When Yuan Meng stopped at the center of the prehistoric world, his figure immediately began to grow and expand.

In the end, Yuan Meng's body became a giant with his feet on the ground and his head on the sky.

Don't say how big Yuan Meng's body is, because it is immeasurably huge. Just the breath he exhaled lightly is as huge as a nebula.

When Yuan Meng's body grew to the limit of heaven and earth, a huge amount of life essence began to escape immediately, spreading to the entire prehistoric world, evolving all things in the prehistoric world.

And Yuan Meng's figure was also constantly changing, and finally turned into a sacred mountain that stood tall and tall, standing in the center of the prehistoric three realms.

And the sacred mountain that Yuan Meng turned into does not exist in one realm, but exists in the prehistoric three realms at the same time.

In other words, whether you are in the prehistoric world that was first opened up, or in the Yin and Yang realms that were opened up later, you can see this sacred mountain that stands tall and tall, and you can touch and climb it.

Moreover, what you see and touch in the Yin and Yang worlds are not projections, reflections, or clones.

No matter which world you are in, what you can see and touch is the same sacred mountain.

You can even communicate with the creatures of the other two worlds in this sacred mountain, but when you walk down the sacred mountain, you will still return to the original world and will not go to the other two worlds.

The hair on Yuan Meng's body evolved into billions of galaxies, and began to slowly move according to their own trajectories in the endless void above the sacred mountain.

Of course, this slowness is just a description, and in fact, its speed of movement is extremely fast.

It's just that the endless void above the prehistoric world seems extremely slow, which is just because the space is too large and the distance is too far.

Among the stars in the Zhoutian, there are 365 huge stars, even larger than a galaxy.

And these 365 huge stars pull the infinite galaxy and move around it.

Yuan Meng's eyes, which were larger than the galaxy, turned into the two stars of Taiyin and Sun in the prehistoric world, and quickly merged into the infinite galaxy above the prehistoric world, spreading the infinite light and heat of the Sun and the moonlight of the Moon to the three prehistoric worlds.

And they were still moving slowly in a mysterious trajectory.

At the same time, they also pulled the other 365 huge stars, with Taiyin, Sun, and the North Pole Ziwei Star in the middle sky as the core, and moved in a mysterious trajectory over and over again. This is the Zhoutian Star Array.

When the Zhoutian Star War was running, Taiyin and Sun would always alternately run to the prehistoric world at a certain time, bringing endless light to the prehistoric world and scattering endless moonlight.

From then on, the prehistoric world had the rotation of the sun and the moon, and the distinction between day and night.

Three more spiritual lights escaped from Yuan Meng's body and turned into three figures, respectively rolling up the Tai Chi diagram, the Chaos Banner, the Sword of Immortal Execution, and the three jade seals, and each flew to the depths of the Three Realms.

And the last piece of the Kaitian Supreme Treasure, the Chaos Bell, disappeared directly into the depths of the world after a bell sound.

When the life essence of Yuan Meng's body permeated the entire prehistoric world, it immediately began to change the prehistoric world.

Although no life was born yet, it seemed to be alive, full of vitality, and became much more agile.

At this moment, the prehistoric world began to upgrade again.

"This is too fast, and I didn't do anything else! How did it upgrade again?"

Feeling the world start to upgrade again, Yuan Meng couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded.

"Well, so that's the case"

However, Yuan Meng's mind was in harmony with the world, and he soon understood the reason.

It was because Yuan Meng's world, after repeated evolutions, had reached a certain point and began to evolve towards reality.

At this point, this world can already carry some information about reality.

This is different from the various information about the avenues that Yuan Meng had imagined based on what he knew before. This is information about real rules. As for where the information about rules comes from?

It is the body that Yuan Meng used to project and manifest when he opened the sky. Although it is just a projection, it is built completely according to his real body as a template.

So, naturally, it will contain some information about real rules.

Even if this is just a tiny bit of rules in the real world, it is enough for the completely illusory prehistoric world to advance.

"Well, so, I have to read more science books such as physics and chemistry in the future."

Yuan Meng couldn't help shaking his head and smiling bitterly. He didn't expect that he was an old man in his thirties who had graduated for more than ten years.

Well, well, he is a middle-aged man, and now he has to devote himself to learning again. He hasn't touched a textbook for a long time.

Not to mention those scientific books, such as physics and chemistry, he has never read them since he graduated. If you want to talk about the secret manuals of martial arts and metaphysical classics, he should be more familiar with them.

Well, it seems that it is not impossible. Thinking of metaphysical classics, Yuan Meng's eyes lit up. Those metaphysics are also the ancients' understanding of the universe!


Thinking of the chaotic energy in his body, the meridians and acupoints around his body, and the prehistoric world he opened up, Yuan Meng felt that it seemed that there was something to be done.

Moreover, there was an opportunity to experiment now. Yuan Meng looked at the prehistoric starry sky with countless stars and the rotation of the sun and the moon.

Carefully sensing the acupoints around his body, according to their own properties, they were projected one by one on the sky of the prehistoric world, and they were fused with the 365 huge stars one by one.

And according to the acupoints around the body, the stars were adjusted more carefully in the direction of the body, so that they were more in line with the acupoints around the body.

And when Yuan Meng had fine-tuned the integration of those stars according to their properties and directions.

Without Yuan Meng's promotion, the Zhoutian Star Array immediately began to move slowly along the new trajectory, and an invisible force permeated the entire prehistoric world.

The stability of the prehistoric world began to increase significantly again, and another promotion began.

After the world upgrade was completed, Yuan Meng clearly felt the difference. The sky of the prehistoric world was higher, the earth was heavier, and the stability of the world was greatly increased, which could bear stronger power.

At this time, whether it was the chaotic space, the chaotic ancestral qi in the chaotic space, or the origin space, and the origin ancestral qi in the origin space, they all underwent further transformation.

It was the chaotic energy in Yuan Meng's body. I don't know if it was because of the suppression of the real world. When his world was evolving again and again, it only acquired the characteristics of being able to transform into other powers.

And the power it can transform is the power that exists in the prehistoric world, such as the power of stars, the power of the moon and the sun, the power of yin and yang and the five elements, etc.

However, at the fundamental level of energy, it has not been upgraded and is still at the original level.

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