[Episode 144] Who dare you touch?!

Insu-in, who called the meeting in a hurry, had a particularly angry expression today.

“Chairman, we have understood the circumstances in which the tree of the company that signed a contract with Nuri Landscaping was hijacked in a place called Sunrise Landscape.”

“Are all those who will come?”

“yes. The entire accounting team has gathered.”

About 20 people gathered in the conference hall swallowed their saliva with nervous expressions.

So far, the Insuin has been leading the ironworks with gentleness and dignity.

I had no idea she had such a scary expression on her face.

“The trees lost to the sunrise landscape, where did you decide to supply them?”

“It was supposed to be supplied to the Incheon Steelworks.”

“dare… Does that mean you stole the wood to be supplied to the lord group? Am I wrong?”

“You are not wrong, Chairman.”

After Si-Woo Lee introduced the concept of a arboretum, the Imperial Steel Works was successfully carrying out the image renewal.

Many people’s perceptions changed when they saw the steel mill, which had been pointed out as the main culprit of environmental destruction, planting trees around it for the environment.

Not because of his relationship with Siwoo Lee, but the tree statue was also important to the Imperial Works.

“Have you contacted CEO Lee Si-woo?”

“yes. I just finished the phone call and CEO Lee Si-woo said that he would supply wood so that there is no problem.”

Siwoo Lee did not depend on wood vendors selling wood.

In order to somehow maintain its own tree supply, it has been steadily planting seedlings and preparing for the future.

“Please prioritize the two companies that unilaterally canceled the contract.”

“Is that okay?”

“There is no need to show mercy to an unfaithful company. As long as we are not supplying it to other places, and taking away the wood that we supply to our ironworks, we cannot ignore it.”

Although there will be no disruption to public funds, the fact that they attacked the prince group and reserved Nuri was important.

If the same thing happened next time, there might be a disruption in the supply of trees one day.

“Okay, Chairman.”

While the meeting was in full swing, the door suddenly opened and a woman with a face similar to that of Insu-in came in, vigorously.

“CEO Injein?”

When In-Jae-in, In-Jae-in, In-Jae-in’s younger sister and third in the ranks of the prince group, appeared, the members of the accounting team jumped up.

Insu-in frowned at the sight of her younger brother who came in excitedly.

“What’s up?”

“Who did you dare to touch with the Sunrise Gardeners?!”

“Keep your excitement down.”

How she heard the news, she rushed to the conference hall with great excitement.

“I got the news that the construction of the park could be delayed in the Yongin branch. Don’t you think I’m aroused now?”

“It’s serious.”

“They said it could be delayed by a month or so. Now Jehu’s affiliates are all in a mess.”

At Nuri Jojo, he was in charge of supplying trees not only to the ironworks but also to other affiliates.

The amount of trees contracted with the two sites was 3,000.

In a situation where there was a lot of work to be done, the notice of cancellation of the contract had a bad influence on the landscape architect Nuri.

“The accounting team, please follow my instructions. Hurry up.”

“Yes, Chairman!”

As the accounting team quickly left the meeting room, the underwriter took a deep breath.

“Even if the contract for about 3,000 trees was cancelled, would it be possible to make up for it with CEO Lee Si-woo’s ability?”

“Ha, they said that not only the Seoul area but also the Chungcheong-do tree merchants had a problem. They said the contract was canceled for 10,000 trees instead of 3,000.”

“Is that true?”

“yes. Of course, it would be possible to fill 10,000 trees with the power of CEO Lee Si-woo. But it won’t be on a scale we can handle right now.”

The problem was that this was just the beginning.

The moment the action was delayed even a little, the schedule disruption might accelerate quickly.

“… This is no longer the case in Nuri Landscaping. Did you go to see your father?”

“I will. Maybe you’ll be angry? I can’t control my anger right now.”

“I’m worried that this may cause trouble for CEO Lee Si-woo.”

“CEO Lee Si-woo will never be in trouble. Even if there is a set schedule for the affiliates, there is no other company that can replace them other than Nuri.”

Injain nodded his head at Injein’s words.

“By the way, did you hear directly from CEO Lee Si-woo that the park construction schedule would be delayed? I’m not the one to say that.”

“I didn’t hear it directly, but a person named Seo Il-gwon, director of Nuri Gyeong-gyeong, called the affiliate company.”


“I came to my sister immediately after hearing that the schedule might be delayed.”

You didn’t even hear it from Siwoo Lee himself?

Insu-in was stricken at the sound of being heard by the director of Nuri’s landscaping affiliate.

“If it wasn’t directly from CEO Lee Si-woo, don’t be swayed by what other people say.”

“Still, the director of landscape architect Nuri said it himself.”

“I told the affiliates to listen to that and never be swayed. And the person named Il-kwon Seo, is there something strange?”

“Well… It’s like listening to my sister again. If there was any disruption to the schedule, CEO Lee Si-woo would have called and told him.”

It wasn’t that he didn’t know Lee Si-woo’s personality.

When I heard the news from Seo Il-kwon, I was so excited that I could not calmly think about the situation before and after.

“It still looks far away. Don’t get too excited and look at the situation calmly.”

“I’m sorry, sister.”

“A laxative?”

A lot has changed in the lord group in one year.

In particular, after the Insu-in returned from the United States, the rumors of discord within the lord group disappeared as if washed away.

“I don’t know. Haje must have heard the news too?”

“Because of the character of the youngest, he probably went directly to CEO Lee Si-woo.”

“Maybe. Hajae’s personality has changed a lot since he met CEO Lee Si-woo.”

At Injein’s words, Injain smiled faintly.

The Inha system, the sole successor of the Jehu group, lacked many things.

However, after meeting Lee Si-woo, he was filling in the gaps.

* * *

Si-woo Lee looked at the man who suddenly came and smiled faintly.

“It’s been a while since I’ve seen you, CEO Inha-je.”

“I have never been to Nuri on a daily basis. I have heard from the representative. The tree was hijacked from a place called Sunrise Landscaping.”

I didn’t know that Inha-je was aware of the news.

“How did you know?”

“I heard that a person named Il-gwon Seo, the director of Nuri Jojo, contacted me and there could be a setback in the schedule.”

“yes? what is that… … .”

His expression hardened when he heard that Seo Il-kwon contacted him at will and informed him of this fact.

Of course, the 10,000 trees that were stolen were not without damage.

However, I thought that the current project could proceed without any problems.

“The schedule will go ahead without a hitch.”

“Fortunately, the. Even so, the affiliates of Jehu Group are now in an uproar. I am concerned that the schedule may be disrupted after receiving a call from director Seo Il-kwon, CEO.”

“… Could you please pass it on to the president of Inje-hoo? There will be no disruption to the schedule we have now.”

“I will pass it on.”

I heard what I wanted to hear.

Inha-je sip her coffee with a faint smile.

“As the fortress Nuri landscape is getting bigger and bigger, it seems that more and more people are coveting it.”

“Isn’t it the fact that someone else’s bread looks bigger?”

“That’s why I hate business people who are incompetent and full of vanity. Those who only want to hijack a successful business. They are naughty people trying to take it away without effort.”

“I’m not a poor person enough to lose what I’ve achieved to others.”

“I know it well. So, am I not following the CEO like a master?”

“Don’t say that. You are the only heir of the prince group.”

Inha Je stood up with a faint smile.

Still, Injehu wasn’t the only one worried.

“Then I know that everything is going according to plan.”

“yes. We have enough trees, so don’t worry.”

After Inha-je left, Si-woo Lee clenched his fists.

‘Are you going to shake up Nuri’s biggest customer? using the inside? Cho Il-chul used his hair.’

The prediction has become a reality.

He didn’t want it to be as he thought it would be.

Lee Min-koo and Seo Il-kwon had a relationship of mutual dependence.

The moment he learned that he had been betrayed again by someone he trusted, Lee Min-gu might be hurt even more.

“Director Eunsoo Jin, please come in.”

After organizing his thoughts and hearing the phone call, Siwoo Lee called Eunsoo Jin to the representative office.

Jin Eun-soo, who entered the representative room at his call, bowed his head.

“Did you call?”

“Please prepare the trees that Nuri currently has.”

“How much would you like to solve?”

“It should be about 10,000 trees. And tell Boseong to prepare to grow more trees.”

“Yes, sir.”

“And prepare to fire director Seo Il-gwon of Nuri Jogyeong.”

Jin Eun-soo sighed deeply at Lee Si-woo’s words.

“I’m worried that CEO Lee Min-koo will be shaken.”

“I will never be shaken. When I was Seo, Lee Min-koo was alone, but now I am.”

Jin Eun-soo’s expression changed at Lee Si-woo’s confident voice.

I bowed my head and went outside, and 30 minutes later, when I heard the news of Seo Il-kwon’s dismissal, Lee Min-gu rushed into the representative’s office.

“CEO, you’re going to fire director Seo Il-kwon suddenly… … .”

“Director Seo Il-kwon did something useless. They said they had contacted the affiliates of Jehu Group.”


“He said that he had asked for his understanding in advance that there might be a setback in the schedule. I didn’t even make a decision, but there has to be a price for doing what I want.”

“… It cannot be.”

Lee Min-goo’s eyes fluttered sharply.

Seeing him, Siwoo shook his head and looked at him with firm eyes.

“CEO, you need to see the reality now.”

“… … .”

“Do you think the reason Seo-il collapsed is because of Kang Se-jin Hana?”

Lee Si-woo’s direct question kept Lee Min-goo silent.

No matter how much I thought about it, there wasn’t a single thing that didn’t make sense.

I did not want to be suspicious of Seo Il-kwon, who has been with me since the founding of Seo-il.

However, the situation pointed to Seo Il-kwon.

“I was stupid. We apologize for causing great damage to the representative.”

“No damage has been done yet. Even if there are no 10,000 trees canceled this time, there is no problem in proceeding with the business.”

Siwoo Lee hated being a variable.

In particular, I have been wary of things going wrong due to someone’s interference and involvement.

“no way… Are you going to use those trees this time?”

“Because we have been prepared and prepared for this to happen.”

“Director Il-kwon Seo would know that.”

“Do you think that director Seo Il-gwon can intercept a tree that I manage? The tree that the strategic secretary cares about?”

“ah… … .”

“I only know the location. Only me and the strategist know exactly how many trees are planted there.”

There were huge trees on the land leased to Boseong.

There were a few trees planted there, and only Lee Shiu knew how to manage it.

Even Lee Min-goo, the representative of Nuri Landscape Architecture, did not know.

“Everything goes as planned. And all the employees of Nuri Jojo, who show an unusual atmosphere, will be fired. So you know.”

* * *

“You rocked a group of princes to your liking. Stop bullying me now.”

Seo Il-kwon bit his lip and looked at Jo Il-chul standing in front of him.

Now he was being threatened.

What he had done in the past while he was in Seoil held onto his ankle.

“You can’t destroy the data just because you’ve dealt with this one, right? Isn’t it, Seo Il-kwon?”

“You did what you wanted! What the hell are you going to do?”

“I want the Nuri landscape to be completely shattered. If you know where the trees prepared in Nuri are, blow.”

Nuri buys more than 30,000 trees a month.

Of course, it was busy enough that 10,000 to 20,000 of them had to be used.

If 20,000 trees are used, where will the remaining 10,000 trees go?

Cho Il-chul thought deeply.

And I was sure there would be a tree to stock up in advance.

“No one can go in there.”

“Do you know where it is? where are you?”

“Are you really going to go?”

“If a man has started, he has to finish it. I’ll take care of the rest, so tell me quickly.”

Seo Il-kwon laughed at Cho Il-chul’s words.

And just then, when the cell phone rang, Seo Il-kwon hurriedly put his finger on his mouth.

– Mingoo.

When I showed Cho Il-chul the phone screen, he nodded and shut his mouth.

“Yes, sir.”

[where are you?]

“I’ve been out of work for a while.”

[You don’t have to come back from work. I will send the luggage home by courier.]

Seo Il-kwon’s eyes widened at the sudden sound.

“What… … .”

[The CEO has decided to dismiss my brother. I will go into my retirement account by the end of today.]

“… It’s Mingu.”

[Hyung, if you were going to do it, you should have done it secretly without getting caught. Did you think the relationship between CEO Lee Si-woo and the prince group would be cracked that much?]

At Lee Min-goo’s words, Seo Il-kwon tightly closed his eyes.

Seo Il-kwon, who hung up the phone, looked up at the sky with a blank expression on his face.

‘Now everything is useless.’

After hearing the conversation with Lee Min-gu, Jo Il-chul asked, confused.

“Are you fired? What does that mean?”

“Literally. Now I have no reason to drag you around.”

“What? It doesn’t matter if the data explodes as it is… … .”

“If that data explodes anyway, isn’t it the end of you too?”

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