The Inverted Dragon’s Scale

Chapter 54: I am not stupid!

Chapter 54, I am not stupid!

The sun is shining and the youth is flying.

These proud young people rode high horses and walked in the middle of the street. The crowds in the market naturally separated from each other like water.

They are very amiable, as if they are the center of the world and the most human being.

They are embarrassing, but this is not annoying, but it will make people envious of wanting to be one of them.

The young man who speaks is called Chu Yu, a member of the royal family of the West Wind Empire. His father is a leisurely prince who is at home, but the idle prince is still a prince. Therefore, the person in the field is most honored in his identity.

"That is, that high hill is too annoying, the opportunity sister does not smoke him, I want to smoke him ------" A cute goose egg face girl smiled and said. "However, if I pumped it, I would definitely have no chance to embarrass my sister to take such a mighty domineering. I don't care about him in one sentence. If he doesn't look good, he will whip him with a whip.---- Until he is crying, he beg for mercy. ""

"Xiaoxin, this is the difference in temperament----The opportunity is the Empire three moons, you are the Empire three pets, can you extract the same effect?" A stout teenager wearing a green shirt laughed happily. It seems that she likes this little new girl very much, and she looks at her eyes full of joy when she speaks.

"Liu Long, you are a pet, you are a **** horse, big stupid cow---- hate to die." Xiaoxin did not like others to call her pet, very dissatisfied to counterattack.

Although with many people, but Chu's thoughts are all placed on the body of the white girl Lu Qi.

He did not squint, one holding a reins and the other holding a hilt, maintaining a careful posture.

"The opportunity, this time Grandpa's impact on the left phase, is afraid that it is stable?" Chu said with a smile.

When I heard Chu Hao ask this question, everyone around me was quietly waiting to hear some unknown gossip. You must know that all the children present at the bureaucratic house have been heard since childhood and know a little about the current situation. Now the landline and the impact of the left phase is the whole day, and even the special class of the entire Westwind Empire is very concerned about. If Lu Xingkong succeeded in the left phase with the position of the highest leader of the military, then what is the power of the Lujia who has mastered the military and political power?

As a user of various interests, if they can bring back some important news for the family or parents, what is not a great achievement?

"If Han Wang is willing to stand up and recommend it, it is natural to get it." Lu Qi said with a blank expression.

Chu Yu smiled and said: "My father will naturally support Grandpa Lu, but he also has the hardships. Lu Grandpa wants the phase, Cui family is naturally blocked. The most crucial thing is actually the old Song family. Grandpa’s attitude, I don’t know how it happened. He never liked Lu’s grandfather, and even gave him the 'Shaying Eagle'-----an unsophisticated title. Many people said that the old grandfather might I can't hold on for too long, but his attitude is still very important to the royal family. If the royal family attaches importance, then it will show bias. My father's strength is weak and can't affect the emperor's holy judgment."

"Cui Jia blocked, the Song family disgusted, the royal family did not like, you also said that my grandfather's impact on the phase is ten stable? Chu Wei, what is your heart in the end?" The girl in white is sharp, very disdainful.

Chu stunned a little, shrugged his shoulders and said: "Look, I was attacked by the opportunity to catch the mistakes. You must pay attention when you talk to the opportunity. Hard knife us Not afraid, I am afraid that a soft knife will kill people."

Everyone laughed and laughed.

"Forget it, we don't mention the state affairs. Although that kind of thing is not far from us, we are young and weak, and there is no breaking power. Let's talk about the school, the college entrance examination results are coming down, chances, you are Are you sure to go to Xifeng University?"

"Where is there a certain thing in this world?" Lu Chuji thought about it and said, "Where is the Cui family coming back?"

"I heard that Cui carefully reported that it was Xifeng University. It is naturally no problem to use her academic performance. After calculating the time, I am afraid that I will be able to come back within this month? When she returns, we will be there. They are getting more and more lively---" A Jinyi Peiyu teenager said with a flushed face.

"I have heard that Wanxi secretly loves Cui carefully. Now it is really worthwhile to look at it----Look at the excitement of him? Now Cui is not coming back, if you come back, you can still speak." Come on?" Liu Long said with a smile.

"Yes. Cui is careful to come back, we are all busy in the day, Cui is careful whether it is a person or a team combination? Can she be able to stand up to half-city people?" Xiaoxin said very dissatisfied, she It is the Luke machine subway pole brain powder. In the three months of the Empire, her favorite is the cold and cool land, the other two are not in her eyes. "If you like it, play with her later."

Wanxi cried and said: "I just talk about it, not the words you mentioned -----"

Chu Xiao smiled and looked at Lu Qiji and said: "Where are you going, I naturally want to go there too."

With the status of his father Han Wang, the imperial elite school allowed him to choose. Besides, he was originally a generation with great ability. Whether it is literary knowledge or martial arts level, he is the leader of the younger generation of Tiandu. Which school he wants to go to, the school will naturally welcome.

Chu Yu’s words are no different from Lu’s confession.

I will be there when you go there, anyway, I am going to be with you.

"Anything." Lu Qiji swayed, and he glanced back and forth in a free and easy way. He said, "You must come together."

"Okay, okay." The most unsatisfactory Xiaoxin nodded. She is naturally going to be with idols, even if she does not want her to fight hard.

Others smiled slyly and did not explicitly answer the topic of Lu Qi.

Please, they are not fools. Lu Cheji took them as a scorpion to refuse Chu, even if it sounds very euphemistic, but for the injured youth, 'I don't like you' and 'you are a good person. 'What's the difference?

Chu Xiao smiled and took the initiative to say to the surrounding companions: "Everyone, people are more lively."

The atmosphere was harmonious, and everyone laughed and laughed again.




Li Muyang gently knocked on the door of the neighbor next door.


When the courtyard door opened, Zhao Wei stood in the courtyard and looked at the door of Li Muyang. He smiled and asked: "Shepherd, is there anything?"

"Zhao Wei, my mom asked me to send you some snacks, thank you for your last help." When Li Muyang spoke, a box of pastries in his hand was handed over. "I didn't know what would happen in the store if you didn't tell me at home last time. Our family members remember this kind of love, and don't know how to thank you, they brought a box of desserts at home. You eat first, if you are delicious, I will mention more."

Zhao Yu smiled and took it, but pretending to be polite: "Where is shepherd, why are you so polite? We are all neighbors, the old saying goes, the distant relatives are not as good as the neighbors, just raise their hands. If something happens in our family You don't have to help run the errands? Hey, what am I saying? Everyone is fine, good ------ Yes, your mom is nothing?"

"Nothing, we are all very good." Li Muyang said with a smile. "Zhao Wei, what was the name of the uncle who told you to come to the house at the last time? Our family also wants to go to the box to thank others."

"Where do I know people call -------" Zhao Wei suddenly stopped his words, and said with a flustered expression: "Where is there any uncle? I just saw it through the door, so I rushed to your home to inform me - ------"

"Zhao Wei, don't worry, I am not malicious. I really want to thank people. If it wasn't for the uncle's help, wouldn't our family be in a big trouble?" Li Muyang looked like a thick face and looked really There is no hostility. "Zhao Wei, everyone saw the uncle. You tell me. How can you do good things and do not leave a name?"

Zhao Yu looked embarrassed and looked around for a while. He said, "Shepherd, I don’t want to tell you, I really don’t know what his name is. I was working in the store and I walked in. The man in black clothes, he gave me a gold coin, said that your shop has an accident, let me immediately go to your home to inform people to come over -------"

Li Muyang nodded with a smile and said: "He asked you to ask for help. You should inform my father that you are right. - You ran from Shuiliu Street to Hubu Lane, where you will pass my father's work. You Why didn't you go find him?"

"I thought about it at the time. But the man said that let me come to your house to come to you, he told me to let you know ------- I didn't think much, I rushed over--- -----"

"He also said that letting you not tell others is that he told you to come to the house for help, right?"

"He said this ---------" Zhao Wei nodded and said: "Shepherd, how do you know everything?"

Li Muyang pointed to his own head and said in a declarative tone: "Zhao Wei, I am not stupid."


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