The King of Gundam Comes

Chapter 55: Oaks Chamber of Commerce


Funded by the "Ox Chamber of Commerce", the main personnel of the "Tiehua Group" have taken off on a space shuttle with Gudilia Lanna Bernstein.

Ten minutes later, the space shuttle has entered space and has already decelerated.

"Next, just enter the low orbit terminal and wait for the pilot ship, right?" Gudilia Lanna Bernstein asked.

"Yes, we have to wait for Oaks' low-orbit transport ship!" Bisquet Griffin, who was sitting in front, replied.

But before Bisquet Griffin could speak, a partner's voice rang out and said, "Isn't that the Oaks ship?"

"······ "At this time, a man with a mustache named Todo Mirconan was smiling insidiously.

"It's earlier than the scheduled time!" Olga Itzka had a bad premonition in his heart. Although he had expected the worst result, he didn't expect it to happen.

"That is?"

"Galalhorn's MS?" Biskat Griffin exclaimed in horror.

You know, they offended "Galalhorn", they also killed a captain and a second lieutenant, and captured two "EB-05" Graz MSs.

"Hey, there seems to be something behind!"

"Is that also Galalhorn's ship?"

"Todo, what's the matter?" Eugene Severnstark cried out uncomfortably.

"I didn't even know that Galalhorn would appear!" Todo Milconan was really panicked. As an internal response, he knew that the purpose of the "Ox Chamber of Commerce" · Bernstein grabbed it and gave him a "Gallarhorn".

The businessman chased profits, President Oaks, in order to get the asylum of "Galairhorn" and more routes, so he planned this conspiracy and betrayed the "Tiehua Group".

Although treachery and breach of contract will be despised by other chambers of commerce, who cares about this kind of business with children?

The panicked Todo Milconan immediately grabbed the communicator and contacted the "Ox Chamber of Commerce", but the other party's answer was only one line: "Thank you for your cooperation!"

That's right, Todo Milconan was betrayed by the "Ox Chamber of Commerce".

For such a person who sells friends and seeks glory, no one cares at all.

In the next step, Todo Mirconan's end was severely repaired by the people of the "Tiehua Group".

"Don't call the port, get rid of them at full speed!" Olga Itzka immediately ordered the pilots controlling the space shuttle.

At this time, the pilots also knew that the people behind them were sold by their own president, which also meant that they had become cannon fodder.

In order to survive, he can only obey Olga Itzka's orders.

Who knows if "Galalhorn"'s mobile suit will suddenly open fire?

Moreover, their current status is equivalent to hostages, so they might as well be obedient!

If you provoke the group of teenagers behind you, it will be life-threatening. After all, this is a stunner that even military organizations like "Galalhorn" dare to provoke!

Boom! Boom!

The space shuttle seemed to be caught by something, and its speed suddenly slowed down.

And one of the EB-05 "Grace" MSs of "Galalhorn" is already standing on the space shuttle. As long as the "Tiehua Regiment" has any unusual excitement, the MS will choose to destroy it. Space shuttle.

"We are surrounded!"

"Is it a communication from MS?"

"They want us to hand over Gudilia Lanna Bernstein!"

"······" Upon hearing this, Gudi Liya Lanna Bernstein knew that she was once again blaming herself for her incompetence.

In her opinion, this time the crisis cannot be resolved, and perhaps only if she makes sacrifices can casualties be avoided.

"Hurry up and hand over this woman, or we will all be dead!" Todo Milconan, who was beaten and swollen, kept shouting. He didn't want to die, and he was afraid of death.

"Shut up!"

Todo Mirconan’s nonsense caused him to be punched again.

"What to do? Olga!"

"Tiehua Regiment" is centered on Olga Itzka. If Olga Itzka says to fight, they will kill the enemy without hesitation.

Because they are young soldiers, soldiers born only for fighting!

"Let me go with them!" Gudilia Lanna Bernstein pleaded.

"Impossible, this is not our style at all!" Olga Izca said calmly.

"Tiehua Group" was established for what? If even the first task cannot be completed, then this "home" will be over. Those who are unable to integrate into the normal society have to become criminals or starve to death on the streets.

"Bisquet, inform Sanriyue! "Olga Izca had been best prepared long ago, just in case.

(To be continued...)

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