The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 914: :power

If Feng Qingwu intends to invite Xia Zhi to join the Xi Dynasty, no one can say anything wrong. Even if Xia Zhi can be regarded as a descendant of the Human Emperor, she is now on Li Tianlan's territory, forcing someone from Li Tianlan. ..The Human Emperor’s current state and strength do not allow him to be so domineering.

Therefore, if it is an invitation from the Xi Dynasty, the Renhuang Palace will not react too radically. They will also invite Xia Zhi to join, and then increase the price to compete fairly in this regard.

In this regard, the Emperor is still very confident.

The God of War Realm has been eliminated, and the Space-Time Corridor will not interfere. If it is just competing with the Xi Dynasty, the Human Palace can be said to have a natural advantage.

After all, the relationship between the Beihai Wang family and the East Palace is not very harmonious. Even if they bow their heads now, it is largely because the situation is stronger than the people. After Li Tianlan regains his power, he may not take this small grudge in his eyes. , but the Beihai Wang family couldn't help but care.

One is the ancestor of his family, and the other is Li Tianlan. There is almost no doubt about how Xia Zhi should choose between the two. Even if she hesitates, the Human Emperor is mentally prepared to offer a higher stake.

But what she didn't expect was that Feng Qingwu didn't invite Xia Zhi to join the Xi Dynasty, but to join another force.

What other forces could there be?

The Human Emperor instinctively felt that this was the God of War's desperate attempt to poach people. There was something unexplainable about this, but there was no need to delve into it. For Xia Zhi, this student, he was bound to win. Since Feng Qingwu was not poaching people for the Xi Dynasty, Naturally, the Human Emperor doesn't have to worry about anything.

Strictly speaking, Feng Qingwu's behavior was cheating her father, a complete cheating.

A typical example of turning your elbows outward and wanting to take your own top talents to join others. Not to mention that the Human Emperor couldn't bear this kind of thing, even Li Tianlan would intervene if he knew about it.

If it's just an eighth-level authority, that's it.

But a pillar-level figure with the potential to grow to level nine authority...

This is really not because the Human Emperor or Li Tianlan or other supreme beings are petty, but because such people are so rare.

This kind of pure talent and potential only occasionally appears in a few in an extremely long time and infinitely vast territory. To put it bluntly, the number of times the world has ended and restarted is even greater than the number of such talents.

That is a line of authority that symbolizes the pinnacle of power.

The neutral camp has accumulated experience in the world ending and restarting again and again.

The world ends, the world restarts.

Then the whole world re-enters the distant ancient times, ignorance, backwardness, barbarism, and primitiveness. After a long time, the most basic order will appear. Time passes silently, and the most basic order gradually evolves into the form of civilization, and the earliest primitive form appears. Society, tribes, slavery, feudalism, step by step to the pinnacle of surface civilization, explore, discover, master authority, try to enter the starry sky...

Galaxy, star cluster, star field.

Endless races compete within the scope of the entire universe, surviving, dying, retreating, fighting, and fighting.

The scale of time is completely meaningless. Over a period of tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands or even longer years, intelligent life gradually becomes stronger, its power continues to accumulate, its population increases, its luck becomes stronger and stronger, and it reaches its peak. The strong and the supreme began to return.

The increasingly powerful power of intelligent life began to cause the instinctive elimination of the order camp.

Neutrality and Order began to confront each other, began to fight, and then suffered a complete defeat.

This is another unimaginably long time.

After the tragic defeat, all intelligent life began to instinctively stick together, relying on each other regardless of race.

Power continues to gather in this process.

Low-level civilizations seek refuge with high-level civilizations, high-level civilizations seek refuge with interstellar groups, interstellar groups move closer to the peak powerhouses, and peak powerhouses are loyal to the Supreme.

So the dynasty, the prototype of the dynasty, began to appear.

The various races continued to work together and came together. From the strongest down, the system, hierarchy, title, structure, and rules were determined, and what was finally formed was what Feng Qingwu said was the great power.

The major forces compete with each other and rely on each other, and the confrontation with order will continue for an extremely long time.

From small-scale to large-scale fighting, a large number of civilizations were wiped out in this process, and many new civilizations and races would also rise. Kings, princes, nobles, nobles, titles, and nobility would be given out more and more, and the territory would become larger and larger.

The fighting between high-level authorities continues to increase, and eventually a fuse will be lit and detonated, and the top experts will begin to enter the scene.

The God of Death and the Creator.

Fate and Death.

Lord and Doom.

Angels wandering around.

The intensity of the confrontation between the camps has completely reached its limit.

The return begins to return, and the silence begins to fall silent. The neutral camp has made most of the preparations while retreating. In the end, a dominant supreme will take the initiative to enter the end of the world, and end the world with the cooperation of other supremes. Waiting Restart.

The process of the end of the world will also be an extremely long process.

In this process, the fight between neutrality and order continues until the world collapses completely back to its original point, and then expands again.

Intelligent life also returns to its most primitive state, ignorance, barbarism, and backwardness, and starts again from the primitive social form, just like reincarnation.

This is the whole process of the world ending and restarting.

The length of this process has exceeded the imagination limit of most lives.

Now the world is ending and is about to restart, but this is not the first time it has restarted.

Two previous reboots plus this one.

In the process of three terminations and restarts, in the boundless territory, in the unimaginable time, all the supreme beings combined have not seen a few with the potential of Xia Zhi.

what does that mean?

As long as such a character is discovered, he will immediately gain the attention of the entire big force and receive the personal attention of the Supreme. There is almost no possibility of dying halfway. This means that as long as their potential is sufficient, they can go from first-level authority to ninth-level authority. The road is completely smooth.

But even so, after the three endings, there are currently only nine ninth-level authority masters accumulated by the neutral camp.

So how difficult is it to go from the peak of level eight authority to level nine?

So how valuable is the Summer Solstice?

Such value, no matter how it is emphasized, is no exaggeration.

In other words, such a person is completely worthy of the Supreme Being’s personal action.

As long as Xia Zhi can grow up and condense her true brand, she will be immortal until the world is completely destroyed and will be completely bound to her own power. The role of a ninth-level killing **** cannot be ignored in all aspects.

And Feng Qingwu actually wanted to abduct such a person to other forces...

Isn't this a scam?

Li Tianlan would not agree.

The Emperor, who was determined to win the Summer Solstice, would not agree even more.

You, Feng Qingwu, don’t talk about martial arts, so the Emperor of Humanity might as well take action himself, and don’t let anyone accuse anyone of being unruly.

The ethereal power that seemed not to exist but could profoundly affect all things came suddenly in an instant.

Xia Zhi just felt that his consciousness was completely blank.

But Feng Qingwu was receiving the most direct attack from the Human Emperor.

In Xia Zhi's sight, the little girl in her arms made no other movements but held her palm tightly.

But the little girl's shadow on the ground suddenly stood up.

A slender and graceful figure continued to grow in the room, filling the entire room in an instant. Her long hair was flying, and her sleeves were fluttering. In just a moment, everything in the room seemed to be completely distorted.

Xia Zhi's blank consciousness suddenly returned to normal.

She saw Feng Qingwu in her arms and smiled: "The Emperor took action himself. He does seem to value you, but what can he do?"

The power of destiny is still gathering, but it is mixed with wisps of sword light, which seems a bit chaotic. Instead of doubling the power of the two powers when combined, this chaos is like pulling each other back. It is much weaker, but the power derived from authority directly increases this power several times.

The space distorted by Feng Qingwu was quickly smoothed by this power, and the whole room seemed to be about to return to the state before Feng Qingwu took action.

Even if there is a problem with the Supreme, he is still a Supreme and cannot be resisted by Feng Qingwu.

one second.

This is the limit of Feng Qingwu.

With the power of the Human Emperor, she could hold on for a second.

But time, space, the so-called time and space, are themselves toys in the hands of lies.

She directly extended the second she could resist dozens of times.

While time was stretched, the power of the Human Emperor had already forcefully penetrated.

Time that was delayed dozens of times suddenly dissipated under this power.

To be precise, the time stretched by Feng Qingwu entered the reincarnation.

The breath of fate has completely enveloped Feng Qingwu.

It only takes a second, or even half a second.

Feng Qingwu's entire existence will become a pure story, disappearing completely from the real world, either being sealed for a long time, or appearing directly in front of the Human Emperor.

It only takes half a second...

But this half second was completely stretched in an instant.

The power of lies directly stretched this second into a day, and instantly turned into a year.

The breath of lies is completely boiling, colliding with the power from the authority of destiny without any fancy.

After a brief collision, the two powers at the source level showed their ultimate experience and skills.

Reincarnation, weaving, judgment, prophecy.

Distortion, simulation, prediction, collection.

It seems like a simple collision, but the two authorities have fought countless times.

In the end, the lie and the power of fate disappeared at the same time without any warning.

The power of the Human Emperor was forcibly collected.

Feng Qingwu lay in Xia Zhi's arms, her smile getting stronger and more obvious.


Xia Zhi was a little confused, but at the same time he still had an instinctive panic: "What just happened?"

"The Human Emperor personally took action. I tried to struggle, but was crushed and almost sealed. Then, the person behind me took action..."

Feng Qingwu laughed: "Supreme Confrontation, this is the value you deserve..."

The people behind Feng Qingwu...

In other words, when the Human Emperor was about to seal Feng Qingwu, the person behind him rescued her and at the same time moved the battlefield with the Human Emperor?

Xia Zhi took a deep breath and looked at Feng Qingwu's little face: "Who is the person behind you..."

"You know the current four major forces in the starry sky... the Space-Time Corridor, the God of War Realm, the Human Emperor's Palace, and the Xi Dynasty. There is one thing I haven't had time to tell you yet..."

Feng Qingwu said softly: "These four major forces at least have one thing in common. You can also regard this as the rules of the entire neutral camp."

Xia Zhi blinked and said nothing.

"That is, any big force that can stand at the top of the neutral camp must have source-level power behind it. This power is the ultimate transformation after the authority reaches the end. We are used to calling this power... .Supreme.”

"So, the person behind you is also the Supreme?"

Summer Solstice is a bit of a surprise.

"He is the youngest Supreme. He still belongs to the Time and Space Corridor. His name is Taihao. He is my biological brother."

Feng Qingwu said.

I seemed to have heard an incredible piece of information unintentionally.

Xia Zhi felt a little numb. How could he, a native of an ordinary surface civilization, be inexplicably involved in the turmoil of a major force in the universe?

A supreme being in the time and space corridor, wants to establish a new force?

"Are you going to betray the Space-Time Corridor? And you won't join the Xi Dynasty?"

Xia Zhi asked softly, feeling that her future was bleak and there was really no light at all.


Feng Qingwu was stunned: "No, no, it has nothing to do with this. Every supreme leader in the neutral camp will form a new force.

I said, this is a rule, or in other words, this is a supreme responsibility, a responsibility that they cannot escape, they must do it.

Even if they are biological father and son, as long as they both become Supremes, they will inevitably become two forces.

The new supreme means a new territory, a new heritage, and a new destiny. If they belong to the same force, the effect will be very weak due to some reasons that are very troublesome to explain. Therefore, each supreme must establish his own This is a responsibility, to put it harshly, even if you don’t want to form your own force. "

Xia Zhi was stunned.

Since it's not betrayal, then now... it's wrong...

She shook her head violently, finding it difficult to understand the relationship between these interstellar forces.

"My brother Taihao has become the new Supreme. He must then establish his own power. In this process, in addition to the currently weak Xi Dynasty, the Corridor of Time and Space, the God of War Realm, and the Human Imperial Palace will all Give a lot of necessary help.

In fact, when the neutral camp has reached this point, betrayal is meaningless at all, because there is no reason. If anyone leaves the neutral camp, life will be worse than death. A new supreme, or even a new peak powerhouse appears, and all major forces are willing to give practical advice. A lot of support on.

The simplest fact, but not necessarily everyone understands it, is that the relationship between supreme beings and the relationship between forces are actually two different things. You should be aware of this. "

Just like the East Palace and the Beihai Wang family are fighting each other to death, but Li Tianlan still sends her text messages to greet her every year and festival?

No, it should be that the Beihai Wang family and the Rothschilds have constant friction in many fields, but the relationship between the leaders of the two sides is very close.

"Intelligent life is a neutral creature. The so-called neutrality means that there will be no absolute order under any circumstances.

The relationship between the God of War and the Human Emperor is very good. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are dependent on each other for life and death. However, the friction between the God of War Realm and the Human Emperor Palace has also never been broken. Every emperor is a tyrant who follows neutrality. When there is no friction, , they will even forcefully create friction, but this will not affect the relationship between them. "

"Then your brother and the Human Emperor are now..."

Summer Solstice stopped talking.

If the conflicts below will not make the leaders fall out, then Taihao and the Human Emperor are not the so-called subordinates. This is the Supreme. What does it mean when the Supreme fights against each other?

"Don't you understand? These are two different things.

My brother wants to establish his own power, and the Human Imperial Palace will fully support it. All kinds of materials can also be provided, and various teams and populations can be provided.

Their fight was not because of this, but because of you.

Even if your brother asks the emperor for a piece of star territory, the other party will agree, but you can't. This is the reason for the fight between them. "

This reason is actually easy to guess, but Xia Zhi really doesn't dare to think in this direction.

Because when she thinks about it, she can't help but have self-doubt: Is my mother so proud?

"Your talent and potential make you one of the strongest people I have ever seen, and the Human Emperor thinks so too.

Therefore, I hope you can join my brother's force, and the Emperor hopes that you can be his student. With your potential, once you grow to the end, you can be said to be the top fighting force in any force. None of them want to compromise. So I can only choose to do it. "


Xia Zhi opened her mouth. She still couldn't believe it, but the facts did not allow her to have the slightest doubt. Her mood became extremely complicated. After hesitating for a long time, she said incoherently: "This is really..."

The battle between interstellar supreme beings... because of myself...

Do you deserve it?

Xia Zhi fell into deep confusion and subconsciously said: "Then they fight until the end..."

The little girl in her arms blinked and looked at her, suddenly opened her little mouth, and laughed sweetly. At the same time, she stretched out her little hand to touch Xia Zhi's face, and made a sound of "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" The sound lasted for less than a second. She opened her mouth and said in a childish voice: "Mom... I want... Mom."

Xia Zhi's face was stiff. It was not until this moment that she discovered that the magnificent shadow cast by the little **** the ground had disappeared silently.

So what was in her arms at this time was the real Li Chao Xi.

Xia Zhi was silent for a few seconds, and her eyes suddenly softened.

"I'm grandma."

She reached out and gently tapped Xiaotide's nose.

Li Chaoxi laughed again, seemingly very happy.

Xia Zhi's whole body seemed to be cute. She took a deep breath and gently shook the child in her arms, but her eyes couldn't help but look at the ceiling, as if she wanted to see through the obstruction and see the scene in the starry sky.

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