The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 931: :Your Highness

In the ward, Li Mutong's sobs had disappeared.

The screen of the hung up phone went black again, and Li Mutong sat quietly, staring blankly at the phone in front of him with red and swollen eyes. He looked blank, not knowing what he was thinking.

Li Chaoxi's 'illness' came too suddenly and inexplicably. After the little guy was hospitalized, Li Mutong's thoughts were completely focused on her. During this period of time, he had no thoughts to think about anything else.

As time went by, Li Chaoxi's condition became worse and worse. Until today, Li Mutong was really forced to have no choice but to make a call that she thought she would never call again in her life.

After making this call, how will my life change? How entangled will be the relationship between Beihai Wang family and Donghuang Palace? How will Qin Weibai view herself, and how will Li Tianlan view herself...

Whether she will return to Beihai or Tiannan in the future, or whether she can continue to stay in Dongshan, this truly made her experience the warmth and warmth of the He family and her best friend He Yishui. For nearly three years, every detail has been filled with sincerity. Reluctant to part with it.

And it is too late to think about all these issues that we have not thought about or instinctively avoided.

Li Mutong suddenly smiled a little self-deprecatingly, feeling that her temperament was still missing a little bit of strength after all. With the grudges between the Beihai Wang family and the East Palace, and the unclear future, her strongest choice might be to... Qin Weibai died quietly here before arriving at the hospital, leaving Li Chaoxi's life completely to Li Tianlan.

She had the courage to do this, but in the end she still couldn't trust her daughter.

In the unspeakable atmosphere, she raised her head, looked at her best friend, then at Mrs. He, and said softly: "Godmother, Yishui, we won't go to the laboratory that Aunt Liu mentioned. The fastest thing to do is, Someone should pick us up this afternoon and take us to another place. If Aunt Liu also wants to study or improve her experience, she can also come and take a look."

He Yishui pursed his lips and took a deep look at his best friend.

The confusion can still be clearly seen on her best friend, but perhaps what she didn't even notice was that the helplessness, numbness, and even despair she had before had begun to disappear.

What kind of person is that sister who can give Mu Tong such confidence?

"Can your sister contact a better laboratory?"

Mrs. He looked at Li Mutong expectantly.


Li Mutong nodded and said in a very soft voice: "It's not better, but the best laboratory at present."

If genetic medicine is the hope of saving Li Chaoxi, sending her back to Tiannan is the best choice.

Li Mutong believed that Xiaochao's father would arrange the best resources and treatment plan for her.

In recent years, she has deliberately avoided news about Beihai and the East Palace. With her current level and the level of the He family, she has no access to news about the Wang family in Beihai and the East Palace.

So she doesn't know many things.

But this so-called ignorance is just not knowing the details. There are some big things, even if she wants to pretend not to see them.

For example, Li Tianlan's status as special adviser.

Not to mention anything else, this alone was enough for Wang Yuetong to deduce a lot of things.

Zhongzhou's ability to disclose the identity of Li Tianlan's special adviser is enough to prove how crazy the expansion and influence of the Eastern Palace are. If this kind of thing can be stopped, the Beihai Wang family will definitely stop it.

But the fact that Li Tianlan became a special adviser still happened, which shows that after his father was seriously injured, the family's confrontation with the East Palace had inevitably fallen into a disadvantage.

Nearly three years later, what is the current situation of the Wang family in Beihai and the current situation of the East Palace? These things that Li Mutong did not dare to think about before have now been completely placed in front of her.

What Li Mutong hopes most now is that Xiao Chao's condition will not be too serious, and it is best to be able to control it within the resources of the East Palace.

Beihai Wang's genetic medicine technology is the most advanced even now, and it has several materials that other forces simply don't have.

Send Xiao Chao back to Tiannan. If her condition is serious enough to require the East Palace to ask for resources from the Beihai Wang family, Li Tianlan will definitely not mind having a fierce fight with the Beihai Wang family. In that case, will his mother and daughter have to fight again? Become a flashpoint between the two major forces?

"the best..."

Mrs. He was a little excited: "Is your sister the person in charge of that laboratory?"

"No, but she can lead various projects in that laboratory."

Li Mutong was in a state of relief but anxiety, and his thinking was completely messed up.

Mrs. He didn't understand and was a little confused.

Li Mutong glanced at them, thought for a while and continued: "Godmother, Yishui, if, well, I mean if there is any uncontrollable situation, let's go together, I mean... "

She tried to formulate her words, but she didn't know what to say.

In the past few years, she has almost regarded the He family as her own. No matter how her identity changes in the future, she does not want to be separated from the He family. If they can live together for a lifetime, that can be said to be the best situation.

And there's obviously some chaos out there right now.

Li Mutong didn't know the extent of the chaos. She had been staying with her daughter and had no intention of paying attention to the outside world.

But she still saw Li Huacheng's announcement "To All Citizens of Central Continent". Although she didn't think about it deeply, as the announcement was issued, it was obvious that Li Mutong felt the change in the surrounding atmosphere.

The atmosphere where people are panicked and everyone is a little uneasy is spreading rapidly.

In the past few days, nurses and doctors have discussed this issue the most.

They are in a VIP single ward here and enjoy the best service, so their feelings are not obvious yet. However, in the general wards and other inpatient departments, the working attitudes of doctors and nurses have begun to become negative.

She even heard Mrs. He and He Yishui mention that some shops outside were beginning to close down, and Qindao's tourism industry had suffered a huge blow.

Mr. He, who is sitting at home, has been in contact with his old friends recently, and He Yishui's eldest brother He Yilong is also looking for more specific information.

For ordinary people, their identities are already out of reach, but if they want to find out the hidden information contained in the announcement, the He family's energy is beyond them.

Li Mutong didn't know what was going on. Judging from the announcement, Li Huacheng seemed to think that Central Continent would face a great crisis in the near future.

No matter what this crisis is, it is not a good thing for ordinary people.

Now that Qin Weibai has come here, Li Mutong doesn't want to be separated from the He family, and the crisis is approaching...

The best way is to take the He family to Tiannan.

With Li Tianlan in Tiannan, he can handle most crises and ensure the safety of the He family.

And with the size of the He family, settling them is not even a small trouble for the East Palace. No matter who Qin Weibai or Li Tianlan nods, the He family can enjoy the best treatment, and Shengshi Fund's fingers are open Some of the things revealed were enough to make the He family take off again.

"An uncontrollable situation..."

Mrs. He muttered in confusion: "What kind of situation..."

"I am not sure as well."

Li Mutong shook his head: "But I think the crisis is coming soon, and it is a very serious crisis. The attitude of the parliament has been very obvious. They are letting the news out little by little...

Godmother, you and Yishui are not worried, because Xiao Chao is here and you will follow me, but the old man and his eldest brother need you to convince them..."

"The old man is worried about the little one. There is no problem in letting her go, but big brother..."

He Yishui frowned: "Do you want the eldest brother to resign?"

He Yilong is now the deputy speaker of Qingzhou. He is a figure that cannot be ignored in Qingzhou and even in Dongshan as a whole. It is really difficult for people to accept that he has to give up this position for a crisis that is not yet clear.

" sister will arrange it. You can transfer the eldest brother."

Li Mutong said slowly.

"Transferred to where?"

He Yi asked subconsciously.

"If there are no accidents, we should go to Tiannan."

Li Mutong said: "You can transfer the eldest brother to Tiannan or Youzhou. It depends on what he wants. These two places should be the safest in the future."



Needless to say, one is the imperial capital, and Tiannan is also the place with the most potential for development. I don’t know how many people want to be transferred there. Is there any way for Li Mutong to do this?

Even He Yishui, who knew that his best friend had a strong background, was a little stunned at this time.

What kind of **** is this best friend of mine?

She suddenly thought of something and asked hurriedly: "On the phone just now, your sister said that she wanted Ji Ankang to come over. Is this Ji Ankang... our deputy speaker who just came from Dongshan?"

Wang Yuetong nodded slightly: "It's him. After he comes, you can also ask what is going on with that announcement. His position will definitely expose information that we cannot access. And his actual status is much more important than his current position. People like them should already know about it by now. Let’s ask clearly first and then decide what to do in the future.”

While she was talking, there was a gentle knock on the door of the ward.

Mrs. He subconsciously walked over and opened the door.

The next moment, the face that Mrs. He had seen countless times appeared in front of her, which often appeared on TV.

The current deputy speaker of Dongshan, Ji Ankang...

Mrs. He was stunned. The impact was so strong that she couldn't react at all for a while.

"Can I come in?"

Ji Ankang glanced at Mrs. He and his voice was gentler than ever before.

Mrs. He got out of the way in a daze.

She saw Ji Ankang walking past her and locked eyes with Wang Yuetong.

Her extremely complex voice sounded in the ward: "Your Highness, I finally found you."

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