seemed to be made of gold, like a giant wearing golden armor.

S-level physical ability-

Golden Giant.

Shangguan Haoran's energy intensity surged again after he turned into a giant, and any random action could cause the air to explode.

However, Shen Chen only moved his fingers slightly, and the breath in the space became extremely thick, making Shangguan Haoran's steps extremely difficult.

"Uh ah!"

Shangguan Haoran roared, almost using all his strength to tear through the obstacles and move forward. He wanted to smash Shen Chen's head with one blow.

However, when he finally walked in front of Shen Chen with difficulty and threw a punch, Shen Chen's figure disappeared like a phantom.

Shangguan Haoran looked up in astonishment and found that the surroundings had turned into a white space at some point, extending infinitely into the distance, with no end in sight.

"Ah! Illusion! This is an illusion!"

Shangguan Haoran began to madly explode the energy of the superpower, wreaking havoc in this space.

Suddenly, the white space began to shrink sharply, and in an instant it turned into chains of rules that bound him. Just as Shangguan Haoran was angry and wanted to break free, a beam of energy suddenly burst out from the front.

In Shangguan Haoran's trembling eyes, it instantly pierced through his golden armor-like chest.

The silver-white space was like a broken mirror. Shangguan Haoran knelt on the ground, with blood on the corners of his mouth and a blood hole in his chest, but the strong vitality of the S-level superpower made him still gasp for air.

In front of him, Shen Chen was still standing there, and he didn't even move his feet.

"What on earth is this...superpower?"

Shangguan Haoran asked intermittently, his voice hoarse.

When he awakened his S-level supernatural power, he thought that this doomsday was born for him. He would definitely stand at the peak of the doomsday and severely torture all those who disdained him, mocked him, and despised him before the doomsday.


Shen Chen!

The eldest son of the Shen family, who had suppressed him before the doomsday, once again shattered all his ambitions and beliefs.

"You don't need to know this..."

Shen Chen stepped forward, with a mocking smile on his lips——

"I just want to know, Shangguan Haoran, are you ready to bear the price?"

"No... Shen Chen."

Shangguan Haoran suddenly stared at Shen Chen's eyes, his voice trembling and rapid.

"You... I admit that you are more powerful than me, and you will definitely become the Lord of the Doomsday in the future! I am willing to submit to you, I can be your dog, I am an S-level awakener, and I can help you clear all obstacles!"

Shen Chen did not respond, but his mocking smile became more and more intense.

"Yes, I can bow to you and become your mad dog, Shen Chen, I only have one request——"

A sick and crazy smile appeared on Shangguan Haoran's face——

"Lend me Shangguan Changyu to play with for one night..."



Shangguan Haoran's eyes widened to the largest in his life, and he murmured unconsciously,Blood foam began to spurt out of his throat, and there was a thin blood mark on his neck.

Then - the head rolled off.

In his last glance, Shen Chen's smile had already faded, his eyes were cold, and his fingers were clasped together.


He didn't have time to ask -

The S-level awakener was your dog...


"Are you going to kill him just like that?"

Shangguan Changyu glanced at Shen Chen and said -

"S-level awakeners, whether used as bait or as experimental subjects, are rare and precious..."

"Because it's disgusting!"

Shen Chen had no expression on his face and said coldly:

"Let him live for a moment longer, it will make me sick."

Then Shen Chen turned around and left, Shangguan Changyu stood there with his eyes downcast.

His words were indeed disgusting to me, but I didn't expect...you too...

"Let's go, our real plan is just starting now. What are you still doing, Shangguan Changyu?"

Shen Chen's words came from afar, and Shangguan Changyu suddenly woke up.

Shangguan Haoran's body was still lying on the ground, his eyes wide open, and he died with his eyes wide open. One by one, armed teams came forward and began to deal with his body.

In the distance, Shen Chen had already stepped into the laboratory, his back was as cold as usual.

Shangguan Changyu glanced at his left hand, the white handkerchief was stained with blood.

The cold wind blew, and the branches rustled.

"I'm coming!"

Shangguan Changyu responded softly and walked towards Shen Chen.

The inexplicable anger when he said he was similar to Shangguan Haoran before, the coldness when Shangguan Haoran humiliated him this time and cut off his head...

And the "Changyu" in his room, and the inexplicable surprise in his eyes when they first met...

It seems that it is not an illusion.

Although he always looks cold and seems to be very impatient with himself, he teases and teases intentionally or unintentionally.

But, it seems, indeed -

There is something a little bit special...

"Why are you so slow?"

The familiar impatient tone sounded, Shangguan Changyu unconsciously quickened her pace, and argued in an uncharacteristic way:

"I've already said it."

The corners of her mouth, which had remained calm for thousands of years, rose slightly without her noticing.

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