The King of Gundam Comes

Chapter 58: Gundam's strength

"Damn it, running around!"

"Cover me and solve it with melee combat!"

In desperation, Connor Conrad had no choice but to order.

The machine guns of their two "Grace" fired much faster than the heavy guns used by Gundam Barbatos, but they couldn't hit each other with a single shot, and they suffered several rounds.

Had it not been for "Grace" equipped with the "Ahab Reactor" and possessed the "Ahab Particles" reinforced nano armor, I am afraid it would have been killed by a single shot.

Connor Conrad is more concerned about the way Gundam Barbatos moves. Based on his understanding of MS control, it is definitely not an action on the MS body settings.

This time, they attacked four mobile suits. Apart from the one that was attacked when they first went out, under the siege of the three "Grace", how could they not be alone?

Under the cover of his subordinates, Connor Conrad shot Gundam Barbatos into the air at once, although Gundam Barbatos had a battle axe in his left hand, the attack in front of him blocked this attack.

However, a fatal flaw was exposed in front of Connor Conrad. No matter what, Connor Conrad is a combat-oriented commander, and his strength is unnecessary.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

"It was Graz?" I found myself being attacked again. At first glance, it turned out to be a "Graz".

This scared him a lot, because the "Grace" model was only available to "Galalhorn".

But he quickly thought of the killed Lieutenant Kronk Chant. According to the report, Kronk Chant was shot after walking out of the cockpit after the challenge failed. That is, the body of "Grace" at that time must be intact.

At this time, it was Akihiro Altran who was driving the "Grace", he was here to send weapons to Mikazuki Augs.

"Major Connor!"

Although his subordinates reminded him in time, when Connor Conrad reacted, his body had been hit by Gundam Barbatos.

Although Conor Conrad has controlled "Grace" as much as possible to avoid the fatal point, his body has lost its ability to move.

"Akihiro, the enemies who can't move are all over to you!" San Riyue Augs doesn't have much time to deal with these enemies who have lost their ability to move.

However, after Akihiro Altran listened to it, he said uncomfortably: "Hey, I'm not very familiar with this stuff! And I don't have an Alaya recognition system!"

However, Mikazuki Augs had already run away, and he ignored Akihiro Altran's dissatisfaction at all.

"The signal of this reactor is..."

Since each "Ahab Reactor" has a unique frequency, it can be judged by comparing the data in the computer database to determine which unit belongs to—the premise is that the computer database must have this "Ahab" "Reactor" registration data.

In less than a few seconds, Gundam Barbatos once again killed another "Galalhorn" mobile suit, causing it to lose its ability to move.

In the face of the angry Ensign Ain Dalton, Gundam Barbatos just turned around and severely injured the opponent's armor.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

"New arrival?" Mikazuki Augs felt that Gundam Barbatos had been shelled, but found that there was another mobile suit.

"That idiot Conner, he lost four-on-one? Actually lost four Grazes!” Galio Badowen shouted while riding on his dedicated mobile suit "Schvalbe Grazt Installed Plane". : "Looking at the appearance of the body, it seems that there are two things!"

Although Galio Badowen and Connor Conrad are both the ranks of major, but in the strength of driving MS, Galio Badowen is much better than Connor Conrad.

And on the "Galalhorn" warship, the soldier reported: "Major Baduwen has been in contact with the enemy!"

"I haven't seen this kind of MS! Can you compare it?" McGillis Farid discovered that the "Tiehua Tuan" MS was actually a white MS type that had never been seen before.

I immediately ordered people to find the model of the machine by comparing the frequency of the "Ahab Reactor". No matter what kind of armor the body is replaced, the frequency of the "Ahab Reactor" will not change.

As long as the computer data of "Galalhorn" contains the registration data of this machine's "Ahab Reactor", it can be compared.

"Although it is a little far away, it can still capture the frequency of the Ahab particles...analyze the waveform and compare the database..."

"found it!"

"Gundam skeleton type?"

"The body code is ASW-G-08, Barbatos!"

"Could it be a mistake, this is the body of the War of Sacrifice?"

"No, all the organisms with that name have appeared in the dividing point of history several times!" McGillis Farid said as if he had discovered something interesting.

(To be continued...)

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