“It is worthy of being the first person in the game, the Heavenly Emperor, and the fifth as soon as he is on the list!”

“Lying groove, the strength of the Heavenly Emperor is indeed terrifying, so many divine bodies are born, they can account for the fifth?”

“Hundreds of millions of players, none of them are on the list, only the Heavenly Emperor, the only player is the only seedling!”

This is the voice of the players.

In addition, there are also doubts.

“I rely on, the Heavenly Emperor can occupy the fifth, this is credible or not, although I feel that he is indeed very strong, but it will not rank fifth, right?”

“In other words, even if the Heavenly Emperor defeated the three major divine bodies, it was a long time ago, the divine body became stronger too fast, after a day, the strength did not know how much it increased, it has been so long passed, I feel that the Heavenly Emperor does not say that it is three divine bodies, even one divine body is enough to choke, right?”

“With the current strength of the Heavenly Emperor, I feel that he is not ranked fifth anyway.”

Because of this combat power list, countless players spoke freely, and those with different opinions immediately collided and argued for their own arguments.

In his spare time, when Wang Yi saw this list, he couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows and smile.

“This list is interesting.”

Looking down, he swept the entire list, and specially looked at the top four people in terms of combat power, and he couldn’t help but shake his head.

“It seems convincing, but … That is, to show the player. ”

It can obviously be seen that the way the designee of the combat power list judges the combat power is divided by the past achievements and realms, however…

The so-called past achievements cannot depict the true combat power level of the divine body at all!

Some strong people are accustomed to not sounding, a blockbuster, before becoming famous, will always keep a low profile, no one knows his true strength, until the critical time, will burst, and some divine bodies seem to sweep invincible, combat power is extraordinary, but when encountering the same level of power, will be defeated on the spot, will be ravaged at will.

Never really met, fought a fight, no one knows, who is the real combat power matchless!

“As for the few strong people ranked in the front, it is also a little interesting, everyone is a divine body, and they have reached the extreme of the martial artist realm, no wonder they are ranked first, after all, they are divine bodies, and those with divine bodies are invincible at the same level.”

Wang Yi smiled and glanced at his attribute bar.

After many days of hard practice, his realm has now reached more than 90 percent, and his four major attributes have reached more than 980 percent!

If he continued to practice at this speed, he would definitely be able to reach the extreme of the realm before the Tianjiao Great Competition opened.

Thinking of this, he glanced at his special talent again, saw that his proficiency had risen to 2000, and continued to flip through this list.

Although he does not agree with the rankings inside, some of the information in it still has some value and is worth seeing.

His gaze swept down, and after looking at it for a while, he raised his head lightly.

On this, there is no ranking of bear children!

And Ye Sheng’s ranking is also quite low, he only defeated a divine body some time ago, and his achievements are remarkable, however, because of the reputation of the waste body, he was only ranked after the fifty, which can be said to be quite low.

“Alas, it can only be said that this group of people understand what is called the fantasy world, wait until the day when the real Tianjiao is great, and wait for you to be stunned.”

Wang Yi shook his head, then stopped paying attention and withdrew his gaze.

“This time Tianjiao Dabi, I don’t know how many hidden powerhouses will come out to stroll, if a supreme divine body is born, it will be more interesting.”

He rubbed his brows and looked at the sky.

“I don’t know if the bear child will come, whether Xiao Han, who has disappeared for a long time, will come, I really have some expectations, the scene of these people gathering together.”

After a pause, Wang Yi breathed a sigh of relief and turned his head.

“Forget it, don’t think about it much, let’s practice well.”


In the midst of endless wilderness.

Heavy green and densely covered with vines, a furious beast roar suddenly sounded in the vast and boundless forest.

The roar of the beast was extremely violent, containing the ultimate fury, and the sound wave was mighty, rolling up the fierce wind, blowing the woods, shaking the earth!

In the rolling wind, a small figure suddenly rushed out.

This person is only more than a meter tall, a little short, like a child, and holds a giant egg in his hand, a full meter in radius, even if he is holding such a huge egg, this small man does not have a trace of effort, but his figure is straight, fast as lightning, and quickly escapes.

And when he fled, he was still whispering in his mouth.

“Didn’t I just get gluttonous and steal an egg from you? Why are you in such a hurry, anyway, you have so many eggs, what can I count as stealing one? I don’t know what the ghost is called. ”

After running for a while, the child felt safe, so he stopped, rubbed the surface of the egg, and the saliva at the corner of his mouth flowed wildly, almost flowing into a small waterfall.

“How can I eat such a big egg?”

“Eat raw? It’s too wasteful, and I don’t like to eat raw. ”

“Boiled in vain? Hard-boiled eggs don’t taste at all, and I don’t like it either! ”

“If you make omelette and sprinkle it with various spices, it feels good!”

“It’s just… The eggs of this exotic beast, if you use mortal fire, I am afraid that they will not be easily cooked, right? ”

The corners of the child’s mouth turned up slightly, and his eyes lit up, “By the way, I can find the second old, he has that kind of blazing flame, since he can cook the beast milk, he must be able to cook the egg easily!” ”

At this thought, he turned his eyes, discerned the direction, dragged the giant egg, and rushed towards the southeast.

And that direction happens to be the direction of Redstone City!


A snow-capped mountain.

A teenager stood quietly with a calm expression.

He was wearing a black robe, his face was beautiful, his figure was like a pine and tall, standing between the shaking wind and snow, but he did not have a trace of emotion, and his expression was extremely calm.

After a long silence, the boy suddenly opened his eyes and spoke.

“I heard that Tianjiao Dabi is about to start? It’s time to go back to Xiao’s house. ”

As soon as he said this, his body suddenly moved more and more, flying down from the top of the mountain.

As his body fell, brilliant flames flew up, like a frenzy boiling, extending behind him, like wings, and moving in the wind.

Is that……

The divine light of the alien fire! _

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