The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 451 The Graupel Angel is defeated!

With the constant sound of fighting and thick fog as the scene, a duel between top players begins.


After several trials, Grave Angel directly activated his skills and tore several vine snakes into pieces with sword light tearing through cloth.

Standing in front of him, Zhao Hao stood with a staff, surrounded by a few remaining vine snakes, looking extremely relaxed.

"Your strength is indeed not weak!"

Grain Angel took out a bottle of potion, drank it, and tore open the auxiliary spell scroll.

For a melee swordsman like him, improving his own attributes is the best choice. In his current state, all the arrows he shoots can be chopped down.

"As the champion of the Hero Competition, I must have some strength at least!"

Zhao Hao has no personal grudge against Rui En, who has no bad deeds other than showing off his girls. It's just because they have different positions.

Behind both sides are the Xia Kingdom and the Li Jian Kingdom, so if they start fighting, they won't be at odds with each other.


At this time, Ryan, the Graupel Angel, took action again, his speed directly increased by a level, almost dragging an afterimage behind him.

‘Is it so curly? ’

After seeing the terrifying speed of the opponent, this thought flashed through Zhao Hao's mind.

Because he felt that the opponent's strength exceeded expectations, or that the strength of the top players was much stronger than he imagined.

The world of heroes has just begun, but these top players are already somewhat in their prime.

The source of such a curl is naturally because of him.

Just like sports records in the real world, everyone will find it difficult to surpass before they break through. But when someone breaks through this record, then this record will become an ordinary achievement.

The same is true for the upper limit of strength in the hero world.

With the emergence of Zhao Hao, a dimension reduction player, strong players will naturally target him and the Ice and Snow Bear, and they will indeed roll up.

Swish, swish!

Several vine snakes that were not cut off started to attack, and then the cut vine snakes returned to their original state at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As long as Zhao Hao has enough health, there is almost no upper limit for this kind of repair. The speed is slowed down to save health, otherwise instant recovery is not a problem.

"I don't believe I can't force you to show your true strength!"

Grain Angel could naturally see that Zhao Hao was not serious at all.

Severe wind!

The ultimate move is activated, and the sword is wrapped in a layer of cyan whirlwind.

Facing the life-threatening Grain Angel, Zhao Hao naturally would not be tough, but retreated decisively, preparing to distance himself.

Natural enchantments are best suited for mid-range combat. Even if he can win in a melee fight with an enemy who specializes in melee combat, he won't do it. It would be too 'arrogant' to do so.


Several vines faced the long sword wrapped in the whirlwind, and they lost all their previous toughness. They were easily torn apart by the whirlwind and then grew again.

At this gap, the Grain Angel passed through the vine defense line like a strong wind and rushed towards Zhao Hao who was about to distance himself.

Got it!

Just when the sword was about to hit, a look of ecstasy appeared on his face under the mask.

As long as you can kill Zhao Hao, you can step on him to increase your reputation, which will be enough for you to brag about for a few years.

Zhao Hao could naturally feel the joy in the other person's eyes, and knew what the other person was thinking without having to guess, and sighed helplessly in his heart.

too naive!

Doesn't the other party know that when the opportunity is greater, the flaw will also be greater? .


The sword pierced the chest.





The digitized body will not be torn apart by the force of the wind carried by the opponent's sword unless the health value reaches zero.

Ordinary spellcasting players would definitely not be able to withstand this sword, but it was nothing to Zhao Hao.

With more than 5,000 health points, he may not be able to match even the strongest human shield players, and his damage is only about a fraction of that.

Even if it is reduced to one-tenth of the pain, the pain of piercing the chest is enough to make non-combat players scream, and combat players will also be slightly affected. However, Zhao Hao is no stranger to this kind of injury and can naturally seize the opportunity to fight back.

Swish, swish!

Egg-thick vines sprouted out of the ground with him as the center, wrapping around the Grain Angel.

Under normal circumstances, you can naturally get out of the way.

But at this time, the sword of the Grain Angel was still piercing Zhao Hao's body. The prerequisite for retreating was to draw the sword, which was naturally affected, causing him to be a step slower.


His legs were tangled in man-eating vines.

Before he could cut off the vines with his sword, man-eating vines shot out from around him and entangled him into brown leaves.

"Looks like I'm slightly better!"

Zhao Hao walked to the other side.

In this battle, he completely used his combat experience to defeat the opponent.

"I did lose this time, but I will definitely challenge you again and let you use your true power!"

Grain Angel was not unwilling, after all, he was defeating himself head-on, but he also showed that he would not be discouraged.

"Looking forward to your challenge again!"

After Zhao Hao encouraged the other party, he held his left hand empty.


Huge power sounded from the vines surrounding the Graupel Angel.

This was definitely not because the other party stabbed him and he was killed like this out of revenge.

After dealing with the Grain Angel, Zhao Hao continued to move in the direction of the Raging Dragon Guild.


Suddenly, a team of players discovered him and killed him decisively.

As long as they are not wearing the uniform of the Raging Dragon Guild, under this fog, everyone except the Holy Church will be their target.

There was no way, who let God's Right Seat keep attacking, causing them to become nervous.

Although Zhao Hao was not wearing a uniform, God knows if he was in disguise.

Facing the attack, Zhao Hao did not explain, but removed the hidden effect of the weapon in his hand.


The brilliant purple light wraps around, making the staff of nature look extremely gorgeous, instantly slowing down the opponent's movements.

Then, man-eating vines sprouted from the ground and surrounded him, making Zhao Hao like the king of plants, and his momentum was extremely astonishing.

Well, maybe the other party doesn't recognize me, but the epic equipment will definitely recognize him.

And since there is an epic staff and it can control plants, it is naturally impossible for anyone else to be there (Qinglong rules are blocked and will not associate with the other party).

"It's Feng Liuyun!"


"Stop it all!"

As expected, the six-man team recognized Zhao Hao.


But when their eyes glanced at the staff of nature in his hand, everyone swallowed subconsciously.

In the real world, someone has already offered 100 million to purchase epic equipment, but unfortunately there has been no transaction example until now.

After all, if you look at the equipment rankings, you will know that the total number of epic equipment in the hands of players now is less than 20 pieces, so there is no surplus for sale.

As for the legendary piece of equipment that suddenly appeared and occupied the top spot, no one bid at all because no one knew how much it should be.

Well, Zhao Hao alone occupies about one-third of the top ten equipment rankings, which is simply inappropriate.

Fortunately, the equipment on his part-time job hides its owner, otherwise the players would definitely be in trouble.

With such a rare quantity, epic equipment is the best business card.

"I wonder if you can take me to see the King of War?"

Zhao Hao asked politely.

"Of's no problem!"

The leader of this team is a dashing female player with an extremely excited expression.

It's not the excitement that fans feel when they see a young guy, but the excitement that professional players feel when they see a great player.

As the champion of the Hero Competition, it is not surprising that some people admire Zhao Hao.

Soon, he followed the other party and met the senior officials of the Raging Dragon Guild under the protection of the army.

As for his arrival, because War King had mentioned it in advance, Shuang Furong and Mu Chengfeng didn't find it strange.

As soon as they met, Zhao Hao didn't show off and told his guess.

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