on stage.

Zifeng's face returned to lightness.

In front of him, there was a proud person, just like Gu Feifan.

"Zifeng." Gu Feifan took the lead and opened his mouth, his face extremely ugly.

"Gu Feifan." Zifeng uttered three words, only a slight smile.

From the very beginning, he saw Gu Feifan also attending the Devil's Day on behalf of Tianzang Academy.

However, Gu Feifan has always followed the Bailey team, so he has been ignored.

"Speaking of which, I have never really confronted you." Gu Feifan stared at Zi Feng.

"There were a few opportunities, but unfortunately, I missed it."

"This is the first time, in the square area, you and I just slam one hand and take action."

"The second time, you did not participate in the second round of disputes in the first round."

"This is the third time. In the third round of the fight, I didn't participate in the game."

"Oh." Zifeng smiled. "These are old things, some have been separated for too long, I forgot."

"But I remember it clearly." Gu Feifan suddenly screamed.


A sharp sword pointed out from Gu Feifan's hand.

Jianfeng pointed at Zifeng.

"You always treat everyone as a fool, and you always play with everyone."

"I really thought I was a fool too?"

Gu Feifan was cold and angry.

Zifeng frowned, "The top saint Heavenly Sword Heavenly Sword."

"Elder Heavenly Sword's sword was given to you, and the level is higher."

"But I don't know what you are talking about."

"Can you argue?" Gu Feifan gritted his teeth.

The words in his mouth refer to Zifeng's natural identity. Speaking of this, he has been in contact with Xiao Yi's triple identity.

In the recent period, naturally, apart from Tiansha's secrets, Xiao Xiao's identity broke him and his home like Xiao Xiao.

"In that year, how did you teach me?"

"How can you make sense?"

"What will the result be? What is your purple wind? What is the hidden head of the Tibetan head?

"Okay? Let the main forces form a good group? Do you have all the benefits?"

"You said you don't care about the so-called ancient heritage, unpredictable means, then you look at your identity as the successor of the Eight Halls, what is this?"

Zifeng frowned slightly. "What do you want to say?"

"Forget it." Zifeng shook his head. "I don't want to listen to your nonsense, just let it go."

"I did this." Gu Feifan's face was cold, and he shot immediately.


With a buzzing sound, Gu Feifan turned into a phantom, and his speed reached its limit.

Zifeng's fingertips are a sword.

His fingers are faster.


The confrontation between the two was completed in an instant.

Gu Feifan's sword was horizontally around Zifeng; and Zifeng's one-eyed sword was in front of Gu Feifan's throat.

"You lost." Zifeng uttered three words.


During that time, there were many discussions.

"Fast speed, Zifeng thief said I didn't see how to point it out."

"This means that if it is an explosion, it is more ferocious in the hands of a sword. I only see a ghost."

"First, I avoided Gu Feifan's all-out sword. Then, before pointing at Gu Feifan's throat, these two movements were flowing, almost in an extreme state."

on stage.

Gu Feifan sneered, "Am I losing? Really?"

When the voice disappeared, Gu Feifan ignored Zifeng's fingertips and was actually moving forward.


The sword aura passed through Gu Feifan's body, making a slight noise. Gu Feifan's body instantly turned into air and disappeared without a trace.

"Fool, this is just an afterimage."

"This is your speed is too slow."

In the air, sneered with a sneer.


Clear snoring sound.

A sharp sword suddenly passed through Zifeng's back and went straight to Zifeng's chest.

Obviously, this is a sword.

The sword is naturally a Tibetan sword.

Behind Gu Yi, Gu Feifan sneered, "How? Is this your enemy or is it too arrogant?"

"I think how powerful you are, but it's so slow that even my shadow can't be separated?"

Zifeng frowned, "The sacred place is a peak."

"You have some eyesight." Gu Feifan sneered. "Now you see, I am a rebuilt sacred place."

"If I just stay in Tianzang Academy, can I grow up so quickly?"

"If there is no hidden treasure, how can I catch up with your cultivation?"

"The sacred place is rebuilt as a peak. If you add me, you will kill a sword. You will be defeated in an instant."

"Of course, it is meaningless to say that now, you have lost, and there is no chance."

"Really?" Zifeng smiled.

"Okay?" Gu Feifan suddenly frowned upon hearing this confident laugh, and suddenly reacted. His sword, because he was wearing Zifeng's chest, how could Zifeng speak to him so arrogantly? In the chest, why is there no blood flow out?


Zifeng's body suddenly turned into a blizzard, and in an instant he regrouped more than a dozen steps.

At this moment, Zifeng, his body was not damaged.

"What is the secret law?" Gu Feifan frowned.

"Ice incarnation incarnation." Zifeng replied.

"Ice incarnation incarnation?" Gu Feifan was shocked. "One of the three secret laws of the legendary Ice Palace?"

In Gu Feifan's eyes, someone found a strong jealousy.

The secret method of Ice Palace is much stronger than the secret method of hiding the world.

Not to mention the ice illusion, one of the three secret laws.

"Hey." Gu Feifan snorted, "How about Ice Illusion? Today, you can't keep your life."

Whoosh. Gu Feifan's figure instantly disappeared in the same place.

Clang. Clang. Clang

In the air, the sword kept screaming.

Zifeng was surrounded by a sword, a ghost, and flashes.

Watch the game.

Qinglin and Qi Qi frowned at the same time. "The speed is too fast, surpassing the peak of the Holy Spirit."

Xia Yiming said coldly, "This is the secret law of the Baili family's Huangsha."

"After the Secret Law was promulgated, it was like a piece of yellow sand, and the sandstorm did not stop."

"This secret method is very strange and often makes the enemy's life invisible."

"This is very smart. Wind and sand have become a sword. It has become more powerful and amazing."

The main martial arts genius of Tianzang Academy is quite good, and even ordinary celestial arrogance is far from perfect.

"Unfortunately, he is in the palace." Xia Yiming smiled coldly.

on stage.

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