The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 4 Human Stable

in the next period of time.

One after another, beasts fell under the sharp claws of Freya, the golden dragon.

Looking at the increasing experience value, Zhao Hao felt like flying.

The most important thing is that you don’t need to do it yourself.

No wonder there are countless players crying and asking for pets. This feeling of easy upgrade is indeed very addictive.

Of course, all the beast's corpses were eaten by Freya, causing its size to expand rapidly like a balloon.

A few hours later.

Freya's level has been upgraded to level 5, and her dragon body is about the size of a horse when its wings are folded.

The health value has been increased from 2500 to 3750, a full increase of 1250 points. .

Zhao Hao has also been promoted to a level, and his health value has also increased by 1 point, but due to the dragon bloodline talent, it has directly become 10 points.

In other words, a normal level 2 player has only 11 health points, which is completely broken at the touch of a touch, so the consequences of rashly descending into the wild can be imagined.

Anyway, if you are not a reborn person like him, if you dare to come to the wild, you will just feed all kinds of beasts and monsters.

"Now is the time!"

Zhao Hao turned his head and looked not far away.

Over there, there are a large number of centaurs and half-horses holding spears.


A first-order creature from the barrier camp, one of the nine major camps in the heroic world.


This is the collective name for the nine most powerful super alliances in the heroic world.

The status is equivalent to the Blue Star Wuchang level.

Each camp has the power to destroy the world, and even several of them have been working hard to do so.

What these centaurs are protecting behind is a building that looks like a stable.

Centaur Stable [First-level Bastion Nest]: After occupying it, you can recruit first-level centaurs.

Just like Dragon Cliff can recruit dragons, stables can naturally recruit centaurs, and different types of troops can be recruited from different lairs.

Wild lairs need to deal with guards before they can be occupied.

The number of guards is ten times the recruitment quota for nest units and five times the number of advanced status units.

Like the output of the stable is 14 centaur units per week.

Then the guards are 140 units of first-order centaur and 70 units of second-order centaur leaders.

Among them, the centaur leader is the evolved form of the centaur. They are both ordinary-level creatures, but they have different forms before and after the advancement.


Following Zhao Hao's voice, a strong wind suddenly rose in the sky.


The scales on her body reflected golden light, like Freya made of gold and spread her wings and fluttered down.

Facing the attack, the centaurs also took action.

Step, step!

The hooves of nearly a thousand horses came crashing down, like thunder sweeping across the earth.

It's a pity it's useless!

If Freya attacks from the ground, it will definitely be tragic to face the collective charge of the centaurs. After all, her level is too low now, but if she attacks from the air, it will naturally be a different picture.


The golden dragon body with a wingspan of several meters was gliding down through the atmosphere, and a red light emerged from the open mouth of the dragon.

Swish, swish!

The centaur guards used the rush to throw their spears into the sky.

Dang, Dang...!

A dense collision like raindrops sounded from Freya, and all the spears were bounced off by the dragon scales.

Calculated based on the offense and defense of both sides, the centaur's attack could not break through the defense at all, let alone Freya's talent of golden dragon body.

Fortunately, according to the rules of the Heroic World, soldiers are forced to inflict 1 point of damage even if they do not break defense.

In other words, no matter how high the defense is, it is impossible to be invincible.

Not to mention, Heroic Age also has the concept of ‘defense damage’.

Like dragon scales.

Even if the attack does not break the defense, if it is attacked too many times, it may be destroyed. At that time, it will not only be 1 point of forced damage.

But now Centaur only has 210 units, which is far from that level.

Freya's 3750 health points are enough to easily withstand the forced damage caused by the centaur's more than ten rounds of attacks.

Facing the centaur's attack, Freya spit out flames from her mouth.


The extremely blazing flame dragon breath fell towards the centaur formation below.




Huge amounts of damage pop out.

The terrifying flames turned the centaur hit by the dragon's breath into ashes.

After Freya, who was breathing dragon's breath, passed over the centaur formation, there was a flame mark on the ground after the dragon's breath was raging.

Just one round of dragon breath attack killed nearly a third of the centaur guards instantly.


This is how powerful a champion-level creature is. Even if it is still in its infancy, it proves how powerful it is.

Rank crushing!

Although rank does not necessarily represent combat power, when the gap in rank is too great, combat power can definitely crush them.


Freya, who circled down again, once again breathed dragon breath and returned to the centaurs' heads, using the dragon breath to ignite a large number of centaurs.

However, after this attack, he did not fly away like before, but jumped directly into the middle of the centaurs.

Boom! (head butt)

Tear! (claw strike)

call! (Tail sweep)

The standard three-volume dragon attack killed the surrounding centaurs. They were injured upon impact and killed upon collision.

Even if the centaur's counterattack occasionally succeeds, it will only be a forced 1 point of damage without breaking the defense, which is no threat to Freya with a health volume of four digits.

A few minutes later.

The battlefield has calmed down.

"System prompt: You have won a brilliant victory and gained 210 experience points!"

The system prompts proved that the nest raiding battle was over.


The centaur corpses on the ground began to turn into light and disappear.

These military guards are made of energy, and they will naturally turn into light and dissipate after death. However, before dissipating, they are the same as flesh and blood creatures.


Freya, who folded her wings and leaned closer, looked at Zhao Hao expectantly with her blue dragon eyes, like a child expecting praise from an adult.

"Not bad!"

After Zhao Hao patted the opponent, he walked to the nest and reached out to touch it (most outdoor buildings, treasure chests, etc., only heroes are qualified to occupy or collect).


A progress bar appears that only he can see.

Soon, five minutes passed.

"System prompt: You occupy a stable."

Stable [Level 1 Lair]: Centaur 70 gold coins/1 unit, currently 14 units, output: 14 units/every week.


Zhao Hao made a choice.

If you do not recruit the units in the wild lair now, the number will still be 14 next week and will not accumulate to 28 units.

At the same time, after a week, the nest will return to an ownerless state.

In other words, if you want to occupy it at that time, you will need to attack again.

It's okay to say that the low-level nests won't suffer much from the attack. If the high-level nests were attacked again, the losses would definitely make people cry.

There is no way to solve this problem.


As long as this area can be included in the territory, not only can the quota of soldiers be accumulated, but the occupied nests and resource points will not return to unclaimed land unless they are captured by others.

But if Zhao Hao remembers correctly.

Before his rebirth, the number of player lords was barely over 10,000, and according to normal historical trajectory, it would take more than a month for foreign super players (super players) to become lords, which shows the gold content of lords.

The lord is the protagonist on the stage of the heroic world, and the others are just pawns at best.

Just when Zhao Hao was thinking about this, the sound of hoofbeats sounded in his ears,

Tread, step!

A centaur holding a spear walked up to him and half-knelt with the spear in his hand.

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