The Inverted Dragon’s Scale

Chapter 58: , the hero list!

The fifty-eighth chapter, the hero list!

"The sun is still rising, it doesn't matter who is leaving." Li Muyang said to himself.

Li Muyang still rises as early as before, because he is thoughtful and even earlier than before. Woke up at five o'clock in the morning.

Perhaps because of the previous sleep too much, Li Muyang now sleeps less and less, but his energy is getting more and more abundant. It wouldn't be as faint as a teenager for 12 hours, as it used to be.

After Li Muyang got up, he began to practice according to the first stage of his "Broken Body".

Because there is no teacher guidance, I can only think and remember by myself, and then integrate the two----even Li Muyang does not know whether it is correct.

Therefore, he is still very cautious in walking and learning according to the routine taught to the Li Si Nian when the Huang Pao Taoist left.

‘Go’ is the first step, and it is also the foundation of “Broken Body”. Take the hard bones, walk through the tendons, take the breath of the sea, and finally get a break, punch a body.

Of course, this is not a chaotic walk, walking away, but in an orderly manner in accordance with the secrets of the law in the "Breakthrough".

Mood, breathing, thoughts, and law are indispensable.

I thought that Li Si Nian walked every time, walking on the corner of the table or kicking the doorboard several times, a look of a big dream, Li Muyang would be awkward for this millennium school----is really too bad.

Even so, Li Si Nian can practice ‘broken boxing’ over time, which gives Li Muyang a huge blessing of confidence – Li Si Nian can do it. Is he always better than her by three or five thousand times?

In the process of walking, I also remember the first sentence of the corpus "the gas dantian, collapse in the moment", and began to effectively carry out the true gas of the whole body in the Dantian gas sea.

This accumulation made Li Muyang a big jump. Every hair, every muscle, every bone, and every air in the sea flowed continuously into Dantian, almost to support Dantian. Boiled in general.

It's hard to imagine how his thin body would hide such a big force.

Li Muyang was shocked and quickly stopped this dangerous act.

Even if he stopped walking, Li Muyang still felt the burning pain in Dantian. It's like a burnt red burnt coke.

Li Muyang’s forehead was sweating, his face was red and his heart beat faster.

He ran to lie in bed, rested for a while and felt a lot more comfortable, and the feeling of discomfort gradually disappeared.

It was still early, and Li Muyang did not dare to go any more, so he decided to write a brush for a while.

Li Muyang's brush writing is getting better and better, so he is happy to make it better. It's like a person's side face is very good, he is licking his neck every time he talks to people.

When Li Muyang was practicing on the table, the door of the room was slammed into the door.

Li Muyang didn't need to go back and knew that Li Siyan was coming. Others opened their doors with their hands. Only Li Siyan opened the door with his feet or with his arms-----she didn't feel pain?

Li Si Nian saw that he did not attract the attention of Li Muyang when he appeared so vigorously. He shouted: "Li Muyang, you are going to hurry, today is the day when the school is on the list----"

Li Muyang had to stop the movements on his hands, put the brush on the edge of the Dianchi Lake, got up and stretched his muscles, and looked at the little blushing Li Siyan asked: "What are you worried about? Isn't the time still early?"

"Where is it early?" Li Sitian was anxious. "There are two hours to be on the list. When the heroes are crowded with people in front of us, we just want to squeeze in and it is impossible----"

Li Muyang grinned and said: "Those who see the completion of the performance will naturally spread. Can they still stay in front of the list for the rest of their lives? Then we will wait until they finish reading."

"You guy-----" Li Siyan can't wait to rush to give his brother a few punches and say: "Why don't you know this person at all? Who doesn't want to see the results first And scores? I heard that if you can occupy the top three of the list, the school will have a lot of rewards."

"I never thought about the top three in the list." Li Muyang shook his head and said: "I just want to go to Xifeng University."

"-------" Li Si Nian will be mad by his brother, and said: "My good brother, if you can not occupy the top three of the list, how can you go to Xifeng University? Xifeng University is the best institution of the empire, and it is also the first choice for every model student to compete for the exam. When entering the west wind, there will be a good future---------Western Wind University recruited several schools in our school last year? People? Even if you recruit more than one this year, then you have to enter the top three.----"

"So?" Hearing Li Siyan said, Li Muyang was a little nervous and said: "Let's go see it after breakfast."


Li Muyang washed some, just sat at the table and just ate a steamed bun. The millet porridge was too hot to eat two. He was already sitting next to him and waited impatiently. Li Siyan pulled up and ran towards the school.

"Let's eat a little more-----" Luo Qi shouted behind him.

"Don't eat." Li Si Nian shouted. "Come back, I want to eat meat."

Luo Qi shook his head and said, "This child, how can you have a little girl?"

Li Yan sipped porridge in a big mouth and said: "At least the looks are quite like a girl."

"You will protect her." Luo Qi did not say with a good breath: "You said, would Lu Jia help?"

Li Yan suddenly had no appetite, put down the porridge bowl and made a stay for a while, saying: "With our understanding of the Lu family, it will not help.----"

"The shepherd is not -----" Luo Qi’s eyes are red, and he said: "Is there any hope?"

"Maybe, the shepherd can test her own good results----" Li Yanyue said that the more guilty, and finally he could not say anything. How is his son's usual performance, he knows better than anyone else. Even if he worked hard in the last month, Cui Jing and Li Si Nian said that he improved quickly, but can this make him admitted to Xifeng University?

"I secretly inquired about the thoughts. I was careful that the girl had already returned to the heavens. It is said that she went to Xifeng University to be a nail----if the shepherd can’t go, they will be completely out of play. How good the girl is--- There is a shepherd who has been thinking about going to Xifeng University. If this time, he must be hit. I am afraid he can’t stand it -----"

"No," Li Yan said firmly. "He is stronger and brave than we imagined. You forgot, one day, he suddenly became ill in the middle of the night, and the whole body is hot like burning. We both are frightened, thinking that he will not persist this time -- - He woke up in confusion, opened his eyes and looked at us, and stretched out and said, Mom, let me take medicine, I don't want to die, I want to live----"

When mentioning this matter, Luo Qi’s tears were more urgent and he said: “I just thought that this child has suffered so much since childhood, and now he has to enjoy a blessing when he grows up – God can’t always be So tortured him?"

Li Yan reached out and held his wife, and he hated his incompetence.

Sure enough, as Li Siian said, the entrance to the school is crowded with people, and the road leading to the front of the heroic platform is so crowded.

The Hero Station is a high platform at the entrance of the school. There are eight steps to stand on the stage, which means that the students are stepping up.

There is a black wall behind the high platform, where every year there will be a list of admissions to major universities. That list is also called the hero list by the students, and the ‘superhero’ can be on the list.

"Classmates, trouble let a let, let a let-----" Li Muyang heartache Li Si Nian, pulling her hand in front of the charge.

"I said that you are sick? Why should I let you?" The classmate who was squeezed in front of him was very dissatisfied. "Do you want to go ahead, don't I want to? Have you had the ability to fly over?"


Li Si Nian and his brother changed each other's position and reached out to pat the shoulder of the classmate. The smile was cute and the voice said sweetly: "Classmates, can you let me go, I want to see my results ----- ”

"I said you-----ah, girl, do you want to go ahead? Is it too crowded in front? You have to pay attention to safety. I just wanted a silly fork to let me make way, and I gave it back." - Come, you stand in front of me, I will help you block the colored wolf from behind-----"

Li Siyan relied on his own value to attack the city and attack the city, and the attack was invincible.

Soon, she took Li Muyang's hand and stood at the front row of the hero station.

"Brother, is there any flower for my makeup?" Li Si Nian scorned his hair and looked in the mirror at the face of Li Muyang. Then he kicked Li Muyang angrily and said: "Please, you have nothing to do with whitening? You are getting whiter now, there is no way to apply makeup with your face----"


"Hey, isn't this a classmate of Li Muyang? You are also looking at the list?" A familiar voice came.

The reason why I am familiar with this voice is because the ridiculous taste in the voice has always made Li Muyang remember deeply.

Wu Man is a student in the next class of Li Muyang.

When Li Muyang passed by them, he insisted on riding the sheep in the thin and weak Li Muyang. He and his friends skipped from the head of Li Muyang, then pointed at the back of Li Muyang and laughed and said, 'Do you think he is not like a pig?'

Li Muyang clenched his fist and broke his white teeth, but did not rush to fight with him.

Because he knows he can't beat him.

In the end, Li Siyan went out and took him down.

"I am." Li Muyang looked at Wu Man's somewhat swollen face and said something.

"I said, the position in front is so nervous---Why should you come here to take the humiliation? If I am, stand at the end of the crowd, or simply stay at home and don't go out----Do you still think Can you go to the hero list?" Wu Man pointed at Li Muyang and said with a smile, it was like seeing a very ridiculous thing.

(PS: Thank you for the reward of the sacred angel beast!)

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