The Inverted Dragon’s Scale

Chapter 111: Yan Yanma said!

Chapter 111, Yan Xiangma said!

When Li Muyang opened his eyes, he still felt that his hatred was difficult.

He knew that it was just a fantasy, it was an illusion, it was a nightmare, but everything in that dream was so real and unforgettable.

It is hard for him to forget that the sand thieves wearing black robes are holding up the scene of the infernal purgatory that smashed and killed by the saber. He can hardly forget the thick and serious expression of the big man. He said that I rescued you from the mangrove forest. If you owe your brother a person, don’t let you leave anything else, give me a good life----he is more difficult to release the death of the glorious, and it is difficult to let the sick woman hear that her son went to Jiangnan and screamed miserably. .

What if I give her all the gold coins in my arms? Can I buy the sad despair that she lost her son? Can she get back to her hopes for life and her confidence in tomorrow?

Sadness and coldness, painful into the heart. But so.

That is not a story, it is the life that Li Muyang has experienced.

"Classmate -----" appeared a big face in front of his eyes.

Li Muyang slammed back to God, only to find himself lying on a huge square. The square is covered in smoke, and the clouds are rolling and changing. It looks like the Tiangong Xianchi.

Li Muyang looked around and asked: "Where is this? Who are you? What do you want to test me?"

"Classmate -----" The fat man in the gray suit waved his hand again and said: "Classmate, don't misunderstand. I am not the chief examiner, nor will I test you again. Congratulations to this classmate, you I have successfully passed through the four colors of wine and money, climbing the top of the broken mountain and becoming a freshman at the Starry Academy."

Successfully passed? Climbing the top of the mountain?

Li Muyang seriously thought about it, and he used the profound knowledge of wine culture to conquer the old wine, so he passed the wine smoothly. She gave her life to save Cui carefully, but she was dragged and jumped off the cliff. Is that a success or a failure?

Also being rescued by the caravan, encountering sand thieves, the darts are completely extinguished---- Is this a gas or a financial?

What is the assessment standard? What is the customs clearance standard? Is there a standard answer?

Can it be said that some people at the Starry Academy say that if you pass, you will pass, saying that you have been sent home without you----is it too playful?

Where is the morality of credibility? Where is fairness and justice?

Of course, although Li Muyang has a million questions in his heart, he will never ask for it.

Everyone says that you have passed, do you still have to entangle these things? If they think that your thoughts are not mature, then let you go to the level of rain and thunder, gold, wood, fire and earth. What should I do?

Starry Academy has not yet felt it, but Starcraft’s stupidity has already been deeply understood.

How can you toss your own students?

“Thank you,” said Li Muyang. "This is where?"

"This is the point to be Taiwan." The fat man said with a smile.

"Point to Taiwan? How is it like the army?"

The fat man smirked and said: "The point is that the dragon is strong, and the dragons are the dragons. This is not the ordinary army can be compared."

"Gathering the dragons and dragons?" Li Muyang’s heart was a little cool, and he smiled and asked: "Why do you want to kill the dragon?"

"Then I don't know." The fat man smiled and said: "Who is too long, who knows? But, there must always be a reason. Otherwise, those of us who are strong will not do that. Things-----everyone is very busy, are you saying that?"

"Yes, yes." Li Muyang nodded and said, "If not, who is full and ran to the dragon? Didn't ask his brother how to call it?"

"Don't say this----you are a freshman at the Starry Academy, and later is the most dazzling figure in the whole starry sky. I am a little chores, can't be your big brother-----you call me He An It became."

"He An big brother -----" Li Muyang does not care whether you are a chores or other characters, when the fat man lost, he said, to the Starry Academy to hold more thighs. He just noticed this He's thigh, and it was quite thick---maybe he is a hidden strongman? Maybe this is another step sent by the Starry Academy to assess yourself?

Li Muyang has lost confidence in the products of Starry Sky Academy. Who knows that there is no other level after the wine color and wealth, who knows whether it is in the illusion or in reality----he looked at the surrounding environment and felt This is more like a fantasy than a fantasy.

"Don't don't-----" He An even waved. "Classmates, this is a small kill."

"He's big brother is not polite, I am also born in a poor family, my family is a pastry shop-----I am unfamiliar here, and other students don't like me very much. So, many times, I need a big brother. A lot of care." Li Muyang said sincerely.

This time, he did not lie. Compared with those who came on a hummingbird, he was indeed a 'poor family born.' And those classmates are ashamed and look like they don't like him. A purple-haired girl said that she was waiting for herself at the Starry Academy. A black-haired man said not to let me see you at the Starry Academy. In the face of such school violence, Li Muyang did not know what to do. It’s good. Have an acquaintance take care of yourself, should your life be a little better?

He Anshen thought nodded and said: "The school is not taught to be classless, but because of some special historical reasons, some students' identities are unappealing. But you should not worry about it. Here is the starry sky. College, no matter what their identity is outside, whether he is a son or a prince, here is a place to be reasonable. If you can't help, what can I do, I can help you pass it-----This classmate has a surname ?"

"My surname is Li, the name is shepherd. Li Muyang." Li Muyang said with a smile.

"Shepherd classmates, I will take you to sign the course now, and then take the address. You can take a break and wait for the class of the class." Hearing the words of Li Muyang, He An had a lot of love for Li Muyang.

"Thank you, He An, big brother." Li Muyang said with a smile.

Pointing the platform is too big, Li Muyang did not know how long he had walked in the cloud, and finally stopped at the door of a quaint building hidden in the cloud.

"Come here." He An beckoned at Li Muyang.

He walked in front of the door of a large hall, where there were two busy ash shirts.

“There is a new classmate to report.” He An shouted.

"What is the name of this classmate?" asked an elder who looked like an old man.

"Li Muyang." Li Muyang once again reported his name.

"Li Muyang-----" The elders rummaged in the bamboo plaque in front of them, and they found the name file of Li Muyang. Laughed and said: "Good name. Shepherd classmates come early-----"

“Early?” Li Muyang said, “Is there any other students who have not come yet?”

"Besides you, other students have not come yet." The elders said with a smile.

Li Muyang is overjoyed and thought, isn’t he the first person to take the lead in crossing the wine and wealth? Is it not only the first test of the West Wind Empire, but also the first test of the Starry Academy -----

That is to say, the wood is in the forest, the wind will destroy it. I am so good, and so high-profile, how do other students jealous?

Just like the few rich ladies who met at the foot of the mountain, if they don’t see their wealthy and careless, why are they so embarrassed?

When Li Muyang was thinking about it, the main entrance of the main hall was pushed away again.

"The new classmates came to sign-----this girl should be the first to sign at the Star Watch House?" A thin gray shirt chores led a beautiful girl into the house. The girl has a bright purple long hair, delicate eyebrows and high temperament. It looks like a royal princess who is visiting this.

"Hey, is anyone earlier than us?" The thin chores looked at Li Muyang.

"It’s a little bit early ------" Li Muyang draws a little finger----a small piece above, and quickly explained: "In fact, it is almost coming in. I am not better than her." many."

"Is it you?" Lu Cheji stared fiercely at Li Muyang. She has successfully crossed the wine, color, and wealth. It is the last ‘air’ that has made her spend a lot of time and energy. Even so, she thought that she was the first to come, but I did not expect anyone to grab in front of herself. And that is Li Muyang----this is the so-called narrow road? ”

"It's me." Li Muyang smirked and said: "You said that I have to wait for me at the top of the mountain. I want to let beautiful girls wait for boys, so I will climb up first---- boys and other girls. It is a matter of course."

Li Si Nian said that when you are dating a girl, don't be late, don't let the girl wait for you for a moment, let alone be dissatisfied because you waited for the girl for an hour.

So Li Muyang often waits for Li Siyan to have an hour-------

However, Li Muyang understands what she meant, and she has to be present in advance with the girl. This time is the same.

He thought that he would say that the other party would be happy and the hatred of himself would be reduced.

After all, now he really does not want to avenge others.

Lu Qi’s eyes were murderous and said: “Are you humiliating me?”

"Nothing." Li Muyang repeatedly waved his hand and said: "We are classmates, and students should be in love with each other. Friendship first, competition second----I don't care much about who is the first to climb the summit. What is the difference between the first one and the second one? The old saying is good, who can laugh at the end, who can laugh most beautifully. You are more beautiful than me now----"

"This time you are lucky. After that, you will want to climb to my head again." After listening to Li Muyang's words, Lu Qiji was even more angry. This **** guy turned out to show off in public and see how I can clean you up.

"I didn't think about climbing to your head." Li Muyang was very anxious. How did the girl get back, how to eat hundreds of swords. Talked about the smell of killing and shouting, said: "My good friend Yan Xiangma said, boys did not think about climbing the girl's head, just want to climb to the girl ------- But I think he is not right."


(PS: Thank you for the reward of the song of the bandit brother!

Lao Liu feels that he has written very well. Can the friends give Zhang Yuet? -----Okay, when I didn't say it. . . Don't look at me like that. )

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