Ren Qing smiled happily, and he didn't know what evil things he had in mind.

Gu Xiaoyu asked weakly: "Brother Lie, I don't think it's right, the tiger usually likes to bully Ah Bao when he has nothing to do, so that Ah Bao complains to you every day." "

"It's okay to bully and play. "

"That's true love. "

Chen Lie laughed wickedly.

Gu Xiaoyu was speechless for a while.

"Don't think about it. "

Ren Qing explained: "Xiaoyu, think about it, Ah Bao stole Jiaojiao's things so many times, and cheated Jiaojiao so many times, with Jiaojiao's character, if he is replaced by other pets, what do you think will happen?"

"It must have been so abused that I couldn't stand up. "

"Oh, I see. "

Gu Xiaoyu finally came to his senses.

Although Bao has cheated the tiger many times, the tiger has never killed it once, isn't this also an indirect expression of emotion.

"Po, come, take a look at our car. "

Ren Qing put down the things she had purchased, and happily took Po to visit the nanny car she bought with Chen Lie.

I didn't want Po to walk around, poke his head inside, and then came out and shook his head decisively.

"What's wrong?"

"Don't like it?"

Ren Qing was a little unhappy.

Po points to the toy supercar that is set aside as an ornament.


Ren Qing understands in seconds.

Even if she doesn't understand the language of beasts, she knows that Po is saying: Compared with my car, the car you chose is so weak that it explodes.


Ren Qing understands it, but she would rather not understand.

Because she really likes the car she picks.

was actually said by Po like this, can you not be angry?

As a result, Ah Bao heard Ren Qing's angry shout, and immediately burst out at twice the speed of usual, rushed directly into the park, and quickly climbed the 4-high steps of the slide.

"You come down!"

Ren Qing stood under the slide and ordered loudly.

Po shook his head decisively.

Ren Qing warned: "If you don't come down, when I go up and catch you, you will know death!"


I don't want Po to make a dubbing of a slide.

It's like saying I'll slide down if you come up.

Ren Qing was originally just joking, but now he was really angry, and warned: "I'll count to three, if you can't come down, then I'll go get a makeup box and dress you up." "

Ah Bao was so frightened that he fell down directly, and double, became an ostrich.

Ren Qingden was speechless for a while.

Chen Lie walked over and said with a smile: "Qingqing, don't toss it kindly." The last time the three of you ravaged it like that, it all brought it out of its psychological shadows. "

The first thing Bao is afraid of is the bear children in the orphanage, and the second thing he is afraid of is Ren Qing's various rubbing, rubbing and pinching in the name of makeup.

"Hmph. "

Ren Qing was still a little angry.

"Don't lose your temper. "

Chen Lie changed the topic: "I'll park the car, you contact Wen Lan to determine the time of contact." "

Ren Qing can only contact him honestly.

After all, when it comes to Xiaolan, she can't be sloppy.

After Chen Lie parked the car on the side of the warehouse, he just came back and found Ren Qing and Gu Xiaoyu sneakily in the kitchen, pointing at something.

Liu Yifeng said: "I know this, this is a wine gourd, which can be filled with wine and can also make wine, I heard that there are several lost ancient wines that have to be brewed with this kind of wine gourd." "

"For sake brewing?"

"Could it be that Alie suddenly became interested in wine?"

Ren Qinghu was suspicious.

She knew that Chen Lie didn't like to drink, so she naturally thought that Chen Lie wouldn't store fine wine.

"This is what I used to deal with the white spirit monkeys. "

Chen Lie took the initiative to stand up and explain.

"It's a challenging thing to subdue a white spirit monkey. "

"I started trying in Mount Emei, after saving Xiao Ai before, Xiao Ai's grandfather gave me his treasured old ginseng as a thank you gift, and I combined it with various rare medicinal materials to brew it into medicinal wine. "

Chen Lie explained briefly.

This old ginseng was discovered by Xiao Ai's grandfather by chance when he was picking mountain fruits.

It has always been regarded as a family heirloom.

Of course, Chen Lie didn't accept such a valuable thing in vain, and before leaving, he quietly left an equivalent amount of cash for Grandpa Xiao Ai.

It was this old ginseng that reminded him of a very tonic medicinal wine.

So I used the drunken fairy gourd to soak and mellow directly.

"My grandfather was very fond of medicinal wine. "

Gu Xiaoyu asked curiously, "Brother Lie, do you also know how to make medicinal wine?"

"Hmm. "

"I kind of understand a little. "

Medicinal wine is an important auxiliary to medicinal diet, so Chen Lie really knows a lot.

If what he got this time was a hundred-year-old ginseng, or even a thousand-year-old ginseng, then he would definitely be able to brew a jar of real chef-level medicinal wine.

However, it is very lucky to be able to get an old mountain ginseng, and Chen Lie does not dare to force too much.


Chen Lie found that the medicinal wine in the drunken immortal gourd had actually mellowed.

Although it has only been two days now, almost all of the medicinal properties of the medicinal wine have been forced out, and it is perfectly integrated with the wine.

With such efficiency, it is no wonder that there is a word [immortal].

"I just don't know what the alcohol is. "

Chen Lie poured out a small teacup, smelled it, the medicinal fragrance entered his heart, and the pores of his whole body were refreshed.

"There's a guy here who knows how to drink. "

"Let it be a taste. "

Chen Lie came to the white spirit monkey who was still imprisoned with his wine.

Unbeknownst to him, Chen Lie hadn't arrived yet, and the white spirit monkey was already waiting with his neck up.

The white monkey can ignore anything, but it has little resistance to wine, especially wine that it has not encountered much.

"It seems to be tinged with your appetite. "

Chen Lie was not pretentious, and handed it over directly, saying, "Try it and give an opinion." "

You must know that the white spirit monkey is the god of wine.

Who in the world is more qualified to appreciate the value of wine?

The white spirit monkey picked it up, sniffed it around the mouth of the cup gently, and nodded incessantly.

Chen Lie knew there was a play when he saw it.

Take a sip.

A liquid body without any bitter taste and a rich aroma of wine rushed into the throat of the white spirit monkey.

After a while, it felt that the limbs and bones that could not move were stretching and jubilating, as if it had been moving freely in the mountains and forests, and there was indescribable comfort all over its body.

Feel it deeply.

The white spirit monkey glanced at Chen Lie with complicated eyes, and tasted it again..._

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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