The Inverted Dragon’s Scale

Chapter 632: , Ssangyong pig!

The 632th chapter, Ssangyong pig!

Li Muyang cast two attacks on the open beast.

The first time is a magical attack that combines the elements of water. This type of attack belongs to the dragon's secret method and is based on the dragon's uncontrollable control over the water element.

The dragon is inseparable from the water, and water is also a powerful element that the dragons will naturally manipulate.

The ‘Crystal Ball’ was directly eaten by the open beast to the mouth, proving that the water element had no effect on it.

Not only does it have no effect, but it can also be enjoyed directly for it, becoming a meal that fills its stomach.

The second time is to release the true element to attract the power of the thunder, and then attack the body of the open beast with the destructive power of thunder, and as a result, it is like a hot bath.

Enlightened the beast, guarding the shrine forever.

Although it defines itself as the status of the watchdog dog at the door of the Terran, but has a life span of tens of thousands of years, what is the watchdog can match?

I am afraid that only the little white dog snowball that Li Muyang knows can be compared with it.

Li Muyang looked at the open beast and rolled around on the ground. Nine heads showed nine happy and happy expressions, and the anger in the body began to gather.


This is a provocation to the dragon!

The dragon is a body of demigods. It is a strong family that can directly seize the shrine. How can it be despised by a dog at the door?

"The last thing is especially delicious. Is there still? Come again." The open beast is very lazy lying on the ground, looking like a pleading.

"If you like it, naturally there is." Li Muyang sneered out. "It's called Ssangyong Pig."

"Shuanglong play beads? Good name. I am the bead? Giggle--" The sound of the open beast is like a child, like a laughing voice is as cute as a child.

"Yes, you are the pig." Li Muyang said.

When he spoke, his body slowly rose from the ground.

Li Muyang’s hands were lifted to the knee position, and a white ball of light appeared in the middle of the palm.

The light ball is like water, and the ripples flow.

Inside the ball of light, there is a white dragon in it that plunges into the sea and rises and falls.


A majestic atmosphere is blocked in the light ball, and only when the two white dragons are clawing their claws will they have a strong breath.

The Kaiming beast felt the strength and threat of the two small balls. It climbed up from the ground. Eighteen eyes and nine eyes stared at the two light **** that Li Muyang’s hands were flat. They asked, “This What is it? It is not the same as the double dragon play beads just now -"

"This is called Ssangyong into the sea." Li Muyang said: "Look, these two dragons swimming in the light ball is not like a dragon into the sea?"

The Kaiming beast looked at it seriously and nodded and said, "Is it really like a dragon into the sea - is it for me?"

"Of course." Li Muyang nodded with a smile.

His body flew to the top of the shrine, and then the two **** of light in his hand suddenly became golden. At the same time, two light **** flew out of Li Muyang's palm, and rushed toward the open beast above the ground. The golden light of the white envelopes the entire body of the open beast.

"It's so comfortable." Kaiming beasts are bathed under the golden light, and they feel warm and full of sleepiness.


The two light **** suddenly sprinted and then exploded on the top of the open beast.

When the golden brilliance dissipated, the two small **** disappeared, and even the two white dragons in the small ball were missing.

Kaiming beast is very enjoyable with his tongue licking his lips, looking at Li Muyang with a sad look, said: "The two light **** look good too. I haven't had time to swallow them, how can they explode?" - Can you give me two more to make me try?"

"No need." Li Muyang said coldly: "The two light **** have already been eaten into your stomach."

"I have already eaten into the stomach?" Kaiming beast looked confused.

"Not bad." Li Muyang nodded. He pointed to the belly of the beast and said: "Look, Ssangyong entered the sea, and now the two white dragons are pouring over the sea in your stomach-"

The voice has not fallen, and the tiger's stomach of the open beast suddenly rises high. It is like a small snake that wants to break its belly and rush out of the bondage.

Soon, the belly of the open beast changed a variety of images.

Sometimes it rises in the shape of a column, sometimes it forms a hill, and sometimes it rises like a fan.

"Ah--" Kaiming beast screamed, his pupils swelled, his face pale, his forehead sweating, and he screamed: "What the two dragons are doing? What are they doing in my stomach?"

"Is it good? What do they do, I don't know, maybe, just want to put your belly out of a big hole, then take your crystals out and give it to me-"

"Put them out. Put them out."

Li Muyang looked at the open-minded beast, who was desperately struggling. He said, "Give me the crystal, I will let them out."

"Impossible, Crystal will give you, I will die -"

"Don't give me a crystal, you will die too-" Li Muyang threatened: "Just give me a crystal, it is comfortable to die. Without giving me a crystal, it is the two dragons." Death by laparotomy - you are so smart, should you make a choice?"

"You threaten me - you dare to threaten the guardian of the shrine -"

"What about that?" Li Muyang looked disdainful. "The shrines are almost robbed, how can they threaten a gatekeeper? I want to be a crystal, do you still give it?"

"Do you think that this will force me to come to the end?" Kaiming beasts screamed. It suddenly slammed from the ground and quickly rushed toward the distance.

"I want to escape?" Li Muyang has been staring at the every move of the open beast. Seeing that it wants to flee with two white dragons in the belly, the right hand is raised, and a white grid falls down, all at once. Cover the open beast.

Li Muyang reached out and pulled it, and the open beast was dragged by the power grid to the air.

Li Muyang didn't stop here, but took the rope end of the power grid with one hand, and then slammed the net bag wrapped around the open beast against the tall stone wall of the shrine.


The body of the open beast is on the stone wall.





Li Muyang dragged the open beast into the body, and danced with both hands. Every time he waved his arm, the body of the beast must be slammed against the stone wall or the floor.

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