However, fortunately, perhaps because of the different heights of time and space dimensions, it is often only a wisp of Taichu Yuanqi in Yuan Meng's body that can be integrated into Taichu Zuqi and then split and derive in large quantities.

Only a tiny trace of Taichu Yuanqi is needed to make Taichu Zuqi split into a group of Taichu Qi the size of a planet.

This Taichu Qi also has the characteristic of absorbing energy and growing continuously, but the Taichu Qi produced again is much more complicated and difficult to purify.

Unlike the Taichu Qi produced by the splitting of Taichu Zuqi, it is extremely pure and condensed.

Therefore, Yuan Meng called the Taichu Qi produced by the splitting of Taichu Zuqi, the pure and condensed Taichu Qi, "Taichu Zuqi".

What? You said that Qi means ventilation, and they should mean the same thing.

But this is not other places, this is Yuan Meng's Taichu space, so it is said that it is Yuan Meng who calls it "Taichu Zuqi".

In Yuan Meng's space, it is natural to follow Yuan Meng's meaning. He said that Taichu Zuqi is higher than Taichu Zuqi, so whether it is the same or higher, it will be a higher-level existence.

In Yuan Meng's space, he should still have the right to name and classify.

And those mixed Taichu Qi are ordinary Taichu Qi.

And if Taichu Zuqi devours Taichu Yuanqi and splits to derive Taichu Qi, only one strand of the same Taichu Yuanqi is enough to produce Taichu Qi covering a star field.

With this calculation, don't you think it won't take long for Taichu Qi to spread throughout the Taichu space.

However, the fact is not so. After all, Taichu space is too huge. Of course, it didn't take long.

Since Yuan Meng spends most of the day practicing, the Taichu Yuanqi he absorbs in a day is as many as dozens, and this number is still increasing with the passage of time.

Well, of course, Yuan Meng's food is also increasing.

Because of cancer, he doesn't eat much at ordinary times, but after the birth of Taichu Yuanqi, the food Yuan Meng can eat is increasing day by day.

However, Yuan Meng has expected this situation. After all, Taichu Yuanqi does not come out of thin air. Extracting and condensing Taichu Yuanqi naturally requires a lot of energy.

Therefore, Yuan Meng also bought a lot of high-energy food and some health-preserving and tonic things, such as some ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum.

If Yuan Meng didn't have a small fortune, I'm afraid this step would take him a lot of time.

According to Yuan Meng's calculations, under the condition of maintaining the normal operation of the human body, a normal person can only extract ten strands of Taichu Yuanqi in a day. If more, it will hurt the root.

Not to mention that Yuan Meng is also suffering from a terminal illness. If there is no maintenance of these tonic things, I'm afraid he can only extract three or two strands of Taichu Yuanqi a day at most.

Moreover, even with the supplement of these tonics, his body was getting thinner and weaker day by day.

This was naturally because Yuan Meng extracted too much Taichu Yuanqi, which caused the energy in his body to be unable to keep up.

After all, there is still a saying that the weak cannot be supplemented, and Yuan Meng cannot absorb it recklessly. After all, the digestion and absorption capacity of the human body also has its limits.

Naturally, the energy absorbed could not keep up with the speed of Yuan Meng's absorption and condensation of Taichu Yuanqi.

In addition, the pressure and damage caused by Yuan Meng's squeezing of his body and extracting Yuanqi were no less than the cancer cells in his body.

If it were not for the Taichu Yuanqi, which also had the ability to assist digestion and absorption, Yuan Meng would not have died of cancer after eating so many high-energy tonics. He would have died because of the collapse of his body functions.

Fortunately, as Yuan Meng continued to practice, the Taichu Yuanqi in his body increased, which also made his digestion and absorption ability stronger and stronger, so that he could keep up with his increasing absorption of Taichu Yuanqi.

In the end, the Taichu Yuanqi had spread all over Gu Yuan's body. Although it could not inhibit the spread of cancer cells, it could relieve his pain and greatly enhance his ability to absorb and digest.

In the end, Yuan Meng could even absorb energy from his body while eating, and he could absorb and transform hundreds of strands of Taichu Yuanqi in a day.

Of course, the consequence of doing so was that Yuan Meng's body became skinny, as if he was a skeleton covered with a layer of human skin.

The cancer cells in his body were almost all over his body. If it were not for the support of the Taichu Yuanqi, even if Yuan Meng had a strong mental will, his body would have collapsed and he would have died.

Even with such desperate practice, it took Yuan Meng half a year to spread the Taichu Ancestral Qi throughout the Taichu space.

As for the Taichu Qi, haha, since it is possible to evolve a higher level of Taichu Ancestral Qi, Yuan Meng would be stupid to evolve those ordinary Taichu Qi.

The strand of purer Taichu Ancestral Qi in the core origin space also increased by hundreds of times, and was as big as a basketball.

Next, Yuan Meng prepared to break through again.

Logically speaking, Yuan Meng should continue to practice, and even fill the core origin space with the purer Taichu Ancestral Qi, and then break through, which is the best choice.

However, Yuan Meng's body couldn't wait any longer. Not to mention that the cancer cells in his body had spread all over his body, even if there were no cancer cells, his body would have already run out of energy.

In other words, if Yuan Meng didn't break through quickly, then what awaited him was still inevitable death, at most less pain.

Like the last breakthrough, Yuan Meng's mind merged with the entire Taichu space and the core origin space. As his mind moved, the two layers of space began to shrink and condense rapidly.

In the end, the entire two layers of space merged into one, and condensed into an infinitely small singularity, and then collapsed and exploded inward.

When this singularity unfolded again, it had formed a triple space that was intertwined and fused together, but independent of each other, with different strengths.

The original core origin space, Taichu space, and the newly formed space, Yuan Meng called it "Taishi space".

Taishi is the beginning of form, but it has no substance!

At this point, Qi is no longer invisible and intangible. It wanders in the Taishi space, emitting a warm and moist glow.

At this time, the Qi can already be observed in a specific form.

However, the Qi at this time has no actual substance or quality, and it cannot be touched by people.

And this Qi in the Taishi space is precisely the condensed and qualitatively transformed Taichu Zuqi, which can be called "Taishi Zuqi".

This Taishi Zuqi also has the various characteristics of Taichu Zuqi, and can evolve Taishi Zuqi and Taishi Qi. It is located in the outermost layer, and is also the latest formed and the weakest place in the three layers of space.

And similarly, it is also one level stronger than the Taichu space and Taichu Zuqi before the breakthrough.

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