The Inverted Dragon’s Scale

Chapter 688: The poison is too deep!

The windy city of the recent days has been raining, and the turbid sky is even darker. The thick black cloud is very low, just like a big pot on the top of the head.

The quilt clothes in the house are all wet and long hair, and even the human body has a moldy taste.

"It must be moldy." When the neighbors greeted each other, they said so.

Because the Windy City is located in the Imperial Frontier, the temperature will become extremely low once it rains.

At this time, it is the late autumn of August and September, and the windy city has already entered the winter like it.

The chill was drilled from the depths of the bones. It was difficult to resist, and it was difficult to take it. It was like the smoldering cold poison in Lu Qingming.



A burst of vomiting sound came.

Spit screaming and vomiting.

There was a voice of women's consolation, and we rushed in and out without cleaning. The footsteps are light and there is almost no loud noise.


Another burst of vomiting sound came like it was to spit out the internal organs of the chest.

Above the ground is the green juice of the big beach.

That was the food residue that Lu Qingming had just vomited. Lu Qingming’s body is getting worse.

"Qingming-Qingming, how do you feel? Do you feel comfortable?" Gong Sunyu put Lu Qingming's head on his lap, his right hand gently stroked his back to help him calm down. Let him be a little easier.

Gong Sunyu is not a master of martial arts, and there is no way to help him push the blood to the palace like the masters.

However, even those big names who are famous in China, are they not helpless when facing this nigless nail?

Lu Qingming's face was purple and black, and his eye sockets were deep. Because of the violent vomiting just now, there was a sick redness on his lips.

Compared with the Tiandu period, Lu Qingming lost a lot of weight, and he was a lot older.

His body lay down on the bed softly, and the corner of his mouth was still spilling out of the green juice, but it was promptly wiped clean by Gongsun Yu's handkerchief.

Lu Qingming’s eyes were slightly closed, and he tried to open his eyes several times. He eventually did not succeed.

He is too tired!

Extremely sleepy!

"I - nothing -" Lu Qingming said weakly, if the air is a hairspring, it seems that it is possible to break the breath at any time.

"Qingming--" looked at her husband's appearance, Gongsun Yu's heart was like a knife, his face was full of sadness, but the voice of his voice was relaxed and joyful: "Tianyu just came to see you, saying that he visited a famous doctor in the city. The doctor’s name is Sun Yu, and it is said that there is a technique of returning to life. Several times before, people were taken back from the hands of the prince---"

"Tianyu also said that he would bring the Sun Yu to give you a look. I will say, you have to first explore the details of the people, to see if this person is a real doctor, or to walk in the rivers and lakes, the abbots of the rivers and lakes - Tianyu Nodded and nodded, went to the office. No matter what, the child's heart is good. It is more mature than the time of the day. It is like a small adult. In the past few days, he followed the public to lose the young master and they patrol the city sooner or later. ——"

"Good--" Lu Qingming's mouth appeared a shallow smile, and he wanted to laugh, but the smile could not bloom completely on his face.

The pain that the dragon's body can withstand is now transplanted to the human race, and naturally it is not common for ordinary people to compete.

Lu Qingming was originally seriously injured, and because of the phantom nails in his body, the body has been extremely weak. Even after the thousand princes invited the peacock dynasty to come to help, because the poisonous gas has not been expelled, resulting in other injuries in his body is also difficult to recover.

The Nether chills gather in the body, grow, and then spread to the five internal organs.

Playing dragon nails and playing dragon nails, as the name implies, naturally comes to imprison the dragons.

The dragon body is large and resistant to toxicity. Li Muyang's body has been filled with eight Nether Nail, but because his body is better, and the dragon's special techniques can compete with it, the pace of Nether's cold invasion will be much slower.

Lu Qingming has only one Nether Nail in his body, but because of his physical weakness, the sneak chill in the body has captured the land, and this situation is much more serious than that of Li Muyang.

Some time ago, it will only occur when the nighttime poisonous gas is at its peak, and now it is possible to get sick at any time, day or night.

Moreover, he is now vomiting the green juice - proof that his body has been poisoned too deeply, life is at stake.

"I know that the most worrying thing about you is shepherd. The child of the shepherd is not with us from an early age. It is indeed a lot of suffering outside of a person. However, Luo Qi and Li Yan are our family members, and their heart is still yours. Don't understand? Treating the shepherd is more dear than the pro-son, and he will never be wronged-"

"It’s not easy for a family to reunite. As a result, I didn’t expect to have a happy day in the past two days. There was a big pile of things happening at home. I’ve come a thousand times before. The thousand degrees is the princess of the Peacock Dynasty. It’s really A good girl, if she can come together with the shepherd, it is also a perfect match - I am afraid that this kid is not so good fortune -"

"Thousands of saying that the shepherd is very good, they also met on the Kunlun Mountain, the shepherd left in front of everyone, and also took away a jade - I don't care what he took away, as long as he is safe. I will be relieved -"

"Shepherd - come back?" Lu Qingming asked hoarse voice. Obviously, in order to say this, he almost exhausted all the strength in the body.

Therefore, when he finished these words, he began to have a fierce respite in his chest.

"Don't be excited. Qingming, don't be excited -" Gong Sunyu quickly reached out and touched Lu Qingming's chest and said: "Come back, the shepherd will definitely come back - thousand degrees said, wait until the time is ripe, the shepherd will come back. They are all in Fengcheng. Where can he go when he doesn't come back? Are you saying?"

"Danger -" Lu Qingming stunned his eyes and wanted Gong Sunyu to understand what he wanted to express.

The identity of the Li Muyang Dragons is exposed. If this is coming back, I am afraid that it will be a disaster. If you don't find a place to avoid, even if they can't see their son, as long as Li Muyang is healthy and healthy in a corner of the world - they will be satisfied.

Parenting, the contribution to the children is endless.

"I understand that I understand -" Gong Sunyu nodded again and again. "Well, if you don't let him come back, let the shepherd don't come back -"


The wooden door outside was pushed open. Lu Tianyu wrapped up in a cold wind and hurried in. He asked: "Mother, father is sick again? Don't worry, don't worry, I took Sun Shen To cure his father -"

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